HB 1 / 2-18-11 / Authorizes the Governor to form a nonprofit corporation (JobsOhio) that would perform such state economic development functions as directed by law and pursuant to a contract with the Department of Development, and to make an appropriation. / Amends sections 1.60, 102.01, 102.02, 102.022, 117.01, 121.01, 121.22, 121.41, 121.60, 121.67, 122.011, 124.01, 145.012, 149.011, 2921.01, and 4117.01 -- Enacts sections 187.01 to 187.12
HB 123 / 4-25-11 / Bureau of Workers Compensation budget.
HB 124 / 4-25-11 / Industrial Commission budget.
HB 93 / 5-20-11 / Among other provisions - provides that certain county employees when separating from county service as a result of a transfer of the assets of a county hospital are not entitled to unused vacation leave from the county when the employee accepts employment with the acquiring entity and the entity assumes the unused vacation leave accrued to the employee's credit, and to declare an emergency. / Amends section 325.19
HB 114 / 6-29-11 / Transportation and Public Safety budget. / CLIP 3-1-11
CLIP 3-17-11
HB 153 / 6-30-11 / Biennial budget. / CLIP 4-7-11
CLIP 4-7-11
CLIP 4-7-11
CLIP 4-12-11
CLIP 4-14-11
CLIP 5-4-11
CLIP 5-18-11
CLIP 5-20-11
CLIP 5-20-11
CLIP 6-2-11
CLIP 6-15-11
CLIP 6-17-11
CLIP 8-15-11
SHR 6-1-12
HB 95 / 9-9-11 / Permits certain rate-calculation adjustments for natural gas companies, alters public notice requirements for rate cases, and, for natural gas companies, to makes other regulatory changes concerning audits, alternative rate plans, and forecast reports, and allows applications for natural gas company capital expenditure programs. / Amends sections 4903.083, 4905.302, 4909.05, 4909.06, 4909.07, 4909.08, 4909.15, 4909.156, 4909.17, 4909.18, 4909.19, 4928.18, 4929.05, 4929.051, 4929.11, and 4935.04 -- Enacts sections 4909.191 and 4929.111
SB 71 / 9-15-11 / Authorizes a property tax exemption for municipally owned facilities housing independent professional minor league baseball teams. / Amends section 5709.081
HB 319 / 9-16-11 / Establishes Congressional district boundaries for the state based on the 2010 decennial census of Ohio, to require boards of elections to notify electors of their new districts and new precincts for the 2012 primary election, and to make an appropriation. / Enacts new section 3521.01 -- Repeals section 3521.01 -- Amends Section 247.10 of Am. Sub. H.B. 153 of the 129th General Assembly
HB 5 / 9-23-11 / Requires the Ohio Judicial Conference periodically to adjust the dollar amounts specified in the general exemption statute, to provide consolidated references to Revised Code sections that establish costs and fees, other than attorney fees, in the courts of record of this state, to remove the provision specifying that an investigator appointed by the Auditor of State does not have the power and authority to carry a concealed weapon, to modify the penalties for certain offenses relating to the operation of motor vehicles, and to allow for a certificate of judgment to collect a financial reimbursement sanction in certain cases, the modification of a community control sanction, the substitution of a community control sanction for non-mandatory jail days, and the modification of a community service sentence by substituting a contribution to the local entity that funds the court. / Amends sections 117.091, 2329.66, 2901.02, 2929.18, 2929.24, 2929.25, 2929.27, 2929.28, 2951.02, 4507.02, 4507.164, 4507.35, 4510.036, 4510.037, 4510.11, 4510.12, 4510.14, 4510.16, 4510.161, 4510.21, 4510.22, 4510.41, 4511.19, 4511.203, 4549.02, 4549.021, and 4549.03 -- Enacts sections 2746.01, 2746.02, 2746.03, 2746.04, 2746.05, 2746.06, 2746.07, 2746.08, 2746.09, and 4510.111
HB 22 / 9-23-11 / Amends provisions regarding the liability of owners of certain animals that are running at large. / Amends sections 951.02, 951.10, 951.11, 951.12, 951.13, 951.99, and 971.18 -- Repeals section 951.01
