North High School
AVID Program Handbook
AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.
North High School AVID Program vision for our students:
1. All students will be accepted to a post-secondary program.
2. Students will be enrolled in a rigorous curriculum.
3. Students will be actively involved in our school and community.
4. The AVID Program will build a strong legacy.
Academic Expectations
We ask that all AVID students take their grades very seriously and strive to get the highest Grade Point Average (GPA) possible. All AVID students are expected to maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average (GPA), throughout their time in the program. Students are also expected to receive no failing grades. Students will be asked to stay on top of all homework and class assignments. If a student receives below a 2.0 GPA or an F in any trimester, it could result in probation or removal from the program. North High also places a strong emphasis on honesty in academics. Cheating and plagiarism will result in restorative and/or disciplinary consequences.
School & Community Rules and Expectations
AVID students are expected to be model students who represent the program, school and community with respect, integrity and class. Students are expected to be appropriate and respectful learners in all school settings and environments. They are to maintain organization, be on time, ask questions, and seek clarification. They are to treat themselves, staff and other students with respect. Failure to maintain high levels of citizenship could result in probation or removal from the program. Any behavioral referral will be an automatic probation. All high-level behavioral referrals could also result in immediate removal from the program.
AVID students should not possess, use, deliver, sell, or distribute any alcohol or controlled substances. Failure to follow this policy will result in referral to chemical health counselor and probation or removal from the program.
Tutorials are one of the most important parts of the AVID classroom. Students will participate in tutorials two days a week. It is the student’s responsibility to come prepared for tutorials each time with his/her tutorial request form (TRF) completed. This is one of the best ways that students can demonstrate their individual determination. The tutorial will be facilitated and graded by tutors. The students are expected to be engaged, ask high level questions, take notes and present as much as possible. Failure to be prepared or engaged in the tutorial process could result in probation or removal from the program.
All AVID students are required to use and maintain a three-ring binder. This is a cornerstone of the program and a major requirement. Failure to maintain an adequate binder could result in probation or removal from the program.
Cornell Notes/Learning Logs
Students are expected to take Cornell notes for all of their classes each day. Cornell notes are expected to have a title, date, left column for questions and main ideas, right column for notes, and most importantly a summary. Students are required to do at least one learning log a week.
Community Service Requirement
All AVID Students are expected to complete a minimum of 5 hours of community service per trimester. 11th graders are required to do 10 hours. 12th graders are required to do 12 hours. This will also count toward their overall AVID grade. The goal in doing a wide variety of community service is that students get exposure to different experiences and build their college resume. The AVID program will connect students to a wide variety of community service opportunities throughout the year.
Mentor/Mentee Requirement
All AVID students will be matched with an adult mentor from the building. The purpose of this relationship is to connect with another adult that is not directly in the AVID classroom to talk about school or personal concerns, check grades and glance at binders. Students are required to meet twice per trimester with their mentor. This will also count toward their overall AVID grade.
After School Activity/Club/Sport Requirement
All AVID students are required to participate in at least one afterschool activity, club or sport. The goal in doing this is to get students involved in their community and get exposure to a wide variety of experiences. Students will also be building their college and scholarship resumes.
Field Trips
Students are required to participate in all field trips, as they are an important part of the AVID curriculum. If a special circumstance comes up, that needs to be worked out at least a week in advance of the field trip with their AVID Elective Teacher. Also, it is very important that students return their AVID field trip permission slips in a timely manner. If a student is failing a class one week before the scheduled field trip they will NOT be allowed to attend. Also, students on AVID probation will NOT be allowed to attend. If a student does not attend the field trip for any reason, a required make up assignment will be assigned.
AVID Probation Process
Students are expected to maintain all of the AVID requirements as noted in the Handbook. Failure to do so will result in that student being placed on AVID probation. The following is an explanation of the process*:
1. Student is given a warning to inform him/her of what needs to be improved.
2. Student is put on probation at four and/or eight week.
Student will also:
a.Receive a probation form explaining the length of and reason for probation which will need to be signed by parent/guardian.
b.Need to complete a Student Plan of Improvement.
3. Student is put on his/her second probation for a specified time period (usually for two weeks, but up to a trimester) to correct the situation. Parents will also be brought into the process at this point. Student will also:
a. receive a probation form explaining the length and reason for probation
b. need to complete a Student Plan of Improvement.
4. Removal from the program.
* Please note that higher-level offenses may result in immediate removal from AVID program.
AVID Family Nights and Celebrations
All AVID students are highly encouraged to participate along with their family members in our AVID Family Nights and Celebrations throughout the year. We will host 2-3, with our big highlight being the AVID Back to School night in the fall. You can get lots of important information for the year and the about AVID at North.
Changing Classes/Schedules
In order to change a class or schedule, students must get the approval of their counselor, AVID Elective Teacher, and the AVID Coordinator.
Questions or Concerns?
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time.
Sara MartinezAVID Coordinator
Casey Holm
9th Grade AVID Elective Teacher
Mary Mielzarek
10th Grade AVID Elective Teacher
Nikki Powers
11th Grade AVID Elective Teacher
Nikki Powers
12th Grade AVID Elective Teacher
Please follow us:
Twitter: @NorthPolarsAVID
All AVID teachers also have links and information on their teacher pages
North High School AVID Contract
Advancement Via Individual Determination
Please follow us on Twitter: @NorthPolarsAVID
Name of Student:______School Year:______
Student goals:
- Academic success in high school/college preparatory classes.
- Successful completion of high school/college eligibility requirements.
- Enrollment in post-secondary program after high school graduation.
Student Responsibilities:
- Maintain satisfactory citizenship and attendance in all classes.
- Maintain the AVID binder contents including, but not limited to, assignment sheets and Cornell notes.
- Complete all homework assignments and commit to a minimum of two hours of homework each night.
- Maintain an average GPA of 2.0 or higher in all classes.
Student Agreement:
I agree to accept enrollment into the AVID elective class, which will offer academic support to me. I want to succeed and I understand I must take individual responsibility for my own success. I understand that in order to give fair consideration to my involvement with the program, I must commit to remaining enrolled in the AVID elective for at least one school year and that I will be allowed to remain in the program only if I meet the student responsibilities outlined above. I also understand that studies show I will be most likely to demonstrate academic improvement if I remain in the program for at least three years.
Student Signature: ______
Support Statement: We agree to support the efforts of this student in meeting the goals outlined above.
AVID Coordinator Signature AVID Elective Teacher Signature
AVID Counselor Signature Site Administrator Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature Preferred form of communication (text, email, phone)