AHPI Awards for Excellence in Healthcare

23rd February 2015

Application Form

Instructions for Applying

1.  Please read carefully before filling in the form

2.  All columns should be filled, incomplete forms will be rejected.

3.  Please maintain one copy of the form with you for your records.

4.  Applicant Hospital can apply in more than one category.

5.  The annexures should be filled accordingly for each category.

6.  If you have any questions, or require any clarifications, please contact;

AHPI, Tel: 01123379651, Mob:9540859694, email:,

Applicant Information

Name of the Applicant (HCO)______


Name of the CEO/MD/Head of Institution______

Name of the Contact Person______


Type of Speciality______

Number of Beds______

Type of Entity (Please tick) - Private/ Government/ Trust/ Semi-Government

Details of application fee submitted with this form:

DD/Cheque/RTGS No.______

Authorized Signatory______

Pick the Category (HCO can apply in more than one category)

S. No / Category / Requirement / Tick Mark (√)
1. / Patient Friendly Hospital / Hospital would be required to submit response to the criteria which is based on AHPI’s standard on “Patient Friendly Standard”. This will be validated through on-site visit
2. / Green Hospital / Hospital would be required to submit response to the criteria which is based on AHPI’s “Green Standard for HCO”. This will be validated through on-site visit
3. / Quality Beyond Accreditation
(Open to accredited hospitals only) / Quality initiatives leading to institutionalizing of quality culture in improving of clinical & managerial outcomes.
4. / Outstanding Teaching Hospital / Performance to be judged based on:
a. Results of Teaching Programs under MCI/ NBE.
b. Contribution through innovative CMEs.
5. / Nursing Excellence / Excellence in Nursing through Empowerment.
6. / Excellence in Community Engagement / Based on case studies on delivering preventive/curative healthcare services to the community as social welfare activity. The short listed case studies will be validated through on-site visit.
7. / Improving Maternal and Child health / Improving Maternal and Child health (MMR/IMR) in state: Efforts vs Results (open only to State Governments)

Important Note:

Ø  The awards have been designed based on objective criteria.

Ø  The applicant hospitals would be required to submit brief write up, giving response to the various headings in the CRITERIA (Put up in Annexures).

Ø  Hospitals are free to apply for multiple awards.

Ø  The AHPI Award Technical Committee will scrutinise the applications along with the technical write up submitted by the hospitals. The short listed hospitals will be visited by empanelled surveyors for verifying the compliance. Each award will be assessed for 1-manday.

Ø  Findings of the Technical Committee along with the surveyor’s report will be examined by the JURY and finalize the AWARDS. Jury will decide on the number of awards in each category and their decision will be final.

Ø  Last Date for submitting the application along with fee is 16th August 2014

The application form along with award criteria can be also be down loaded from AHPI web site www.ahpi.in or obtained from AHPI secretariat by sending mail to

The awards will be presented in the gala function in the evening on 17th October 2014 during AHPI Annual Conclave being held during 17-18 October 2014 at Marriot Hotel Convention Centre Hyderabad.

Annexure 1

AHPI Awards 2014

Patient Friendly hospital

The primary duty of any hospital is to provide safe, effective, efficient, equitable or affordable, timely, patient oriented quality medical and nursing care. Outpatient visit or inpatient admissions change the world of patients. The interruption to their daily life, significant and frightening medical issues, loss of independence, financial worries and fear haunt the patient.

A patient friendly Hospital would mean that all its staff, aided by formal structure, processes and practices, work towards providing a warm and personal human touch to the care being given to their Patients, their relatives and other visitors to the hospital.