HB 128 / 9-23-11 / Revises the requirements for staffing ambulances and the priorities for distributing grants for emergency medical services, and to specify additional titles to be used by emergency medical service personnel; and extends until December 15, 2015, a moratorium on issuing fireworks manufacturer and wholesaler licenses. / Amends sections 505.44, 505.84, 3743.75, 4765.07, 4765.43, and 4766.03 -- Enacts sections 505.441 and 4765.011 -- Repeals section 4765.431
HB 86 / 9-30-11 / Criminal sentencing reform. / SHR 6-15-12
HB 92 / 9-30-11 / Allows an adult to be adopted if the adult is the child of the spouse of the adoption petitioner, is totally or permanently disabled, had established a kinship caregiver relationship with the petitioner, or was in a planned permanent living arrangement with a public children services or private child placing agency, and the adult consents to the adoption and to extend to a grandparent's spouse the exemption from certain adoptive placement requirements. / Amends sections 3107.02 and 5103.16
SB 120 / 9-30-11 / Makes clear that the prosecuting attorney of a county is the legal adviser of all tax-supported public libraries. / Amends section 309.09
HB 188 / 10-17-11 / Establishes the Ohio Constitutional Modernization Commission. / Enacts sections 103.61, 103.62, 103.63, 103.64, 103.65, 103.66, and 103.67
HB 229 / 10-17-11 / Revises the laws governing agriculture. / Amends sections 121.04, 121.09, 307.204, 505.266, 901.08, 901.43, 903.02, 907.11, 923.41, 923.52, 924.52, 941.02, 941.041, 941.14, 942.02, 943.03, 943.031, 943.04, 943.05, 943.16, 953.23, 955.35, 959.14, 1711.50, 1711.51, 1711.57, 3717.22, and 4707.11 -- Enacts sections 923.411 and 3769.0811
HB 277 / 10-17-11 / Makes changes to the Casino Law, to make changes to skill-based amusement machine prizes, and to permit a horse-racing permit holder who is eligible to become a video lottery sales agent to apply to the State Racing Commission to move its track to another location, and to permit, under certain circumstances for two years, applications to conduct horse-racing meetings at locations where the meetings were not previously conducted. / Amends sections 2915.01, 3772.01, 3772.11, 3772,15, 3772.23, 3772.27, 3772.31, 5751.01, and 5753.01 -- Enacts section 3772.34
SB 187 / 10-27-11 / Among other provisions - establishes maximum wheel and axle load limits for vehicles subject to vehicle weight allowances, and declares an emergency. / Amends sections 5577.042, and 5577.043
HB 224 / 10-27-11 / Revises the law governing uniformed services and overseas voters, to specify that voters who provide a Social Security Number for election purposes only are required to provide the last four digits of that number, to revise the process for casting provisional ballots for voters without identification, to eliminate online voter registration, to require absent voter's ballot statements to include the voter's printed name, to make technical corrections to the laws governing elections, and declares an emergency. / Amends sections 3501.13, 3503.02, 3503.14, 3503.19, 3503.191, 3503.28, 3505.18, 3505.181, 3505.183, 3509.021, 3509.03, 3509.04, 3509.05, 3509.07, 3511.01, 3511.02, 3511.021, 3511.04, 3511.05, 3511.09, 3511.10, 3511.11, and 3511.14 -- Amends, for the purpose of adopting a new section number as indicated in parentheses, section 3511.01 (3511.011) -- Enacts new section 3511.01 and sections 3509.10, 3511.15, and 3511.16 -- Repeals sections 3503.20 and 3509.031 / SHR 5-11-12
SHR 5-18-12
HB 369 / 12-15-11 / Establishes Congressional district boundaries for the state based on the 2010 decennial census of Ohio, to eliminate the requirement that Ohio conduct two primary elections in 2012, to eliminate the appropriation that would pay for the second primary election in 2012, to eliminate the requirement of mailing an election notice to each registered elector prior to the March 6, 2012 primary election, to establish a single primary election on March 6, 2012, for the purpose of nominating all candidates for election in 2012, and declares an emergency. / Enacts new section 3521.01 -- Repeals section 3521.01; Sections 3 and 4 of Sub. H.B. 318 of the 129th General Assembly; Sections 3, 6, and 7 of Sub. H.B. 319 of the 129th General Assembly / SHR 3-9-12
