about Keewaytinook Okimakanak, the Kuhkenah Network (K-Net)
and associated broadband applications
Updated November, 2009
The purpose of this document is to provide readers with a list of the publications related to the development and operation of the Kuhkenah Network (K-Net) and the associated applications that utilize and sustain the network. Also included are links to several comprehensive photo and video collections that are available online and that help tell the K-Net story.
Everyone is invited to assist in the ongoing development of this document by sending any references that should be included to Brian Beaton () so they can be added, corrected and updated. This “living document” will be maintained at http://knet.ca/documents/Online-KNet-reference-material-links.doc
1. Photo galleries
Some of the key photo galleries include:
· http://photos.knet.ca is the archive of photo galleries collected by the K-Net team as they traveled to and worked with the First Nations in the development of the network
· http://media.knet.ca/photos and http://media.knet.ca/gallery are current collections of photo galleries where K-Net posts images of travels and network developments
· http://tech.knet.ca/photos documents the construction, network installations and set-ups in the partner communities
· Partner community web sites contain very special photo collections that tell the community’s stories. For example, the photo collection on the Sandy Lake First Nation site at http://sandylake.firstnation.ca/gallery contains “Photos from the Past” along with “Traditions and Ceremonies”. Other partner First Nations homepages can be found at http://communities.knet.ca
2. Online videos and multimedia presentations
Online videos are being used more and more to tell the different parts of the K-Net story. Many of these can be found on the http://media.knet.ca site but there are other locations throughout the K-Net web portal (http://knet.ca) that contain various video collections that support the sharing of information about the communities and the development of K-Net. One such archive can be found within the Smart Communities link at http://smart.knet.ca/smart2002/practices.html.
DVD - video production “Turning the Corner – Using Broadband Effectively in Canada’s North”. The content of the DVD is available on-line at …
KIHS information video mms://streaming.knet.ca/KiHS/KiHS_300k.wmv
Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telehealth (KOTH) information video mms://streaming.knet.ca/telehealth/TH-Evaluation_300k.wmv
DVD video entitled "The K-Net Story... Weaving the Networked Economy in Kuhkenah First Nation Communities" …
Introduction 13:04 - mms://streaming.knet.ca/fednor/intro_300k.wmv
Economic Development 2:36 - mms://streaming.knet.ca/fednor/economic_300k.wmv
Partnerships 9:51 - mms://streaming.knet.ca/fednor/partnerships_300k.wmv
Building the Network 2:36 - mms://streaming.knet.ca/fednor/network_300k.wmv
Education 5:58 - mms://streaming.knet.ca/fednor/education_300k.wmv
Health 3:29 - mms://streaming.knet.ca/fednor/health_300k.wmv
Visions for the Future 3:10 - mms://streaming.knet.ca/fednor/future_visions_300k.wmv
Research on ICT with Aboriginal Communities - Report of the founding meeting of the Research on ICT with Aboriginal Communities (Network)
(RICTA) (March 2005) – http://knet.ca/documents/RICTA-MeetingReport-March2005.pdf and video at mms://streaming.knet.ca/RICTA/RICTA_300k.wmv
On-line Multi-Media Presentation …
* Series of Case Studies produced for the Institute for Connectivity in the Americas (ICA) entitled “Harnessing ICTs: A Canadian First Nations’ Experience” (December 2003) – http://smart.knet.ca/kuhkenah_flash.html
– contains the PDF files along with video footage for five case studies including:
* Executive Summary – http://smart.knet.ca/flash/eng/pdf/summary.pdf
* Introduction to K-Net – http://smart.knet.ca/flash/eng/pdf/introduction.pdf
* K-Net Network Development - http://smart.knet.ca/flash/eng/pdf/network.pdf
* K-Net Case Study on Economic Development - http://smart.knet.ca/flash/eng/pdf/economic.pdf
* K-Net Case Study on Health - http://smart.knet.ca/flash/eng/pdf/health.pdf
* K-Net Case Study on Education - http://smart.knet.ca/flash/eng/pdf/education.pdf
* The Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telehealth implementation process and summary of lessons learned and emerging best practices in delivering telehealth services – the use of secure videoconferencing to improve and enhance access to clinical and health education and training services – in isolated First Nations (2005) http://www.telemedicine.knet.ca/files/report/index.html
