St. Bernadette’s Class
Autumn Term 2017
Dear Parent,Welcome to Year 3. I hope you have all had a wonderful summer break. This year your child will have many new and exciting experiences to support them with their learning journey. I have detailed some of the things that your child will be working on during the Autumn Term.
Your child will have the opportunity to listen to and discuss a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books. They will use the information they gather to create stories and reference work. The first text we will be sharing is The Egyptian Princess by Shirley Climo. If possible I would encourage you to share this book with your child, it is available to download on the Internet. Your child will also carry out research about a chosen topic, making and organising notes of their findings and finally using this information they will write a non-fiction text that includes all of the language and layout features. In addition we will continue to develop our handwriting, grammar and reading skills.
Place Value We will be finding 10 or 100 more or less than a given number, recognizing the value of each digit in a three digit number (hundreds, tens, ones). We will also compare and order numbers up to 1000.
Number We will add and subtract numbers mentally and in written form, including: a three digit number and ones; a three digit number and tens; a three digit number and hundreds. Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables.
Measurement We will measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m/cm/mm).
In Science this term, the children will be exploring Rocks and Soils, where they will compare and group together different kinds of rocks. They will then go onto describe how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock. They will finally recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. Later in the term, the children will be learning about forces and magnets. Where they will observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others. They will also describe magnets as having two poles and predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other, depending on which poles are facing. They will then use this knowledge and understanding to help them work more scientifically when carrying out investigative work themselves.
In PE, the children will be using skills of coordination in floor movements and patterns, to complete games and activities such as Balloon Balance and Matching Pairs. PE lessons will be on Monday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor). However, please ensure your child has a P.E kit in school every day as we may have to change the days according to the weather. In their PE bags the children should have suitable clothing for outdoor PE such as, tracksuit trousers and jumper.
The children will create simple rhythmic patterns and perform them rhythmically using notation as support. They will continue to extend their understanding of rhythmic patterns and in particular, ostinato (repeated pattern). They will create their own patterns and play them separately and in combination with other patterns. They will learn to identify repeated patterns in different styles of music.
The children will also research Egyptian Music, looking at ancient instruments and how they might have been played and sounded. They will compose their own piece of music.
This term, the children will begin to listen to and respond to familiar spoken words, phrases and sentences; recognise and understand some familiar words and phrases in written form; write some familiar simple words using a model and from memory and talk about the similarities and differences of social conventions between different cultures.
The children will also study different aspects of Ancient Egypt through the medium of French.
After our initial lesson on E-Safety, we will provide your child with a more in-depth knowledge of programming and computer science as well as continuing to develop their skills in internet research and key learning tools. The focus is programming and animation.
Reading Books
Reading books will go home each week. I would encourage you to support your child with their reading through hearing them read as often as possible.Learning Journals
Learning Journals will go home on a Friday evening and I would ask that they are returned the following Wednesday for marking.Spelling Championship
You will receive a copy of the spellings soon. Please support your child in learning them. A good way to learn spellings is by looking at the word then covering it and lastly writing it.
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