Tibetan Reflex TherapyModule 1

Sorensensistem TM by: Lone Sorensen

Instructor-Lone Sorensen

Date: January 78, 2018 Location: 2660 East Medina Road, Tucson, Arizona 85756 USA

16 CEU’s (No Pre-requisite)

The Tibetan Neck & Scalp Reflex therapy is a modern creation by Lone Sorensen, based in more than 34 years’ experience working with micro reflex maps and health’s philosophy from many cultures around the world.

The application of Tibetan Neck and scalp Reflex therapy is very effective for Phantom Limb Pain, hypertension, headache, hysteria, gastric ulcer, insomnia, dementia, cerebrovascular accident, dizziness, numbness, edema, palpitation, visual problems and many other illnesses.

By synthesizing knowledge from various medical systems, Tibetans created an approach to medical science drawn from thousands of years of accumulated empirical knowledge and intuition about the nature of health and illness. Centuries ago, before Buddhism entered Tibet; Tibetans like all ancient people had a significant degree of medical knowledge. According to traditional sources, in the beginning of the 4th century many new ideas regarding medicine began to enter the country. The first influences came from India in the form of what is now called Ayurveda medicine. Around the 7th-8th centuries the Tibetan government began sponsoring conferences where doctors skilled in the medical systems of China, Persia, India and Greece presented and debated their ideas regarding health and the treatment of illness, to find superior abilities in the diagnosis, treatment and understanding of illness.

  • Tibetan Neck & Scalp Reflex therapy.
  • Definition of the physical body in the Neck (front & back) and Scalp/ Micro maps.
  • Theory and demonstration of technique. Protocol for the neck and scalp maps.
  • Theory and Practice for Specific reflexes for symptom relief.
  • Theory about the mirror system of the brain cortex.
  • Practice and supervision

Tibetan Reflex Therapy Module 1

Sorensensistem TMby: Lone Sorensen

Instructor-Lone Sorensen

Date: January 7 & 8, 2018 Location: 2660 East Medina Road, Tucson, Arizona 85756 USA

Deposit Due – July 14, 2017

Balance Due by October 13, 2017

Tibetan Reflex Therapy $450.00/Deposit $200

Early Registration Discount $25, Total $425

Deposit $______

Balance $______


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Home Phone:______Email:______

This form is to be completed for all Sorensensistem.TM reflex therapy courses, complete and mail along with your payment

Makecheck payable to Janice Sullivan 638 E Savannah St Vail, AZ 85641

Hotel: Residence Inn Tucson Airport, 2660 East Medina Road, Tucson Arizona 85756-7137 USA

Room Block: Lone Sorensen Event $89 nightly book at 520-294-5522

If class is cancelled all your payments will be refunded