Somerset Independent School District
Board Meeting Agenda
July 8, 2014, Regular Monthly Board Meeting,
6:00 P.M.
“We will provide our students with the highest educational learning experience by creating innovative opportunities, effective communication, and leaders who inspire – Everyday, Everyway, No Exceptions!”
I. Call to Order
A. Approve/Amend July 8, 2014, Regular Monthly Board Meeting Agenda
II. Recognitions
A. Somerset High School
2014 National Archery Tournament
Jared Bastin – 5th Grade, Haley Brown – 12th Grade,
Karcyn Brummett – 7th Grade, Catherine Bryant – 7th Grade,
Bree Burkett – 6th Grade, Cassandra Casada – 12th Grade,
Nick Casada – 8th Grade, Katelyn Claunch – 7th Grade,
Heather Denney – 11th Grade, MyKenzie Fisher – 7th Grade,
Lindsey Gregory – 9th Grade, Jimmie Hafley – 8th Grade,
Brian Hines – 6th Grade, Jeremiah Jones – 11th Grade,
Terri Jones – 12th Grade, Calder Lawless – 8th Grade,
Natasha Lukens – 10th Grade, Kaitlyn Merritt – 12th Grade,
Aidan Montgomery – 8th Grade, Corey Reliford – 10th Grade,
Katieann Spillman – 7th Grade, Brianna Sullivan – 7th Grade,
Hunter Wilson – 7th Grade
III. Communications
A. Science Space Experiment presented by Amanda Marion, Somerset High School Science Teacher
B. April 2014, Approved SBDM Minutes
1. Hopkins Elementary School
2. Meece Middle School
3. Somerset High School
C. Citizens and Delegations
IV. Superintendent’s Report
A. Employments
B. Retirements/Resignations/Dismissals
V. Treasurer’s Report
A. Financial Statement, and June 2014, Balances
B. Current Bills, Construction Vendor Listing
VI. Consent Items
A. Board meeting minutes for June 2014
1. June 10, 2014, Regular Monthly Board Meeting
B. Approve Use-of-Facility Request
1. American Heart Association and Penny Gabbard are requesting to use the Somerset High School Soccer Field, Somerset High School Gymnasium Restrooms, and tables and chairs for their Annual Heart Walk on September 27, 2014, beginning at 6:00 A.M. and ending at 1:00 P.M., pending proper Certificate of Liability from the insurance carrier
VII. New Business
A. Approve Change Order #5 in the Amount of $6,294.41 for Hopkins Elementary School Renovation Phase II
B. Approve Bid Process for Renovation of the Somerset High School Football and Track Press Box
C. Approve 2014-2015 Comprehensive District Improvement Plan Assurances
D. Approve 2014-2015 Employing of Emergency Certified Substitute Teachers
E. Approve 2014-2015 Free/Reduced Price Information Disclosure Statement
F. Approve 2014-2015 Code of Conduct Handbook
G. Approve/Award 2014-2015 Contracts
1. Vending/Snack Machine
2. Pizza Delivery
3. Drug Testing for Students and Employees
H. Approve Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Lake Cumberland Head Start
I. Approve 2014-2015 Student Teacher Agreements
1. Eastern Kentucky University
2. Midway College
J. Approve License Agreement with LRG Prep, LLC for Royalty Distribution
K. Approve Southeast/South-Central Co-op Membership
L. Approve Out-of-State Travel Requests
1. Gwynne Baker, Somerset High School Teacher, July 20, 2014, through August 1, 2014, to Dayton, Ohio to attend Project Lead the Way
Introduction to Engineering Design
2. Jordyn Bray, Somerset High School Senior, and Tamsen Ryan, Family Resource Youth Service Center Coordinator, July 20, 2014, through July 24, 2014, to Orlando, Florida to attend the Community Anti-Drug Coalition of America’s 2014 Mid-Year Training Institute
VIII. Adjourn