Nitro opens with the usual pyro as Mike Tenay and Bobby Heenan take their places ringside.

TENAY: Fans, welcome to the Greensboro Coliseum here in GreensboroNC. Tonight we have a great show for you including two title matches.

HEENAN: Yeah, Tyrant takes on Kurt Hawk for the WCW Television title and in the main event we have Mr. Creed vs. Scythe vs. Vic “the Stick” Ross for the coveted WCW World Heavyweight title.

TENAY: Plus we have Zeleos and this masked man who has been with him the past few weeks against the Sabbat, Assamite and Tzminsce in a grudge match brought on by the events at Sin.

HEENAN: Zeleos can’t leave well enough alone. He won his match at Sin but he just can’t be satisfied with that.

TENAY: My God Heenan, those two injured his knee.

HEENAN: Yeah right! You’ve seen Zeleos the past few weeks. His knee seems fine to me. Anyway the first match is about to get started.

The scene cuts to the ring and Eric Angle and Saige White are already there. The bell rings and the two lock up in a collar and elbow tie up. Angle whips White to the ropes. White ducks a clothesline and comes off the far ropes. Angle jumps the charging White and the two turn and stare at each other. Again they lock up and White twists Angle’s arm into a hammer lock. Angle reverses out of it and flips White to the mat. Angle drops a knee on White’s head. He goes to the turnbuckle and climbs up. He goes for the moonsault but White rolls and Angle hits nothing but mat. White stands and pulls Angle up. He whips him to the turnbuckle and lays into him with right hands. White sets Angle up on the top and hits a superplex off the top. He rolls over for the cover, but only gets a two count. White goes at Angle again, but Angle puts a thumb in White’s eye. Angle catches a blinded White and hits a vertical suplex. He whips White to the ropes and hits a flying crossbody. Angle floats over for the pin, but he too only gets a two count. Angle sets White up for a DDT, but White raises up and flips Angle throwing him into the referee. White climbs the ropes and starts to fly when Tyrant runs down from the back and pushes White off. Tyrant climbs in and hits a Death bomb on White. Tyrant pulls Angle over White for the cover and leaves just as the ref is reviving. He counts 1,2,3.

Your winner: Eric Angle.

Aftermath: Tyrant is joined at the top of the ramp by Creed and Pain. They slowly make their way to the ring. Angle quickly gets out leaving White to the three nWo members. They begin kicking him viciously when Scythe and Talon run to the ring to make the save. The nWo leaves laughing as Scythe and Talon tend to White.

TENAY: There they go again getting involved in somebody else’s match. These nWo members are nothing but bullies.

HEENAN: Saige White had it coming, Tenay. Don’t you realize when you’re nWo you’re nWo for life?

TENAY: Whatever, Heenan.

Suddenly the scene cuts to the back where we see yet two more nWo members and this time they are attack Cristos Fury as he heads to the catering area. It is the Hellions and they slam Cristos into a wall. Cristos fights back throwing Marcus Hellion across the room through a table. Merrick chop blocks Cristos knee bringing the big man down. Marcus joins and the two kick Cristos. Cristos grabs Merrick’s leg and pulls him down as he stands. Marcus grabs Cristos from behind and whips him into a room. Merrick quickly slams the door and locks it. Marcus drives over a forklift to block the door and two leave laughing as we hear Cristos pounding on the door cursing at the top of his lungs.

The scene cuts to the ring as the nWo’s theme hits the PA. Tyrant walks out to the ring. He climbs in and plays to the boos of the crowd. Suddenly the music changes and Kurt Hawk comes running out. He climbs in and looks toward the back. He whispers to the ref who shakes his head. Tyrant attacks, even before the bell. He knocks Kurt down with a series of double axe handles to his back. Tyrantlocks in a head lock but Kurt fights back and dropkicks Tyrant into the corner. Tyrant chops Kurt hard and throws him off. Kurt climbs back and hits a few punches before Tyrant throws him off again. Kurt hits a cross body block from the top after ducking a Tyrant clothesline. Kurt gets a quick two count but Tyrant throws him off. Tyrant regains control with strong blows. He then picks Kurt up over his head and drops him on the ropes. Tyrant works on Kurt bending him like a pretzel in the corner ofthe ring using the ring post. Back in the ring Tyrant hits a sidewalk slam and he starts to work on the back of Kurt. Tyrant picks Kurt up in a bearhug.Kurt is trying to fight back but Tyrant drops him right on his back. Kurt goes for an elbow, misses and then fights with chops and punches to Tyrant. Kurt gets whipped but gets a boot up. He drop toe holds Tyrant onto the ropes and runs at him with the knee. Tyrant however hits a big boot and climbs the ropes but Kurt hits a springboard dropkick and Tyrant is stuck sitting on the top turnbuckle. Kurt climbs up to fight Tyrant but Tyrant shoves him down. Tyrant waits and jumps for the clothesline but Kurt gets a dropkick to his mid section. Both men are down as the ref counts. Tyrant is up first.
Tyrant goes for the Death Bomb but Kurt slides out and clips Tyrant's knee. Kurt goes for ropes but once again Tyrant shoves him off. Tyrant goes for the big boot but gets his foot hung up in the corner. Kurt takes out the other knee and once again climbs the turnbuckle. This time he hits a spinning DDT on Tyrant. He floats over for the cover but Tyrant gets his foot on the ropes. Tyrant stands and pushes Kurt down hard.
Kurt fights back, but Tyrant pulls him down as he gets him in a rollup with the tights for two. Kurt hits a spinning heel kick and climbs the ropes. He flies and hits the Bird of Prey. He covers Tyrant and the ref counts, however the ref is out of position and he does not see Tyrant’s foot on the ropes. He counts the three count.

