Strategic Action Plan 2010-13
ECU Values:
ECU’s Athletics Department adheres to the established “enduring values” outlined in ECU Tomorrow: A Vision for Leadership and Service (2007), ECU’s long-range strategic plan and is aligned to the Strategic Action Plan, 2010-13 and its corresponding Key Performance Indicators that advance our Mission.
ECU’s values are outlined below:
· Respect;
· Authenticity;
· Accountability;
· Teamwork; and
· Commitment to Serve.
ECU Mission:
To serve as a national model for public service and regional transformation by:
· Preparing our students to compete and succeed in the global economy and multicultural society,
· Distinguishing ourselves by the ability to train and prepare leaders,
· Creating a strong, sustainable future for eastern North Carolina through education, research, innovation, investment, and outreach,
· Saving lives, curing diseases, and positively transforming health and health care, and
· Providing cultural enrichment and powerful inspiration as we work to sustain and improve quality of life.
Approved by the UNC Board of Governors - November 13, 2009
Key Strategic Planning Principles:
Several key planning principles were established to develop this strategic plan:
· Support for student success throughout the continuum of their college learning experience;
· Adherence to ECU Tomorrow: A Vision for Leadership and Service, 2007 and the ECU Strategic Action Plan, 2010-13;
· Support for effective leadership and professional development;
· Purposeful decision-making, moving towards clearly defined goals and measurable objectives;
· A commitment to institutional effectiveness; and,
· Allocation of resources to ensure attainment of established priorities.
GOAL 1: Provide accurate information to media outlets in a timely and efficient manner.
GOAL 2: Increase Pirate Club support, brand awareness and customer service functions.
GOAL 3: Provide reliable, compliant and timely business activities.
GOAL 4: Educate, monitor and verify NCAA rules compliance.
GOAL 5: Provide medical information, training and services for student athletes.
GOAL 6: Provide quality facilities for practice and game competitions.
Goal 1:
Provide accurate information to media outlets in a timely and efficient manner.
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, media packets are delivered on or ahead of schedule.
Ø Measure: Packets delivered on time
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, increase the number of social media hits by 10 percent.
Ø Measure: Baseline data collected 2010-2011
Goal 2:
Increase Pirate Club support, brand awareness and customer service functions.
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, increase amount of unrestricted contributions by 10 percent.
Ø Measure: Baseline data collected 2010-2011
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, event attendees report satisfaction or high satisfaction with Pirate Club events.
Ø Measure: Data collected from donor surveys
Goal 3:
Provide reliable, compliant and timely business activities.
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, 95% of unit department quarterly budget reports are received ahead of or on schedule.
Ø Measure: Business office records
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, 90% compliant with state budget guidelines for deposits.
Ø Measure: Business office records
Goal 4:
Educate, monitor and verify NCAA rules compliance.
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, 90% of staff and coaches attend scheduled compliance and rules education programming.
Ø Measure: Attendance at scheduled programming
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, full implementation of compliance software system for all sports.
Ø Measure: Compliance office records
Goal 5:
Provide medical information, training and services for student athletes.
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, 100% of student-athletes receive pre-participation physical exams in accordance with NCAA by-laws.
Ø Measure: Physical exam forms completion
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, a minimum of one Licensed Athletic Trainer present at 100% of home games.
Ø Measure: Master schedule review
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, 100% of student athletes will participate in an assessment of physical characteristics related to performance.
Ø Measure: Performance testing records
Goal 6:
Provide quality facilities for practice and game competitions.
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, 90% of facilities meet NC and university standards and codes.
Ø Measure: Facility inspections and maintenance records
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, events 90% staffed to ensure proper coverage.
Ø Measure: Master schedule review
Athletics Strategic Action Plan 10/24/11 4 | Page