Maryland Addictions Director’s Council
Workforce Development Committee
Conference Call Minutes ■ December 2, 2009
Members participating in the call:
Tiffaney Hall, Tamara Rigaud, Tracey Meyers-Preston, Cindy Shaw-Wilson, John Winslow.
*Note: Becky Hogamier attempted unsuccessfullyto call in @ 9 (& 10) am.However, we were able to consult with one-another subsequent to this conference call. She will provide a W. D. update at the Dec. 16th State Drug & Alcohol Abuse Council meeting @ Anchor House in Southern Maryland.
John opened the meeting with a welcome to Tiffaney and Tamara who both joined in on this group for the first time today.
Reviewed progress being made by Mike Bartlinski re: his Higher Education Recruitment Initiative meeting. The meeting was well attended by a wide range of statewide colleges/universities. Consensus of agreement was reached by the participants to move efforts forward to develop marketing strategies that will promoterecruitment into the substance abuse fieldvia higher-education. Efforts are underway to set up a next meeting at DundalkCommunity College in early January.
Gary Fry was unavailable to participate in this call, but had earlier reported that he expected to have information to present to the group at our next conference call meeting re: benefit and salary packages offered by public and private providers within the State and in contiguous states.
Becky will work to identify those personnel policies at local & state levels that pose barriers to timely hiring of staff.
Cindy S.-Wilson is working on the daunting task of identifying acceptable scope of practice guidelines (to include) trainee status, as well as closing the current loophole of trainee’s lack of accountability. Reciprocity has experienced yet another setback due to last minute challenge from the LPC’s association, resulting in a further delay and possible revisions to the language that we had hoped was soon to be finalized.
Carlos Hardy and Cindy S.-Wilson will pursue efforts to bring more recovery folks into the field. Tracey M.-P. will contact Nancy Cohen @ NCADD to further this endeavor, and John will contact Ellarwee Gladsden @ Morgan State U. to learn more of how Morgan U. is recruiting recovering folks into their academic program.
John is to investigate as to what plans may be in the works to develop a state-wide system of clinical supervision training.
The committee will meet again by conference call on Wednesday, January6 at 9:00am.