HB 302 / 12-21-11 / Designates the clerk of courts of Miami County the clerk of the Miami County Municipal Court and declares an emergency. / Amends section 1901.31
HB 318 / 1-20-12 / Revises the process for becoming a candidate for nomination for the office of President of the United States, to establish a separate primary election on June 12, 2012, for nominating candidates for the offices of President and Vice-President of the United States, candidates for the office of member of the United States House of Representatives, candidates for at-large delegate and alternate to the national convention of a major political party, and candidates for district delegate and alternate to the national convention of a major political party, to eliminate the August special election in 2012, to permit political subdivisions and taxing authorities to conduct a special election on the day of the June 12, 2012, primary election, and makes an appropriation. / Amends section 3513.121
HB 337 / 1-27-12 / Among other provisions - makes changes in the law governing commercial drivers' licenses (CDLs), including hazardous material endorsements, medical certification requirements, disqualifications, conviction records, establishes texting while driving as a serious traffic violation, andexcludes certain components from the prohibited length dimensions of specified types of vehicles. / Amends sections 2935.36, 2951.041, 4506.01, 4506.05, 4506.07, 4506.09, 4506.10, 4506.101, 4506.12, 4506.13, 4506.14, 4506.15, 4506.16, 4506.161, 4506.17, 4506.21, 4510.03, 4510.036, and 4513.37 -- Enacts section 4506.131 / SHR 6-15-12
HB 209 / 3-22-12 / Permits the Treasurer of State or a political subdivision, upon the deposit of public moneys with an eligible public depository, to arrange for the public depository to redeposit those moneys with other federally insured banks, savings banks, and savings and loan associations in accordance with specified conditions, to remove the one-year maturity limitation for certificates of deposit with respect to interim deposits, to alter the authority of the Treasurer of State to invest interim money in certificates of deposit, and to require public depositories to provide certain information to political subdivisions. / Amends sections 135.13, 135.144, 135.18, 135.353, and 135.37 -- Enacts sections 135.145 and 135.354
HB 225 / 3-22-12 / Vests in county auditors responsibility for reviewing and approving property tax exemption applications for some publicly owned property, to authorize legislative authorities of municipal corporations, county auditors, and boards of township trustees to adopt a direct deposit payroll policy, to clarify that a board of township trustees may offer deferred compensation plans or programs to the township's officers and employees, to authorize regional councils of government to operate a 9-1-1 public safety answering point, to authorize counties and townships to increase the amount credited to "rainy day" reserve balance accounts to one-sixth of the expenditures made in the preceding fiscal year from the fund in which the reserve balance account is established, to authorize the Hocking, Ross, and Vinton Counties' boards of county commissioners to form a pilot joint county department of job and family services, to modify state and county investment authority law, to prohibit centralized-services purchases using moneys from the Real Estate Assessment Fund, to exempt funds subject to the Tax Commissioner's rules governing expenditures from the Real Estate Assessment Fund from county quarterly spending plans, to limit the involvement of county officers and their responsibilities in intergovernmental shared services agreements, to authorize county contracting authorities to give notice of requests for proposals and receive proposals through a secure electronic system, to permit tax complaints to be filed electronically, to authorize a county or township to offer any qualified benefit available under a cafeteria plan, and to offer a health and wellness benefit program, to its officers and employees, and to make changes to the New Community Authority Law. / Amends sections 9.37, 9.482, 135.01, 135.143, 135.35, 167.03, 305.171, 305.23, 307.862, 307.88, 329.01, 330.04, 349.01, 349.03, 349.04, 349.06, 349.14, 505.603, 3917.04, 4931.41, 4931.43, 4931.44, 4931.45, 4931.49, 4931.50, 4931.64, 4931.65, 4931.66, 5101.01, 5705.13, 5705.392, 5713.07, 5713.08, 5713.081, 5713.082, 5715.13, 5715.27, and 5717.02 -- Enacts sections 113.43, 148.061, 329.40, 329.41, 329.42, 329.43, 329.44, 329.45, and 329.46 / SHR 3-2-12
