CRI Northamptonshire

Local Enhanced Service Agreement for Pharmacists for the provision Supervised Consumption

1st April 2015


This local enhanced service agreement for Pharmacists in Northamptonshire is for the provision of supervised consumption, delivered as part of structured treatment delivery, in partnership with CRI Northamptonshire.

This agreement outlines the specialised services that will be provided by pharmacies which will include the provision of supervision of consumption of substitute medication, the exchange of injection equipment, the provision of harm reduction advice, and signposting to specialist services.

This document constitutes the agreement between the pharmacies and CRI and will begin on 1st April 2015 and cease on 31st March 2016 and will be reviewed for 2016/2017 by February 28th 2016

Service Specification

Pharmacies involved in the provision of enhanced services will be expected to provide to drug users in Northamptonshire the following four elements:

1.  Provision of harm reduction advice, information and support to any CRI client or client referred by CRI.

2.  Signpost clients to available local services covering drug services and general health needs.

3.  Supervision of the consumption of prescribed treatments for substance misuse as specified on the prescription

In delivering these four particular enhanced elements, the pharmacies will:

·  Provide advice on harm reduction and safer practices to drug users

·  Increase engagement with local drug treatment services

·  Support clients to access support for general health needs

·  Liaise with CRI Recovery Workers managing client care

·  Reduce leakage of prescribed medication into local communities

·  Optimise compliance with treatment in accordance with intentions of the prescriber.

All pharmacies are signed up to the Local Enhanced Service Agreement will be expected to provide all elements of the enhanced service. Additional elements may be added in the future e.g. hepatitis screening or vaccination.

Description of service to be provided – Basic fundamental elements

1.  The pharmacy will pro-actively offer harm reduction advice to clients (verbally and supported by written information) and will record significant interventions or advice given.

2.  The pharmacy will maintain adequate stocks of advice leaflets and display them for easy access.

3.  The pharmacy will signpost clients proactively into local drug and or alcohol treatment services.

4.  The pharmacy will signpost clients proactively into other healthcare services

5.  The pharmacy will liaise with CRI Recovery Workers managing the care of the client, within the agreed limits of patient confidentiality; and always where risk factors are presenting to clients including notification of missed doses.

6.  The pharmacy will co-operate with any audit of the service by the commissioners to provide evidence that advice and signposting has been offered and to demonstrate quality according to agreed indicators.

7.  The lead pharmacist will advise all staff and colleagues of the need for Hepatitis B vaccination.

Description of service to be provided – Supervised consumption element

1.  The pharmacy will receive instalment prescriptions from the client for inclusion in the dispensing process, having been previously notified by the prescriber of the need for supervised consumption.

2.  The pharmacist will dispense the dose according to the operational protocol provided.

3.  The pharmacist will undertake supervision efficiently and discreetly.

4.  The pharmacist will withhold a dose and seek advice according to protocol.

5.  The pharmacist will maintain records of attendance for each client on a monthly log form and submit this in the approved format.

Requirements for accreditation to provide this service

·  The pharmacy shall be delivering all essential services to an adequate standard.

·  The pharmacy shall have a consulting room available that meets the requirements for Enhanced Services.

·  A copy of certificate of completion of CPPE course “Substance use & misuse 2011” (Booking Reference 39872) must be provided by the lead pharmacist in each site who is responsible for ensuring his/her staff/colleagues are adequately trained to deliver the service at all times.

·  The pharmacy must notify CRI if the accredited pharmacist ceases to work at the pharmacy branch at the end of the month in which this happens. The pharmacy must notify CRI immediately if staff changes result in there being nobody accredited to deliver the service.

·  To remain accredited the pharmacist must submit evidence to demonstrate how they have kept up to date during the past 12 months (e.g. certificate of attendance at relevant course, an appropriate CPD entry, copy of any protocol developed or staff training undertaken).

·  Providers must sign and return the service specification agreeing to offer all 3 elements of service (i.e. needle exchange element and supervised consumption element). Additional elements will be contracted when commissioned.


Supervised Consumption Element

·  Pharmacists will be paid £1.35 for each supervised consumption contact when dispensing Methadone or Physeptone.

Pharmacists will be paid £2.05 for each supervised consumption contact when dispensing Buprenorphine, Subutex or Suboxone.

Claiming for Service Delivered

·  All claims should be submitted by the pharmacy via the Webstar system, which have to be completed monthly and submitted electronically via the Webstar system.

·  The pharmacist will send all monitoring forms to CRI at Spring House, 39 Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5BA at month end.

·  The pharmacy shall also include the total number of contacts to claim via the Webstar system and upload to the system for them submit monthly invoices to CRI. Any queries relating to the claim should be sent to

·  CRI reserves the right to enter any pharmacy practice and obtain access to all appropriate relevant records in order to undertake an audit of the service at any time. The objective of the audit will be to ensure this contract provides value for money to CRI. The audit will check the adequacy of controls, the integrity and reliability of information for billing in the area under review. This is to ensure payment is only made for valid work completed. The scope of the audit does not include checks on the quality of activity. Practices will be given one week’s notice of attendance and will be required to make the necessary records available. Each auditor will have appropriate authority from CRI to carry out this review but will at all times during the auditing process, treat all/any records viewed with confidentiality. Appropriate identification will be provided by each appointed auditor before commencing their review.

Variations to and termination of the agreement

CRI may vary the terms of this agreement or terminate this agreement providing three months’ notice in writing to the pharmacy. The pharmacy may terminate this agreement providing three months’ notice to the PCT.


1.  Hannah Lilford – Pharmacy Lead- Spring House, 39 Billing Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 5BA, 07468 711 525

2.  Please see additional supplement for locality managers contact details


To acknowledge acceptance to the terms of this agreement and to allow arrangements to commence in relation to payment for contact activity, each pharmacy/pharmacy is required to sign a copy of this document.


Signed:……………………………………………….. Dated:……………….

On behalf of CRI


Signed:……………………………………………….. Dated:……………….

On behalf of the pharmacy

Please enter pharmacy details below:

Pharmacy Name: ......

Please confirm bank details for payments:-

Name of Bank …………………………………………

Account Name …………………………………………

Sort Code …………………………………………

Account Number …………………………………………

Pharmacy Stamp

Opening Hours

Pm: / Am:
Pm: / Am:
Pm: / Am:
Pm: / Am:
Pm: / Am:
Pm: / Am:

Drug Misuse Pharmacy Support Service Specification - Supervised Consumption Page 5 of 5 April 2015

Pharmacy Code


Full Postal Address

…………………………………... ……




Telephone Number


Name of Lead Pharmacist


Private Consultation Room Available?

Yes / No *

Delete as applicable

Estimate of Size


Name of Manager


Fax Number


Email address


Registration Number


Drug Misuse Pharmacy Support Service Specification - Supervised Consumption Page 5 of 5 April 2015