- Thecritical role thatthe Community Telehealth Coordinators (CTCs) perform in the development and delivery of community-based telehealth is captured in a17 minute DVDvideo. http://www.telemedicine.knet.ca/?q=node/678
- A flash presentation / animation providing you with a digital tour of a community telehealth station. http://telehealth.knet.ca/oldsite/telehealth_flash.html
* Traditional land use multi-media presentations
- Fort Severn First Nation elders and youth travel their traditional territory, documenting their stories and conducting traditional practices. http://fortsevern.firstnation.ca/washaho/
- Traditional Lifestyles video collection - http://media.knet.ca/taxonomy/term/21
3. Publications
This collection of K-Net related articles and publications highlights those available online. The collection presents a portion of the material that has been produced to share the K-Net story. Countless presentations, workshops and meetings are also documented on the K-Net web portal, usually captured in the KNEWS – http://knews.knet.ca stories or in one of the application sites.
This collection is in alphabetical order by author, with publications being added as they are produced. As the different ICT supported applications develop, so do the different reports, evaluations and publications that capture their stories. Everyone is encouraged to visit the different web sites off the K-Net portal to learn about the stories that are continuously unfolding in each of the different service areas that are now supported by the Kuhkenah Network.
Beaton, B. (2004) “The K-Net Story: Community ICT Development Work”. Journal of Community Informatics 1(1) http://knet.ca/documents/CI-Journal-KNet-Beaton-Sept04.doc
Carpenter, P. (2009); The Kuhkenah Network (K-Net): A First Nations Digital Broadband Highway Connecting Communities, Service Providers and Researchers in Partnership with Public, Private and Not-for-Profit Groups. Paper presented at the Aboriginal Policy Research Conference (APRC 2009), Ottawa, March 9-12, to be published in INAC APRC publication, 2009. http://knet.ca/documents/KO-KNET-APR-Vol6-Chapter8.pdf
Ferreira, George A., (2006, Doctoral Thesis, University of Guelph) Participatory Video for Policy Development in Remote Aboriginal Communities http://knet.ca/documents/George-Ferreira-THESIS-Aug2006.pdf
Ferreira, G., Ramirez, R., Walmark, B. (2004) Connectivity in Canada’s Far North: Participatory Evaluation in Ontario’s Aboriginal Communities. Measuring the Information Society: What, How, for Whom and What? Workshop, September, Brighton, U.K. http://www.asis.org/Chapters/europe/news/FERREIRA%20RAMIREZ.pdf
Fiddler, J. (2004) "Walking the talk: Connecting remote Indigenous communities globally". CIRN 2004 Conference and Colloquium, October, Prato, Italy
Fiddler, M. (1997) Travelling the winter roads of CMC: A college course for isolated learners via computer BBS. Presented at the Second Annual Teaching in the Community Colleges Online Conference. http://leahi.kcc.hawaii.edu/org/tcc-conf/pres/fiddler.html
Fiser, Adam (2009, Doctoral Thesis, University of Toronto); The Kuhkenah broadband governance model: How social enterprise shaped internet services to accommodate indigenous community ownership in Northwestern Ontario, Canada (circa 1997 to 2007) http://knet.ca/documents/Fiser_Adam_P_PhD_thesis_K-NetServicesedition.pdf
Fiser, A & Clement, A. (2009) K-Net and Canadian Aboriginal Communities, IEEE Technology and Society v. 28 n. 2 Summer: 23- 33; http://knet.ca/documents/knet&CanadainAboriginalCommunities.PDF
Fiser, A., Clement, A., & Walmark, B. (2006) The K-Net development process: A Model for First Nations broadband community networks (Working paper No. 2006-12): CRACIN. Telecommunications Policy Review Conference (TPRC) September 23 to 25, 2005, held at George Mason University School of Law in Arlington, Va. http://knet.ca/documents/knet-Development-Process-TPRC-Sept05.pdf
Fiser, A. (2004) "ICTs for Education In Ontario First Nations". CIRN 2004 Conference and Colloquium, September, Prato, Italy http://knet.ca/documents/FiserCIRN04DC.doc
Fiser, A. (2004) A history of policy change - Backgrounder on the First Nations schoolNet RMO transition. Working Paper Draft 2.0 for Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute. Toronto: University of Toronto, Faculty of Information Studies.