SHR 5-25-12
HB 371 / 3-22-12 / Parameters for the Local Government Innovation Program and to make an appropriation. / Amends sections 189.01, 189.03, 189.04, 189.05, 189.06, 189.07, and 189.08 -- Amends Sections 261.10 and 261.20.93 of Am. Sub. H.B. 153 of the 129th General Assembly
SB 264 / 3-22-12 / Relative to the quality incentive payments and quality bonuses paid to nursing facilities under the Medicaid program. / Amends sections 173.47, 5111.222, and 5111.244 -- Enacts section 5111.245 of the Revised Code -- Amends Section 309.30.70 of Am. Sub. H.B. 153 of the 129th General Assembly
SB 4 / 4-5-12 / Requires performance audits of most state agencies, loan of funds to state agencies and local public offices to pay for performance audits, and makes an appropriation. / Enacts sections 117.46, 117.461, 117.462, 117.463, 117.47, 117.471, and 117.472
HB 349 / 4-20-12 / Makes changes in certain provisions relating to road signs and traffic signals for purposes of the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. / Amends sections 3781.111, 4510.31, 4511.01, 4511.041, 4511.09, 4511.102, 4511.103, 4511.105, 4511.106, 4511.11, 4511.13, 4511.131, 4511.14, 4511.37, 4511.69, and 4955.33 -- Repeals section 4511.15
HB 66 / 5-4-12 / Requires the Auditor of State to establish a fraud-reporting system for residents and public employees to file anonymous complaints of fraud and misuse of public funds by public offices or officials. / Amends section 124.341 -- Enacts section 117.103 of / CLIP 3-1-11
HB 14 / 5-22-12 / Removes pit bulls from the definition of "vicious dog" in state law, to establish a process by which owners, keepers, or harborers of dogs that have been designated as nuisance, dangerous, or vicious may appeal that designation, to define a "nuisance dog," to change the definitions of a "dangerous dog" and a "vicious dog," to require the owner of a dangerous dog to obtain a dangerous dog registration certificate, to prohibit certain felons from owning dogs under certain conditions, and to change the penalties involving ownership of nuisance, dangerous, and vicious dogs. / Amends sections 955.08, 955.11, 955.22, 955.99, 1901.18, and 1907.031 -- Enacts sections 955.222 and 955.54 / CLIP 6-8-11
SHR 2-24-12
HB 32 / 5-22-12 / Exempts certain plans and measurements relating to household or small flow on-site sewage treatment systems from the Professional Engineers and Surveyors Law, and to authorize the use of the enforcement provisions of the Household and Small Flow On-site Sewage Treatment Systems Law to enforce existing rules governing household sewage disposal systems until those rules are superseded by rules that are required to be adopted under that Law. / Enacts section 4733.011
HB 268 / 5-22-12 / Modernizes the language, reorganizes, and removes obsolete provisions from the jury service law. / Amends sections 3.08, 163.10, 311.17, 509.15, 733.73, 733.74, 1901.25, 1907.28, 2101.30, 2311.42, 2313.01, 2313.02, 2313.03, 2313.05, 2313.11, 2313.12, 2313.13, 2313.16, 2313.18, 2313.19, 2313.20, 2313.251, 2313.29, 2313.34, 2313.38, 2313.41, 2313.42, 2313.46, 2313.47, 2313.99, 2335.28, 2938.05, 2938.14, 2939.02, 2939.03, 2945.24, 2947.23, 3314.03, 3326.11, 5155.12, and 5563.05 -- Enacts sections 2313.05, 2313.06, 2313.09, 2313.21, and 2313.23 -- Repeals sections 2313.04, 2313.06, 2313.07, 2313.08, 2313.09, 2313.10, 2313.14, 2313.15, 2313.21, 2313.22, 2313.23, 2313.24, 2313.25, 2313.26, 2313.30, 2313.32, 2313.33, 2313.35, 2313.36, 2313.37, 2313.39, 2313.40, 2313.43, and 2313.45
