Item #0
Sources Pathways and Loading Workgroup Meeting
December 12th, 2007 10 am – 4 pm
SFEI Downstairs Conference Room
7770 Pardee Lane 1st Floor (See attached map)
10:00 am
Item #0
Welcome and introductions (Lester McKee, SFEI)
-Today’s objectives
10:15 am
Item #1
SPLWG 5-year work plan
-Presentation by Lester McKee and SPL staff, SFEI
-Background: The RMP is developing a new 5-year plan presently with the objective to have a final plan by the end of the first quarter 2008. Many elements of the RMP plan are influenced by Workgroup activities. Therefore, the four workgroups have been asked to develop (or in our case) update their plans so that the information can be fed back into the overall RMP 5-year plan.
-Open discussion and review (WG)
-Desired outcome: Feed back on the draft plan and agree upon the process to follow to complete it.
11: 45 am
Item #2
Scenarios of geomorphic change in SuisunBay: 1867 - 2030
-Presentation by Neil Ganju, USGS Sacramento USGS
-Background: An understanding of sediment processes (sources, grain size, erosion and deposition) in the Bay is a fundamental data need for understanding contaminant process and uptake into the food web. There are a number of existing but often disparate data sets that provide information on various parts of the system but models are needed to put these parts together to help us to ask and answer questions important to the health of the Bay. This work provides a great example of the power of modeling for integration of data. Neil will present a 150 year simulation of sediment loads coming into the Delta, an analysis of future bathymetric change, and describe some of the implications of his work in relation to some key management questions.
-Open discussion (WG)
-Desired outcome: Inform the WG of this now completed work and where is/will be published.
12:30 pm
Lunch provided as long as you arrive at the meeting before 11 am to put in your lunch request.
1:15 pm
Item #3
Sediment and contaminant loads in Zone 4 Line A, Hayward, Year 1
-Presentation Rand Eads (RiverMetrics) and Lester McKee (SFEI)
-Background:In 2000, 2001, and 2002, a series of WG desktop study reports provided a recommended work plan for the SPLWG and recommended that a network of six observation watersheds be developed. The WG revisited priorities during the development of a new 5-year work plan (McKee, 2005) and again recommended further loading studies. A fundamental question is: Are the current estimates of loads to the Bay (based on extrapolation from Guadalupe data (organics) and literature (Hg) valid or are they underestimated? Initiation of the 2nd small tributaries loading study in Z4LA Hayward study help to address this question.
-Open discussion and review (WG)
-Desired outcome: Gain feed back on methods, results, and year 2 data collection.
-Post meeting: WG review of the year-1report
2:00 pm
Update on Journal papers in preparation for Bay PBDEs, Mallard Hg, Guadalupe TMs and Guadalupe Organics
-Updates by Nicole David, Lester McKee, Jon Leatherbarrow, and John Oram, (SFEI)
-Background: In 2006, we began writing a series of papers ready to submit to Journals. The brunt of the work was completed this year prior to May, but generally our work loads during the latter part of the year have slowed down the completion of these nice pieces of work.
-Open discussion (WG)
-Desired outcome: Inform WG of progress, and new timelines.
2:30 pm
Item #5
Mapping update (storm drains and NHD) - this years work and proposed work for 2008
-Updates by Eric Zhang and Lester McKee (SFEI)
-Background: In 1993, WLA, and OMC began developing storm drain maps for the Bay Area. Since that time 13 maps have been completed covering the EastBay from Richmond to San Jose + Livermore and the Peninsular from San Jose to San Francisco. In addition, SFEI attained funding to complete the NHD and become a map data steward for the Bay Area. Our objective is to compile a contiguous base map of stormwater flow paths and watershed boundaries for the Bay area and provide it free of charge on the internet.
-Open discussion (WG)
-Desired outcome: Inform WG of methods, progress, and timelines. Confirm support for continued effort.
3:15 pm
Modeling update - this years efforts and proposed work for 2008
-Presentation by John Oram, Michelle Lent, Mik Lewicki, and Lester McKee (SFEI)
-Background: In 2007, the TRC approved two modeling special studies: GuadalupeRiver model, and Watershed Specific Sediment Loads. The GuadalupeRiver model will be developed using HSPF and be used to (Year 1): 1. Improve measurements of mass loads of Hg and PCBs for the last 5 years when suspended sediment loads have been measured; 2. Extrapolate the data to determine long term average loads for the period of extensive rainfall data collection (1973-present); 3. Determine the proportional sources in the watershed and refine the assumptions of the Guadalupe River Hg TMDL. The watershed specific sediment loads work will be completed using a statistical model and used to:1. Improve our understanding of contaminant distribution and loads and provide a hypothesis on where it might be most appropriate to apply limited BASMAA resources to achieving a mass loading target, a loads avoided target, or a sediment concentration target; 2. Provide input into hypotheses about where we are likely to find the most and least contaminated sediment in storm water conveyances and on the Bay margin;3. Improve inputs into watershed and Bay modeling;4. Provide sediment load estimates for salt pond restoration design; 5. Provide BASMAA with a data set to use to make decisions about where to apply limited resources to make detailed measurements in relation permit requirements.
-Open discussion (WG)
-Desired outcome: Inform WG of methods, available data, and time lines
4:00 pm Adjourn
Attachment: Map of how to get to SFEI
San Francisco Estuary Institute
7770 Pardee Lane, 2nd floor (Note today’s meeting is in our lower conference room on 1st floor)
Phone 510 746 7334 (Front office/ Switch)
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