(Completion rate: 100.0%)
Name of Person Supported
The 29 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.
1. Do you think it's important to Volunteer or get a Job in your community?
Response / Chart / Percentage / CountYes / 90.0% / 27
No / 0.0% / 0
I don't know / 0.0% / 0
Comments: / 20.0% / 6
Total Responses / 30
1. Do you think it's important to Volunteer or get a Job in your community? (Comments:)
# / Response1. / I'd like to get a job at Dairy Queen
2. / Sometimes
3. / It's good to volunteer and make some extra money
4. / Chose to not pariticipcate in survey
5. / Declined to participate
6. / "I do job"
2. Are you currently employed, volunteering or actively seeking employment or volunteer opportinities in the community?
Response / Chart / Percentage / CountYes / 90.0% / 27
No / 10.0% / 3
Total Responses / 30
If the answer above is "No", can you tell us the reason?
health problems
3. Will you be looking for employment or volunteer opportunities in the future?
Response / Chart / Percentage / CountYes / 73.3% / 22
No / 26.7% / 8
Total Responses / 30
If the answer above is "No", can you tell us the reason?
The 4 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.
4. Did SACL Staff assist you to determine what you would enjoy doing for employment or as a volunteer?
Response / Chart / Percentage / CountYes / 76.7% / 23
Somewhat / 3.3% / 1
No / 10.0% / 3
Comments: / 13.3% / 4
Total Responses / 30
4. Did SACL Staff assist you to determine what you would enjoy doing for employment or as a volunteer? (Comments:)
# / Response1. / I was thinking shuswap theatre acting
4. / I think so, Lindsay does
5. Do you feel that SACL Staff helped you to get volunteer or employment opportunities that matched your interests and skills?
Response / Chart / Percentage / CountYes / 80.0% / 24
Somewhat / 0.0% / 0
No / 3.3% / 1
Comments: / 16.7% / 5
Total Responses / 30
5. Do you feel that SACL Staff helped you to get volunteer or employment opportunities that matched your interests and skills? (Comments:)
# / Response1. / Dont know yet
4. / i dont know
5. / no answer
6. Did/Does SACL Staff help you with gaining the new skills to work towards what you would like to do?
Response / Chart / Percentage / CountYes / 80.0% / 24
Somewhat / 0.0% / 0
No / 0.0% / 0
Comments: / 20.0% / 6
Total Responses / 30
6. Did/Does SACL Staff help you with gaining the new skills to work towards what you would like to do? (Comments:)
# / Response1. / Not yet
3. / Not sure
5. / what do you mean about a new skill
6. / no answer
6. Do you feel that you have learned any new skills since attending SACL Employment Services?
Response / Chart / Percentage / CountYes / 76.7% / 23
Somewhat / 3.3% / 1
No / 6.7% / 2
Comments: / 16.7% / 5
Total Responses / 30
6. Do you feel that you have learned any new skills since attending SACL Employment Services? (Comments:)
# / Response1. / I learned how to wrap burlap around trees
3. / Dont think so
5. / no answer
7. Does SACL Staff help you to understand what's expected of you for any/each employment or volunteer position?
Response / Chart / Percentage / CountYes / 86.7% / 26
Somewhat / 3.3% / 1
No / 0.0% / 0
Comments: / 13.3% / 4
Total Responses / 30
7. Does SACL Staff help you to understand what's expected of you for any/each employment or volunteer position? (Comments:)
# / Response1.
3. / customer service
4. / no answer
8. Do you get all the help you need to understand your job or volunteer position from SACL Staff?
Response / Chart / Percentage / CountYes / 83.3% / 25
Somewhat / 0.0% / 0
No / 0.0% / 0
Comments: / 16.7% / 5
Total Responses / 30
8. Do you get all the help you need to understand your job or volunteer position from SACL Staff? (Comments:)
# / Response1. / Not employed yet
3. / Not working
5. / no answer
9. Do you know who to contact at SACL when you need help?
Response / Chart / Percentage / CountYes / 73.3% / 22
Sometimes / 0.0% / 0
No / 0.0% / 0
Comments: / 30.0% / 9
Total Responses / 30
9. Do you know who to contact at SACL when you need help? (Comments:)
# / Response1. / "It's you. . .or Michelle"
4. / Lindsay
5. / mostly been told its joanne i mostly need to talk to
6. / I guess it's joanne
7. / Joanne
8. / no answer
9. / my workers
10. Do you feel safe at the place where you work or volunteer?
Response / Chart / Percentage / CountYes / 80.0% / 24
Somewhat / 0.0% / 0
No / 0.0% / 0
Comments: / 20.0% / 6
Total Responses / 30
10. Do you feel safe at the place where you work or volunteer? (Comments:)
# / Response1. / Not employed yet
3. / Not working
5. / Not Working
6. / no answer
11. Do you feel that the people you work with respect you?
Response / Chart / Percentage / CountYes / 73.3% / 22
Somewhat / 6.7% / 2
No / 0.0% / 0
Comments: / 23.3% / 7
Total Responses / 30
11. Do you feel that the people you work with respect you? (Comments:)
# / Response1.
2. / Not working
4. / Not Working
5. / think so
6. / no answer
7. / "uhmmmmmmmmmmmm...."
12. Do you have any suggestions or comments that would help make your Employment or Volunteer experience better?
The 30 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.
Name of Person Supported |
# / Response1. / Janice Hildebrandt
2. / Rocky Dekker
3. / Robert Almas
4. / James Spada
5. / Trevor Bergen
6. / Joel Taggart
7. / Chris Leclair
8. / Mandy Adams
9. / Kathleen Nelson
10. / Valancy Dagneau
11. / Dennis Paul
12. / Julia Lutteman
13. / Ellen Zilkie
14. / Brian Erickson
15. / Lauren Paulsen
16. / Tyson Pineault
17. / Adam Holman
18. / Thomas Mayr
19. / Jessica Benson
20. / Carina Chu
21. / Diane Saint
22. / Dave Adams
23. / Derek Krivak
24. / Nick Anchioski
25. / Patty Hartman
26. / Brad Mcdonald
27. / Marc Gould
28. / Gary Ness
29. / Julia Luttman
If the answer above is "No", can you tell us the reason? |
# / Response1. / 'shrugged' " I work at the thrift store"
2. / Have good hours at Grassfed Dairy and is content
3. / Dont need a job right now. If something comes up, I would be interested in taking it on.
4. / not sure
12. Do you have any suggestions or comments that would help make your Employment or Volunteer experience better? |
# / Response1. / "Make it better so I can be happy. Be nicer to everyone"
2. / Better wage when working, minimun wage is to low!
3. / I don't know yet
4. / I would like to learn how to be in the shuswap theatre plays and to learn how to be a violin player.
5. / No
6. / Dont think so
7. / N/A
8. / Not at the moment
9. / No
10. / No
11. / No
12. / NO
13. / Nope.
14. / Enjoyed seeing the christmas cards that went to the employers. Would like to see thank you cards not attached to a specific holiday.
15. / Nothing at this time.
16. / no
17. / No.
18. / over the times im going to the thrift store and the food bank im only able to get $100 over one of the places which is the food bank, id like to get $100 from both places I'm working at.
19. / no comment
20. / "good, yep"
21. / no
22. / no
23. / no comment
24. / yes i do
25. / yeah
26. / i don't know what it is
27. / No we're good (thumbs up)
28. / no, happy with services
29. / no comment
30. / It's enjoyable already