Gibson, K., Kakepetum-Schultz, T., Coulson, H., O’Donnell, S. (2009) Telemental Health for Remote and Rural First Nations: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Ways Forward. National Aboriginal Health Organisation (NAHO) Conference. Ottawa, November 24-27. http://knet.ca/documents/NAHO-KOTM-NRC-Nov09.pdf
Gibson, K., Simms, D., O'Donnell, S., & Molyneaux, H. (2009) Clinicians’ Attitudes toward the Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Mental Health Services in Remote and Rural Areas. Canadian Society of Telehealth Conference (CST 2009), Vancouver, BC, October 3-6. http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/file.php/16/Publications/2009-Gibson_et_al_CST-final.pdf
Gratton, M-F., O'Donnell, S. (2009) Integrating New Media into Communication Research: Multi-site Videoconferencing for Focus Groups with Remote First Nation Community Members. Presented at the Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference (CCA 2009), Carleton University, Ottawa, May. http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/file.php/16/Publications/CCA2009_Gratton_ODonnell.pdf
Grossman, Ruth (2008) Impact of Technology Change on Issue Areas Relevant to Connectivity in Remote and Indigenous Communities: a literature review; Prepared for the CCIRDT (Centre for Community Informatics Research Development and Training) and NICSN (Northern Indigenous Community Satellite Network), September http://knet.ca/documents/Literature-Review-Impact-of-Technology-Change-on-Issue-Areas-Sept08.pdf
Grossman, Ruth (2008) Impact of Technology Change on Issue Areas Relevant to Connectivity in Remote and Indigenous Communities: EXTENDED BIBLIOGRAPHY; prepared for the CCIRDT (Centre for Community Informatics Research Development and Training) and NICSN (Northern Indigenous Community Satellite Network) http://knet.ca/documents/Extended-Bibliography-Impact=of-Technology-Change-in-Remote-and-Indigenous-Communities-Sept08.pdf
Gurstein, Michael (2007) What is Community Informatics and Why Does it Matter, Polimetrica, Rome, 2007 (pp. 52-54) http://www.docstoc.com/docs/14297418/WHAT-IS-COMMUNITY-INFORMATICS-(AND-WHY-DOES-IT-MATTER)
Hancock, B-R., and O'Donnell, S. (2009) New Media and Self-Determination: Publicly Made and Accessible Video and Remote and Rural First Nation Communities. Presented at the Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference (CCA 2009), Carleton University, Ottawa, May. http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/file.php/16/Publications/CCA09-Hancock-ODonnell.pdf
Jansen, Hans, Bentley, G., (2004) Ontario’s Far North Study: Broadband Best Practices and Benefits in Fort Severn First Nation. March. Funded by Connect Ontario and Industry Canada BRAND. http://knet.ca/documents/ON-far-north-study-Broadband-Best-Practices-Benefits-Fort-Severn.pdf
KOTM (2009). Excellence in First Nations Telemedicine Workshop, Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telemedicine, Sioux Lookout, Canada, March 23-26 2009. http://telemedicine.knet.ca/?q=node/1136
KO (2006). KOTH NORTH Network Expansion Project: Final Report. Balmertown, Canada: Keewaytinook Okimakanak. http://www.telemedicine.knet.ca/files/report/index.html
Kakepetum, Geordi (2005); Position Paper: Turning the Corner with First Nations Telehealth; Journal of Community Informatics, Vol 1, No 3 http://ci-journal.net/index.php/ciej/article/view/260/216
Kakepetum, G. (2005) Open letter to Prime Minister Paul Martin: Broadband connectivity in Aboriginal communities. Journal of Community Informatics. 1(2)
Keewaytinook Okimakanak (KO) (2005) Position Paper: Turning the Corner with First Nations Telehealth, Prepared by John Rowlandson & Associates. Thunder Bay: KO Telehealth. http://knet.ca/documents/KOTelehealth-Position-Paper-May2005.pdf
Kuhkenah Network of Smart First Nations Demonstration Project (2005) Project # 478789 - Final Report for the Project as of March 31, 2005. In completion of Industry Canada’s Smart Communities Demonstration Project (April 2001 - March 31, 2005) - Submitted August 2005. http://knet.ca/documents/knet-Smart-Final-Report-Aug05.pdf
Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute (KORI) (2005) C-Band Public Benefit - Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Kuhkenah Satellite Network work 2001-2005 - Summative Overview - Assisting Remote Communities Across Canada to Access & Use C-Band Public Benefit. March 28 http://knet.ca/documents/05-03-29-Summative-Overview-C-Band-Public-Benefit-KNet1.pdf
Kuhkenah SMART First Nations Project Final Evaluation Report 2001-2004 (2004) November - Prepared by the TeleCommons Development Group - http://knet.ca/documents/Final-Evaluation-Nov20-04.pdf
KO (2002) Evaluation of the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Tele-psychiatry Pilot Project Report, Balmertown, Canada: Keewaytinook Okimakanak.
McKelvey, F., O'Donnell, S. (2009) Multi-site Videoconferencing as a Public Sphere in First Nation Communities: A Case Study. International Communication Association Annual Conference (ICA 2009), Chicago, May. http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/file.php/16/Publications/2009-ICA-McKelvey-ODonnell.pdf
Milliken, M., O'Donnell, S. (2009) Communication in Place: Videoconferencing for First Nation Community Development. Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference (CCA 2009), Carleton University, Ottawa, May. http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/file.php/16/Publications/CCA09-Milliken-ODonnell.pdf
Molyneaux, H., O'Donnell, S. (2009) ICT and Health and Wellness in Remote and Rural First Nations Communities: A Social Determinants of Health Perspective. Canadian Society of Telehealth Conference (CST 2009), Vancouver, BC, October 3-6. http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/file.php/16/Publications/2009-Molyneaux-O_Donnell-CST-Final_2_.pdf
O'Donnell, S., Kenny, C., Walmark, B. (2005), Report From the Field: The RICTA Meeting Video, Journal of Community Informatics, Vol 1, No 3; http://ci-journal.net/index.php/ciej/article/view/259/214
O’Donnell, S., Perley, S., Walmark, B., Burton, K., Beaton, B., and Sark, A. (2009) Community Based Broadband Organizations and Video Communications for Remote and Rural First Nations in Canada. In Stillman, L., Johanson, G., and French, R., editors, Communities in Action. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 107-119. http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/file.php/16/Publications/2009-ODonnell_Perley_Walmark_et_al.pdf
O'Donnell, S., Walmark, B. and Hancock, B-R. (2009) Communicating Visually: Videoconferencing and Remote and Rural First Nations. Paper presented at the Aboriginal Policy Research Conference (APRC 2009), Ottawa, March 9-12, to be published in INAC APRC publication (Oct 2009). http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/file.php/16/Publications/2009-APRC-ODonnell-final.pdf
O'Donnell, S., Perley, S., Simms, D., Hancock, B-R. (2009) Video Communication Roadblocks Facing Remote Indigenous Communities. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine. 28 (2) Summer. pp 16-22. http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/file.php/16/Publications/2009-June-Video_Communication_Roadblocks.pdf
O'Donnell, S., Beaton, B., & McKelvey, F. (2008) Videoconferencing and Sustainable Development for Remote and Rural First Nations in Canada. Proceedings of the Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN 08) Conference, Prato, Italy, October. http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/file.php/16/Publications/CIRN-2008-Videoconferencing_and_sustainable_development.pdf
O'Donnell, S. and Kakepetum-Schultz, T. (2008) Videoconferencing Connects Remote Communities. Sagatay. April-May. http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/file.php/16/Publications/2008-April-VideoCom.pdf
O’Donnell, S., Perley, S., and Simms, D. (2008) Challenges for Video Communications in Remote and Rural Communities. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (IEEE ISTAS 08). Fredericton, June 2008.