HB 276 / 6-4-12 / Includes algaculture in the laws governing agriculture, in the definition of "agriculture" for purposes of the laws governing county and township zoning, and in the laws governing current agricultural use valuation; to exclude from zoning restrictions the production from certain feedstocks of biodiesel, biomass energy, electric or heat energy, and biologically derived methane gas; to include that production in the laws governing current agricultural use valuation; to provide for the establishment of best management practices for that production under the Concentrated Animal Feeding Facilities Law; to establish the Legislative Task Force to Study Anaerobic Digesters for Agricultural Use and Application in the State; and to declare an emergency. / Amends sections 1.61, 303.01, 303.21, 519.01, 519.21, 901.511, 903.10, 929.01, 1309.102, 1311.55, 1729.01, 3781.06, 5501.50, and 5713.30 o / CLIP 12-2-11
SHR 3-2-12
HB 473 / 6-11-12 / Establishes a program for the issuance of permits for the withdrawal and consumptive use of waters from the Lake Erie basin and other requirements related to the implementation of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact. / Amends sections 1501.32, 1501.33, 1521.04, 1522.03, and 1522.05
Enacts sections 1522.10, 1522.101, 1522.11 to 1522.13, 1522.131, and 1522.14 to 1522.21
Repeals section 1522.07
HB 487 / 6-11-12;
certain provision effective
9-10-12 / Main Mid-biennial Budget Review.
Key Provisions:
  • Creates statewide permissive authority for counties to combine JFS departments and create a joint JFS district.
  • Makes changes to county investment authority.
  • Increases the amount that can be kept in a county home’s reserve fund.
  • Requires regional councils of government to notify the Auditor of State of their formation/existence.
/ Amends sections 135.35, 167.04, 329.01, 329.40, 329.01, 329.40-46, 330.04, 5101.01, 5155.14
Enacts section 701.60 / CLIP 3-21-12
CLIP 5-21-12
SHR 3-23-12
SHR 3-30-12
SHR 4-13-12
SHR 4-20-12
SHR 4-27-12
SHR 5-4-12
SHR 5-11-12
SHR 5-18-12
SHR 5-25-12
SHR 6-15-12
SB 243 / 7-3-12 / Modifies the laws governing the Intrastate Mutual Aid Compact and the volunteer database of the Department of Health and the Emergency Management Agency to address the transmittal of certain data to the National Emergency Medical Services Information System and revises ambulance staffing requirements. / Amends sections 121.40, 3701.04, 4765.06, 4765.43, 5502.21, 5502.29, and 5502.41
Enacts sections 3345.042 and 5502.281
Repeals section 121.404
HB 482 / 7-3-12 / Capital appropriations and make changes related to the laws governing capital projects. / Amends sections 126.14, 151.01, 151.04, and 154.21
Enacts sections 4501.30, 4501.301, 4501.302, and 4501.303
Repeals section 3333.072 / SHR 3-16-12
SHR 3-30-12
SB 289 / 7-16-12 / Includes cogeneration technology using waste or byproduct gas from an air contaminant source as a renewable energy resource. / Amends sections 3706.25 and 4928.01
SB 268 / 8-6-12 / Provides for the taking of a DNA sample from a person who is charged with a felony but not arrested for the offense or whose DNA sample related to a felony offense was not taken when required and to provide for a court order, upon the person's request, requiring the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation to seal DNA specimens, records, and profiles taken from a person when the person is found not guilty, the charges are dismissed with prejudice, or the charges are dismissed without prejudice and the statute of limitations has expired. / Amends sections 2901.07, 2953.51, 2953.52, and 2953.53
HB 158 / 8-15-12 / Codifies federal restrictions on local zoning of amateur station antenna structures thereby preserving amateur radio service communications as a Homeland Security resource and to place the burden of proof for compliance on the zoning authority. / Enacts sections 303.214, 519.214, 713.082, and 5502.031