Your winner and still WCW Television champion: Kurt Hawk.

Aftermath: After the match the Hellions and Creed all come to the ring protesting the decision. They finally beat down the referee until the other officials come out and force them to the back.

HEENAN: Did you see that, Tenay? Kurt stole that match!

TENAY: It’s nothing worse than what those guys have done week in and week out.

The lights go out and the eerie music hits the PA as Assamite and Tzminsce walk to the ring. They climb in and wait. The lights come back up and Zeleos and the masked man are standing behind the Sabbat. Assamite and Tzminsce turn into right hands by Zeleos and the masked man. They bounce back up and Zeleos and the masked man spring off the ropes and hit double clotheslines on the two. The Sabbat both roll out of the ring and stare up at Zeleos and his partner. Finally Zeleos and Assamite start things off. They lock up and Assamite whips Zeleos to the corner. He charges and hits a shoulderblock. He climbs the ropes and lays into Zeleos with the 10 punches however on the eighth punch Zeleos grabs him and hits an atomic drop. Tzminsce comes in and hits a clothesline on Zeleos knocking him over the top rope. The masked man hits Tzminsce from behind with a dropkick sending him over also. The masked man picks Assamite up and hits a sidewalk slam. Zeleos and Tzminsce begin trading punches on the outside. Suddenly the masked man looks at Zeleos and nods. Zeleos goes under the ring and comes out with two of the baseball bats wrapped in barbed wire. He throws one to the masked man and he swings it hard hitting Assamite in the midsection. The ref immediately calls for the bell as Zeleos takes out Tzminsce with the bat.

Your winners as a result of a disqualification: The Sabbat

Aftermath: Zeleos and the masked man continue to beat down the Sabbat members. Zeleos rolls a now bloody Tzminsce into the ring and he and the masked man set the two men up and go after their knees with the bats. Suddenly Rev. Shade comes to the ring along with Brandon Marx. They pull Assamite and Tzminsce out as Zeleos and the masked man stand in the ring. Zeleos grabs a mic.

ZELEOS: You see boys, you two do not know the meaning of the word vicious. We didn’t care about winning this match tonight. We just wanted to beat the living hell out of you two and I guess mission accomplished. I got something else to tell you two. We ain’t done yet. You two better be watching your back every time you step foot in any arena.

As for my partner here, I guess it’s time I introduce him to you all. See, I went to Jake Wade shortly after Sin and asked for a few things. Now most everybody here knows Jake and me don’t see eye to eye about a most things. Hell, we have tried to hurt each other more times than not, but in the end Jake realized I’m good for this company and what’s good for this company is good for him so he decided to give me what I wanted. First off, I wanted you two losers in a match which as you can see he granted me. Then I asked for a partner. Now I know I could have gone and got Scythe or even your brother Tziminsce, but I wanted someone special. I wanted someone who could give a beating as good as me and there was really only one man for the job. I asked Wade to help me get him here and he did it. So without further adieu, let me introduce you all to my mystery partner and the toughest son of a bitch alive!

Suddenly the masked man rips off the mask revealing none other than the Nitro GM himself, Jake Wade. Zeleos hands him the mic and he speaks.

JAKE: Surprised huh? Hell so was I when Zeleos asked me to help him. But seeing as how he’s finally dropped this freak gimmick he had I felt I could let bygones be bygones, plus ever since I retired I been iching for another fight and who better to beat the sh#t out of than two freaks. Now I know a lot of you people are thrilled I’m in the ring again, but don’t get your hopes up. This is a one time thing only. I just had to get that rush one more time. Sorry it had to come at ya’lls expense boys, but you had it coming. Now if you don’t mind, I’m gonna go open a bottle of Jack Daniels and watch the main event. He looks at Zeleos and the two shake hands and leave the ring.

TENAY: I would have never in a million years seen that coming! Jake Wade and Zeleos on the same side of a fight can only mean the world’s coming to an end.