Eligibility criteria for Patient Friendly Hospital Awards / Maximum marks / Total marks
1 / Hospital Website / 10
a. Updated with details of Services, Timings, Doctors, Emergency contacts, Corporate & Insurance affiliations / 5
b. Provision for sending enquiries, giving feedback, fixing appointments / 5
2 / Access to Hospital / 15
a. Ease of entry for Patients, their vehicles & Emergency vehicles / 5
b. Availability of ramp with wheel chairs and stretchers near entrance / 5
c. Earmarked Parking, with attendants for directions & assistance / 5
3 / Reception Area / 15
a. ‘May I Help You’ Counter located prominently with trained staff / 5
b. Help desk dedicatedly for Insurance Patients / 5
c. Waiting area spacious, clean, well lit & ventilated, with all amenities / 5
4 / Patient Safety / 10
a. Established & documented Patient Safety Programme in place. / 5
b. Air quality maintained in critical areas like ICUs & OTs / 5
5 / Patient Feedback / 20
a. Procedure in place for Patients to lodge complaints, make suggestions / 5
b. Internal surveys done regularly covering 10% of Patients / 5
c. Third Party Surveys done regularly by recognised Agencies / 5
d. Procedure in place for protection of patient’s rights and responsibilities. / 5
6 / Social Responsibilities / 15
a. Fire Safety & Environment Protection Regulations complied / 5
b. Defined and implemented Corporate Social Responsibility Program / 5
c. Green initiatives to preserve natural resources undertaken / 5
7 / Other Aspects / 15
a. Attendants provided with amenities for rest, bath, toilets and refreshments / 5
b. Staff regularly trained in soft skills, handling patients / 5
c. Adequate space, ambience and amenities provided for waiting patients in different specialty wards in general and Mother & Child in particular. / 5
Total / 100

AHPI has come out with Patient Friendly Hospital Standard. The criteria for AHPI award is adopted from this standard. The award is intended to promote culture of

being patient centric hospital in all aspects.

Annexure 2


Green Hospital

Hospitals are dedicated to provide safe and affordable healthcare services. Hospital functioning is associated with complex technology. In the process healthcare facility has impact on the external as well as internal environment. There have been serious concerns by the community and the regulatory agencies about the energy conservation and disposal of bio-medical waste. Hospitals all of sudden are faced with the challenge of complying with stringent laws as they have been clubbed in RED category by Central Pollution Control Board in India. AHPI has come out with unique standard on Green hospitals and the award criteria are abreast version of the standard. Such a standard is first of its kind, anywhere in the world. The aim of this AWARD is to promote the best practices to maintain clean environment among the hospitals.

S.No / Eligibility Criteria for Eco-Friendly Hospital / Max Marks / Total Marks
1 / Criteria for E-Friendly / 15
a. Hospital has criteria of the evaluation & acceptance for the environment friendly material usage in the facility. / 5
b. Hospital ensures natural open space for the patients, families and staff of patients. / 5
c. Hospital ensures enough natural light in all parts of the facility i.e. ICUs, Wards etc. / 5
2 / Optimum usage and conservation of water resources / 15
a. Hospital have a plan for water usage for the whole facility which includes measurement, reduction and verification. / 5
b. Hospital have a plan for usage of alternate source of water like capturing rain water, recycling water etc. / 5
c. Hospital have an ongoing educational program for efficient usage and conservation of water for all stake holders (staff, patient, hospital users) / 5
3 / Optimum usage and conservation of energy resources / 15
a. Hospital have a strategy for optimization of energy saving and usage. / 5
b. Hospital have developed a plan for usage of renewable energy self-supply to reduce impact on environment. / 5
c. Hospital have a policy of using energy efficient equipment. / 5
4 / Process for housekeeping and cleaning agents / 5
a. Hospital have defined criteria, process and protocols for selection of cleaning products, mops and wipers including;
-Use of Non-hazardous cleaning agents
-Reduce environmental pollutants
-Reduce VOC emissions inside and outside buildings.
-Protect the cleaning worker. / 5
5 / Management of Waste / 10
a. Hospital have a protocol for receiving, handling, storing and safe disposal of all kinds of waste including recyclables, hazardous, bio medical and e-waste. / 5
b. Hospital comply all bio-medical waste management rule and ensures biological waste is disposed as recommended by national regulations. / 5
6 / Purchase and Procurement / 15
a. hospital ensures that purchase plan include purchase of environment friendly materials which can be reused or recycled as per manufacturers recommendations. / 5
b. Hospital have a purchasing policy that reduce purchase of mercury containing equipment. / 5
c. Hospital have a sustainable food purchasing policies and plan that support human and ecological health. / 5
7 / Indoor and Outdoor Environment Management / 10
a. Hospital demonstrates initiative by maintaining good indoor and outdoor environment and have walkways, greenery, landscaping , waste management, environmental friendly transports etc. / 5
b. Hospital have a plan for maintaining good indoor air quality and lighting and ventilation. / 5
8 / Community and Neighborhood Benefit Program / 5
a. Hospital have developed a communication and educational program integrating safe environment practices and impact of same on human health and surrounding community etc. for awareness and education of patients, visitors and the surrounding community. / 5
9 / Outcome Requirement / 10
a. Hospital have indicators to optimize usage of energy and water through energy audit. / 5
b. Hospital have indicators to measure the waste generation as per the category (hazardous, recyclable, bio-medical, e-waste etc) through waste audit / 5
Total / 100

