Logo Management System

Evaluation Report and Proposal

Prepared for

On behalf of

Technoera, India

Table of Contents

Introduction...... 3

Overview...... 3

Scope of Work...... 4

Server side: (Web/Data)...... 4

Client side:...... 4

Introduction...... 3

Overview...... 3

Scope of Work...... 5

Server side: (Web/Data)...... 5

Client side:...... 5

Time Line and implementation...... 5

Proposal Acceptance...... 7


To achieve these objectives Technoera.,INDIA, proposes a Web based customized application. A Web application can be made available over WAN and hosted on the Internet.

We, Technoera, Inc., propose a simple, user friendly web based application using latest Microsoft .NET tools and technologies available today, which aims to implement clients objectives.

The proposed software shall

  • Eliminate need for sending large documents (PDF) via emails
  • Provide common platform for document management
  • Improved management system
  • Hassle free access to information.


The software is being designed and developed as a Web application using Microsoft's latest.NET framework specifically using ASP.NET 3.5, C# & MS SQL as the database, keeping in view future enhancements and scalability.

This Proposal is to confirm our understanding regarding the development of a software application. The proposed application will include the following features:

1.Logo Management System will be Web (Internet) based application usingASP.NETFramework 4.0

2.The application shall be hosted on clients web Servers (web farm) located inINDIA, will be responsible for arranging the resources required for configuration of this website.

3.Provide maintenance screens for the following:



3.3.User Groups

3.4.User Security

3.5.User Roles

3.6.System Configuration

4.Provide interfaces for Logo approval requests

4.1.Logo approval request form

4.2.Email confirmation upon submission of Logo approval request

4.3.Clients individual reviews the Logo approval request

4.4.Clients individual enters comments

4.5.Email notification is sent out to the customer

4.6.Customer reviews the comments and make necessary changes and submit for review

4.7.Clientsindividual reviews the changes and approve if everything looks ok.Otherwise step 4.4 will be repeated.

5.Implement customer based security

5.1.Customer can see only their requests

5.2.Customer cannot change the request once it is approved

5.3.Customer has the ability to apply for Logo approval again

6.Automatic record keeping of Logo approvals for 7 years

6.1.Once the logo request gets approved – the record gets archived and is stored for the period of 7 years.

6.2.Clients User will have the ability to search for any archived logo requests.

7.Record searching based on Certification # or client #

8.Multiple Client users – provides ability to allow client to allow multiple users in their organization to review the documents

8.1.Main customer user will have the ability to create new user accounts

8.2.Main customer user will have the ability to grant the permission to the users to review the documents.More information is required about this process from our Clients.

8.3.Documents cannot be shared between different clients

9.Customer based security model which allows the customers to view only related files

10.Email notification of receipt and any status change during approval process

10.1.Email address will be directly associated with the user.

10.2.Email address will be required during user setup

11.Ability to access the documents from remote locations by Clients employees -- this option will be available since the implementation is web based.

12.Large file submissions – the file transmission size can be configured on the website and Clients individual with Admin rights will be able to change the size limit anytime.

13.Change tracking – keeps track of revisions during approval process

13.1.Each iterationof Logo approval request will be recorded and stored in the database for tracking changes.

13.2.Each iterationof Logo approval request will have access to the package.

13.3.Report can be provided to generate the tracking history for any give customer or client # or Logo request #

14.Maintain guidance instructions for a particular client

14.1.Guidance instructions for any client will be maintained in the database and can be changed / uploaded anytime.

14.2.Option can be provided to include change tracking for this purpose.

15.Assign our clients employee to the client

15.1.Each customer can be assignedanClients individual for assistance.

15.2.Clients will have the ability to change the assigned individual at any given point of time.

16.Alerts for the timelines that are due, overdue etc.

16.1.Alerts will be generated and will be sent to Clients individuals for the requests.

17.Details of Approval – Who, where and reason

17.1.Once the Clients individual approves the Logo request – the Clients individual will be required toeSignthe request including the location and reason for approval/denial of the requests.

18.Lock the record to prevent any further changes after approval

18.1.Once the Logo request is approved any further changes to the request will be prohibited and the information becomes read-only.If the client needs to change anything then in that case a new Logo request must be initiated and will have to go through the entire process.

19.Ability to submit new approval requests

20.Reports will be in HTML. This will give the users additional functionality including enhanced Print options

Note:The points given above is the basis for the preliminary proposal being submitted, any additions, and revisions will affect the estimates.

Scope of Work

Scope of work for Technoera., will be,

Design, Develop, Unit Test and Deploy as per the Functional Specifications, Requirements agreed with Clients.

Provide instructions to configure and deploy the application.

Format for reports will be replicated from existing application.

Hardware with required Operating System and database tools will be in Client’s scope.

Clients Responsibilities:

Clients will need to provide 1-2 business resources that will be responsible to provide answers to the questions that may arise during development.The resources will also be responsible to conduct UAT for the application.

Server side: (Web/Data)

Operating System – Windows 2003 server or higher.

Web Server – IIS 6.0 or above

Database – Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or higher

Client side:

In order to provide proper estimates, Clients will need to provide the browserequirements.

Website will be compatible with Firefox 3.0 or above, IE 7.0 or above, and Google Chrome.

Time Line and implementation.

We atTechnoera., follow an iterative style of development, wherein we repeat each activity till it is completed to our norms, and customer requirements. Total estimated time to implement this project utilizing the following timeline would be approximately ____ hours subject to the following:

The implementation of the project will include the following:

Project acceptance.

Prototype:Upon acceptance of this proposal, work on the prototype will formally begin and is expected to be ready for review to Clients in 2-3 weeks. The prototype will have the screen layouts, but will not include any application logic, database access or output. Upon acceptance of this prototype, application logic coding and development of the system will begin.

Beta Version:The Beta version (release 1.0) of the system will be available for testing within _____ weeks of development.

Final Release.User feedback of the Beta version will lead to refinements and a final release of the application (release 1.1). Estimated time depends on the responsiveness of the feedback.Beta testing should be for at least ____ weeks.

Task / Description / Hours
Analysis & Design / Review and analysis of Logo management System
Web Interface
Database Model
Maintenance Screens
Login Screen
Forgot Password
User Groups
User Security
User Roles
System Configuration
Transaction Screens
Logo approval request form
Logo approval request confirmation
Logo approval search screen
Logo approval search results screen
Logo change tracking screen
Customer based guidance instruction screen
eSignscreen for clients User
Change tracking report
Approval report
Alert application
Development Total
Table design
Stored procedures
Database Total