SB 295 / 8-15-12 / Continues in operation the provisions of the Election Law currently in effect. / Repeals the versions of sections of the Revised Code amended or enacted by Sections 1 and 3 of Am. Sub. H.B. 194 of the 129th General Assembly, repeals the repeal of sections of the Revised Code by Sections 2 and 4 of Am. Sub. H.B. 194 of the 129th General Assembly, and repeals Sections 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Am. Sub. H.B. 194 of the 129th General Assembly / SHR 3-30-12
SHR 5-11-12
SHR 5-18-12
HB 18 / 8-16-12 / Authorizes grants to an employer that moves operations into a previously vacant facility and increases payroll by hiring and employing employees at the facility. / Enacts section 122.176
HB 436 / 9-4-12 / Creates the SiteOhio certification program within the Department of Development to certify and market eligible commercial, industrial, and manufacturing sites and facilities. / Enacts sections 122.97 and 122.971
SB 294 / 9-5-12 / Revises the laws governing environmental protection including placing a moratorium on the expansion of recycling programs. / Amends sections 3714.07, 3714.073, 3734.01, 3734.02, 3734.021, 3734.027, 3734.05, 3734.06, 3734.12, 3734.121, 3734.41, 3734.42, 3734.57, 3734.573, 3734.85, 3737.87, 3737.88, 3745.11, 3745.31, 3746.02, 6109.31, 6109.32, 6111.02, 6111.022, 6111.023, 6111.024, 6111.025, 6111.027, 6111.03, 6111.035, and 6111.30
Enacts sections 3745.017, 6109.99, and 6111.0382
Repeals sections 3734.022, 3734.131, 3734.132, and 3734.133
HB 326 / 9-5-12 / Generally prohibits any person from knowingly conducting any transaction of public funds to the benefit of any campaign committee, political action committee, legislative campaign fund, political party, campaign fund, political committee, separate segregated fund, or candidate. / Amends sections 9.03 and 3599.40
HB 327 / 9-6-12 / Authorizes employers who meet certain wage and other requirements to receive a job creation tax credit for the employment of home-based employees and to require the Director of Development to issue a report on the credit after six years. / Amends section 122.17
HB 408 / 9-6-12 / Changes the composition of certain metropolitan housing authorities. / Amends section 3735.27
SB 302 / 9-6-12 / Revises requirements governing background investigations for purposes of the Solid, Hazardous, and Infectious Wastes Law. / Amends sections 3734.41 and 3734.42
HB 508 / 9-6-12 / Tax law – Mid-biennial Budget Review. / Amends sections 122.85, 131.02, 349.01, 1545.21, 1701.86, 1702.47, 3769.28, 4301.42, 4303.33, 4701.01, 4701.04, 5703.261, 5703.37, 5703.47, 5705.313, 5709.084, 5709.40, 5709.41, 5709.73, 5709.78, 5727.84, 5727.86, 5731.39, 5733.056, 5735.02, 5735.03, 5735.35, 5739.01, 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, 5739.04, 5739.17, 5741.08, 5743.20, 5743.61, 5743.66, 5747.082, 5751.01, 5751.011, 5751.012, 5751.03, 5751.04, 5751.05, 5751.051, 5751.12, 5751.20, and 5751.22
Enacts section 5703.061
Repeals section 5751.032 / SHR 4-13-12
SHR 5-18-12
HB 509 / 9-28-12 / Local Government Reform – Mid-biennial Budget Review
Key provisions:
  • Increases competitive bidding thresholds
  • Requires county auditors to report to the Auditor of State, by November 1, 2012, the formula used for allocating the county undivided local government fund and the dollar amount distributed in 2012.
  • Requires quarterly spending plan for a county office to expire either after two fiscal years or the elected official leaves office.
  • Allows cost allocation of administrative costs for workers compensation programs to county offices and agencies, with the exception of county boards of developmental disabilities, boards of mental health services, or boards of alcohol, drug addiction and mental health services. However, those particular boards that have been paying such administrative costs on or prior to the effective date of HB 509, may continue to pay such charge.
  • Establishes the statewide ESINet Steering Committee and requires a report by November 15 on the current funding of 9-1-1 and implim timetable for NextGen 9-1-1.
  • Allows the State Public Defender to use indigent defense funds to establish a software system for reporting and tracking of indigent defense costs.
/ CLIP 4-17-12