Annexure 3

AHPI Awards 2014

Quality beyond Accreditation

This award-“Quality Beyond Accreditation’, has been instituted for Organizations that are already accredited. Accreditation is framework for quality governance, where continual improvement is norm and quality culture is institutionalized. Such Organizations use quality as an integral part of organizational core strategy and strive to continuously improve their performance and outcomes by setting higher benchmarks on continuous basis. The award aims to motivate accredited hospitals to leverage the accreditation to be role model in delivering of effective and efficient healthcare services.

S.No. / Requirements / Yes / Partly / No
1. / Organization has identified list of key indicators to monitor the clinical structures, processes and outcomes and which are used as tools for continual improvement. Periodic report is generated with these indicators and reviewed by the Top Management. There is objective evidence that corrective actions are taken and implemented. / 20
2. / Organization has identified key indicators to monitor the managerial structures, processes and outcomes, which are used as tools for continual improvement. Periodic report is generated with these indicators and reviewed by Top Management. There is objective evidence that corrective actions are taken and implemented. / 20
3. / Clinical audits are conducted by all specialties on periodic basis to monitor and improve quality of nursing and complete patient care as per the registry provided by the accreditation agency. / 10
4. / Use of ICT for leveraging in improvement and sustaining delivery of quality care (Such as quality dashboards, alerts and alarms)? / 10
5. / Use of data analytics/statistical and management tools,such as 7-QC tools,5-S, FMEA,LEAN Health, Six Sigma etc. to improve and sustain delivery of quality care. / 10
6. / Organization follows patient centric approach. Patient satisfaction is measured using objective means and fed back in to system with demonstrable improvement. / 10
7. / Initiatives to foster quality culture such as, team building, effective communication and other good HRM practices. Employee satisfaction is measured and acted upon. / 10
8. / Quote some examples where your Organization has achieved excellence and can serve as a benchmark to other Organizations in that area of service. / 10
Total / 100

Annexure 4



Teaching Institutes are the backbone of healthcare sector .Medical education lays the foundation of careers of care providers. It is the time when care providers understand and learn not only the principles and practice of medical skills but also the medical ethics and etiquettes. Teaching hospitals also are engaged in delivery of healthcare services and conduct medical research .In recognition of the multiple roles played by teaching Hospitals i.e. (a) educating and training of medical professionals and (b) providing patient care, AHPI has constituted an award for ‘Best Teaching Hospital’ based on following criteria;

S.No / Eligibility Criteria for Best Teaching Hospital / Max Marks / Total Marks
1 / Examination results achieved in the MCI/ DNB PG program of the preceding year. / 15
a. Overall andSpecialty vise pass percentage / 5
b. Gold Medal received / 5
c. Other achievements of students (Conferences, Quizzers & Papers) / 5
2 / Faculty Performance / 15
a. No. of Faculty as examiners / 5
b. No. of Faculty as inspectors / 5
c. No. of Faculty in appraisals / 5
3 / Enlist special initiatives started for the practical skill enhancement of students at PG level of education. / 10
4 / Continuing Medical Education (CME) / 15
a. No. of CMEs conducted in past 12 months (July 13- June 14) / 5
b. Specialty vise number of CMEs conducted / 5
c. Number of participants in each CME / 5
5 / Describe the nature and extent of networking efforts with other institutions, aimed at improving the effectiveness in teaching. / 10
6 / Use of simulation & IC technologies in teaching such as virtual autopsies, 3D animated CDs/DVDs, virtual classrooms, tele-conferences etc. / 10
7 / Participation in the National Initiatives with regard to PG training. / 10
8 / No. of Articles published in Indexed/International journals by the faculty / 10
9 / No. of Patents applied for. / 5
Total / 100

Annexure 5

AHPI Awards 2014

Nursing Excellence Award