HEENAN: I know he’s the boss but Wade should have stayed out of this. He belongs behind the desk not in the ring.

TENAY: Fans stay tuned after this commercial break for the World title match.

The lights go out and the nWo’s theme once again hits the PA. Creed comes to the ring accompanied by Tyrant and James Pain. Creed climbs in as Pain and Tyrant take their places ringside. The music changes and we hear Scythe and the Fear Factory’s theme as they come to the ring. Scythe climbs in and he and Creed stare at each other as the nWo exchanges words with Saige White. As this is happening “The Zoo” comes on the PA and the champ, Vic Ross heads to the ring followed by Sinister Inc. Vic climbs in and takes off the belt and hands it to the ref. The bell rings and Creed and Scythe immediately go at each other as Vic leans in the corner. Scythe and Creed exchange punches before Creed whips Scythe to the corner. He runs after and Scythe moves. Creed hits the ring post with his shoulder. Scythe dropkicks Creed who goes through the top and middle ropes to the floor. Suddenly Sinister Inc and the Fear Factory are on him. Pain and Tyrant come over to help, but the damage is done. Cristos rolls Creed back in and Scythe drops an elbow. Vic still stands and laughs. Scythe heads towards Vic, but Creed catches his foot and brings him down. Creed grabs Scythe’s foot and twists it into an ankle lock. Scythe grabs the ropes and Creed releases the hold. He pulls Scythe to his feet and throws him over the top rope. The nWo both begin to kick him. Suddenly Pain turns and stops staring at someone seated in the front row. Tyrant continues on Scythe until White and Talon come for the save. Scythe climbs back in the ring as Pain continues to stare at the “fan” ringside. Meanwhile Creed takes Scythe down with a suplex. He turns to Vic and shakes his head. He turns back to Scythe and locks in a reverse chinlock. Scythe slowly gets to his feet and drops to the mat forcing his head into Creed’s face. Scythe rolls over for the pin, but Vic grabs his leg and pulls him off. Now Scythe is up and staring at Vic. He charges at Vic, but Vic quickly moves and Scythe goes outside once again. This time Sinister Inc attacks Scythe. Cristos slams him headfirst into the ringpost busting him open. Kurt hits a dropkick and Scythe falls to the floor. White and Talon both again go at it with Kurt and Cristos. Scythe slowly crawls back in and Creed is once again on him. He lifts Scythe up and hits a body slam. He then sets Scythe up and hits a Pride Killer! Creed goes for the pin, but once again Vic pulls him off. Creed jumps up and is in Vic’s face. Vic just laughs as Creed throws a punch. Vic ducks and throws Creed over the top again. Yet again Kurt and Cristos fall on him. Tyrant comes to make the save as Pain is still staring at the man in the front row. Creed gets up and goes to Pain and grabs his shoulder. Pain turns as Saige White takes both Creed and Pain out with a double clothesline. White kicks Creed and Pain and then rolls Creed back in right into a Death Scythe. Scythe covers as Vic climbs the ropes and flies. Scythe moves and Vic hits an elbow on Creed. Vic then goes for the cover, but Scythe pulls him off. Now Scythe is on top of Vic with several lefts and rights. Scythe lifts Vic and throws him outside. Now Saige White and Talon descend on Vic. Just as quick Kurt and Cristos are there to make the save. Vic rolls back in as Creed and Scythe are once again trading punches. Suddenly outside the ring the fan seated ringside comes over the barrier and he and Pain are going at it. He suplexes Pain over the barrier and the two go fighting through the crowd. Creed sees this from the ring and is distracted enough for Scythe and Vic to both hit a double dropkick to the back of Creed’s head. Scythe then turns and hits an Inzuguri to Vic’s head. Scythe goes for the cover on Vic but Kurt climbs the ropes and hits a Bird of Prey on Scythe. The ref immediately sends Kurt to the back for interfering in the match. As this is happening Vic hits a Corner Pocket Driver on Creed. He goes for the cover, but Creed gets a foot on the bottom rope. Then at the top of the ramp we see Pain and the mystery fan still trading punches. Vic kicks Scythe as he stands and drags Creed to the middle of the ring. He starts to hit another Corner Pocket Driver on Creed, but Scythe takes out his knee with a chop block. Scythe whips Vic to the ropes and catches him in a power slam. Scythe goes for another cover, but Vic kicks out at two. Creed hits another Pride Killer on Scythe. As he covers Talon grabs his leg and pulls him off. The ref sends Talon to the back leaving all three men with only one lumberjack. Suddenly the three men outside are fighting just as the three inside are fighting. Scythe comes off the ropes but Tyrant grabs his leg. Creed hits a victory roll on Vic, but Vic reverses it and grabs the ropes. The ref doesn’t see this makes the count.