DATE AMENDED18th June 2015
DATE FOR REVIEW1st January 2017
Title-Community Fundraising Manager
Responsible To-Development Director
Line Management Responsibility:
- Community Fundraisers
- Community Fundraising Assistants
Overall Objectives:
- To oversee and develop Community Fundraising, through effective planning, management and budgeting.
- To achieve annual income targets for Community fundraising.
- To manage Community Fundraisers effectively, in line with Julia’s House line management best practice.
- To ensure that Friends’ Groups are developed and supported to organise Community fundraising on a sustainable basis.
- To develop Julia’s House Community fundraising by ensuring that offers of support from the Dorset Community are positively and effectively handled.
- To pro-actively build relationships with key members of the Community for the purposes of maximising fundraising opportunities.
- To marshal resources so that Julia’s House is effectively represented at events, including attending in person and giving talks and presentations.
- To contribute to developing other donors and other areas of fundraising for Julia’s House as required.
Area of Responsibility / Key Tasks
Reactive Fundraising / Manage the Community Fundraising Team to ensure that groups across Dorset are supported, including, but not exclusively, Friends groups, education groups, service groups, sports groups, religious groups, small businesses, Community individuals and general Community groups.
Manage the team to distribute literature and display materials, as necessary and provide a presence at Community events, including giving a talk if appropriate and provide relevant supporting administration.
Where possible and when deemed appropriate provide support by way of finding sponsorship, attendees and prizes for Community events.
Proactive Fundraising / Develop a strategy for supporter engagement to sections of the Community including Sports Groups, Interest Groups, Community Groups, Education Groups, Small Businesses, Community Individuals and Service Groups to encourage their support for Julia’s House.
Ensure the charity has a presence at shows, fetes and other Community events.
Arrange licences, volunteer resources for collections and similar Community activities.
Management / Line Manage Community Fundraisers and Community Fundraising Assistants effectively in line with Julia’s House management guidelines.
Develop Community Fundraising plans annually, in line with overall Fundraising Strategy, and regularly report to Development Director as requested.
Allocate Community Fundraising staff and Friends’ Group members to fundraising events as appropriate.
Creation of new supporter groups / With the Friends’ Groups Fundraiser roll out a programme of developing new supporter groups by networking withexisting and potential supporters and hosting and promoting public meetings.
Support for existing supporter groups / Ensure that groups are supplied with the publicity materials, literature and merchandise that they need for their events.
Ensure that there is a staff presence at group meetings and events as required.
Ensure that Friends’ Groups are given the opportunity to take ownership of events and relieve staff resources where appropriate.
Representing Julia’s House / Ensure that Julia’s House is represented as appropriate at community events, sometimes attending in person and giving talks and presentations about the work of Julia’s House.Support volunteers to make such presentations.
Achievement of income targets / Agree detailed income and activity targets with the Development Director.
Achieve annual targets giving regular progress reports.
Individuals / Support individuals who raise funds for Julia’s House. Refer to Development Director when individuals may have considerable wealth or influence.
Support for the Fundraising Team / Work as a part of the Fundraising Team, helping with major projects, as and when they arise, sharing information and contacts with colleagues.
Relationships / Liaise with members of Community groups and other individuals within the Community to ensure maximum awareness of Julia’s House and to maintain an awareness of potential fundraising opportunities.
Maintain excellent internal relationships with staff and volunteers within thefundraising team and within other parts of the Julia’s House team.
Health & Safety / Ensure that Julia’s House guidelines are adhered to at all times.
Under line management guidance, regularly update and maintain own knowledge of safety rules, fire drills, and internal security and accident procedures and adhere to these at all times.
Risk assess Community events as appropriate and implement actions arising.
Commitment to Julia’s House Team. / Represent positively the work of Julia’s House.
Contribute positively to good teamwork and uphold team values.
Training & Personal Development. / Actively participate in appraisal system and attend training programmes to assist in personal development.
Participate in Shadowing and other learning opportunities across different Julia’s House teams.
This job description provides the main requirements of the post but is not exclusive. The Board of Julia’s House Trustees reserves the right, after due consideration, to indicate a requirement to develop the services where appropriate.
This post will be evaluated and the post holder appraised at regular intervals, when objectives will be set and monitored.
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