/ Questionnaire /

healthcare professionals

GA²LEN[1] is sending this questionnaire in close cooperation with EuroPREVALL[2] to get a better understanding of the needs of health professionals for information on allergic diseases. This will help us to meet their expectations when providing information in the future.

Our first approach is to address health professionals associations directly and evaluate what information is already available and to identify the most important gaps.

How can you benefit from GA²LEN and EuroPREVALL?

Allergic diseases are complex and multiform, their prevalence is dramatically increasing but research findings and their translation to health professionals tend to be slow.

GA²LEN issues guidelines and organizes training. EuroPREVALL project has already produced an internet jump station on food allergy for the public and patients ( and would like to extend it to health professionals.

Why is your response important?

You and your members know best what information you need and which shape it should take. Your input can help us to produce educational material of immediate use to you and your members.

Please return the questionnaire prior to 27 January 2007 to GA²LEN Dissemination by email ( ) or fax (+32 2 647 89 29).

This will only take 10 minutes.

Thank you very much in advance for your help!

Contact: GA²LEN Dissemination office

Tel: +32 2 640 77 80 - Fax: +32 2 647 89 29 -
151 av. Brugmann – 1190 Brussels – Belgium


1 / Is Allergy a recognized specialty in your country? / X YES  NO
2 / If NO, is Allergy a recognized sub-specialty in your country? /  YES  NO
3 / Education background of your members
Are some of your members medical doctors? /
X All  Some  None
4 / If they are medical doctors: /  family practitioners
 allergologists - as main specialty (if applicable)
 allergologists - as sub specialty
X dermatologists
 Immunologists
 occupational medicine
 lung specialists
 internal medicine
 pediatricians
if several of those, please specify the %: ……………………..
5 / If not, please specify their background: /  nurses?
 dieticians?
 psychologists?
 pharmacists?
 school staff?
 others (please specify)……………………………..


6 / Do you receive educational material for your members’ use? /  YES X NO
7 / If YES, from which type of organization, please specify: /  Patient associations  Research academies
 Industry – on products  Industry – not product-linked
 government/authorities  others, specify…………
8 / Has your organization produced its own information on allergic diseases?
If NO go to question 11 / X YES  NO
9 / If YES, on which topic: / Topic / Target audience
For each topic, please specify the target audience addressed:
  1. General public
  2. Allergic children/families/adults?
  3. Food / drug producers?
  4. Catering staff?
  5. School staff, occupational doctors?
  6. Family practitioners?
  7. Nurses?
  8. Pharmacists?
  9. Authorities?
  10. Others (please specify)?
/  primary prevention
 allergic diseases in general
 food allergy
 asthma
 pollen, mites, pets allergy
 contact allergy
 allergic rhinitis
 atopic dermatitis
 anaphylaxis / - 1…………………………..
- ……………………………
- …………………………….
- ……………………………
- …………………………….
- 1 …………………………….
- ……………………………..
- 1 …………………………….
- ……………………………
- …………………………….
10 / If YES, on which support: / X printed material: leaflets, brochures, books…
 DVD, CD….
X webpages
 email alert
 Meetings, workshops, congresses, training sessions
 others, specify ………………………………………………
If you are ready to share your educational material with us, please post it to GA²LEN Dissemination – Av. Brugmann 151 – B- 1190 Brussels or send an electronic version to


11 / Do your members express needs for specific material on allergic diseases? If NO, go to question 13 / X YES  NO
12 / If YES, please specify on which topic /  primary prevention
 food allergy
 pollen, mites, pets allergy
X contact allergy
 allergic rhinitis /  asthma
 atopic dermatitis
 anaphylaxis
 other: …………………………
13 / What kind of material would you like to offer to your members /  printed material (Brochures, leaflets…)
 information by e-mail/internet
X targeted information about new guidelines
 DVD/video/CD
 information on workshops, congresses, training…
9 / Additional comments you want to bring to us?


Zip code & City / LONDON W1T 5HQ / Country / UK
Tel / + 0207 383 0266 / Email
Language(s) / ENGLISH


[1]GA²LEN, the Global Allergy and Asthma European Network, is a Network of Excellence funded by the European Union. It involves 31 partners and around 40 collaborating centres. Their leading research teams address all aspects of allergic diseases, including asthma, with a multidisciplinary approach. It is part of its objectives to accelerate the application of results to clinical practice.

[2]EuroPREVALL, Prevalence, Cost, and Basis of Food Allergy across Europe, is a multidisciplinary integrated project on food allergy funded by the European Union. It involves 54 partners in 20 mostly-European countries. 15 clinical organisations and 6 SMEs as well as the leading allergy research organisations in Europe are part of the project. The project is currently extending to more partners.