O'Donnell, S., Perley, S., Walmark, B., Burton, K., Beaton, B., & Sark, A. (2007) Community-based Broadband Organizations and Video Communications for Remote and Rural First Nations in Canada. Proceedings of the Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN 2007). Prato, Italy, November. http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/file.php/16/Publications/2007-November-VideoCom.pdf
Pardhan, Aliya (2006, Masters Thesis, University of Guelph) Exploring Key Stakeholder Perspectives for a Collaborative First Nation Research Protocol http://knet.ca/documents/Aliya-Pardhan-Masters-Thesis-Effective-Health-Research-with-First-Nations.pdf
Perley, S. (2008) Representation and Participation of First Nations Women in Online Videos. International Communication Association Annual Conference (ICA 2008), Montreal, May. http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/file.php/16/Publications/2008-May-VideoCom.pdf
Perley, S., & O'Donnell, S. (2006) Broadband video communication research in First Nation communities. Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference. York U., Toronto. http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/file.php/16/Publications/2006-Perley-ODonnell-CCA.pdf
Potter, D. (2009) Collaborative Research Development: Studying Digital Education with Remote Aboriginal Communities. Paper presented at the Aboriginal Policy Research Conference (APRC 2009), Ottawa, March. http://knet.ca/documents/KO-KNET-APR-Vol6-Chapter8.pdf
Ramírez, R., Aitkin, H., Kora, G. & Richardson, D. (2003) Community engagement, performance measurement and sustainability: Experiences from Canadian community based networks. Journal of the Community Development Society. http://knet.ca/documents/Journal-Development-Communication-Ricardo-Aug2003.pdf
Ramírez, R. (2003) Bridging disciplines: The natural resource management kaleidoscope for understanding ICTs. Journal of Development Communication 14 (1): 51-64. http://knet.ca/documents/Journal-Development-Communication-Ricardo-Aug2003.pdf
Ramírez, R. (2002) Review of best practices in sustainability and performance measurement by Canadian community based electronic networks, for Industry Canada. http://smartcommunities.ic.gc.ca/best/bp-pm-intro_e.asp
Ramirez, Ricardo (2000, Doctoral Thesis, University of Guelph) Rural and Remote Communities Harnessing Information and Communication Technology for Community Development (with a lot of references to K-Net and ICTs in rural and remote communities) http://knet.ca/documents/Ricardo-Ramirez-PhD-Thesis-Oct2000.PDF
Ramirez, R., Aitkin, H., Jamieson, R., & Richardson, D. (2004) Harnessing ICTs: A Canadian First Nations experience. K-Net case study on health. Ottawa: IDRC/ICA. http://smart.knet.ca/flash/eng/pdf/health.pdf
Ramírez, R. and Richardson, D. (2000) PACTS for rural and remote Ontario: Research Report Year 1 and Case Studies. Partnerships, Accessibility, Connectivity Transformation Strategies. School of Rural Extension Studies, University of Guelph. www.uoguelph.ca/~res/pacts
Richardson, D., Ramírez, R. and Haq, M. (2000) Grameen Telecom's Village Phone Programme: A Multi-Media Case Study. Canadian International Development Agency. http://www.telecommons.com/villagephone/index.html