Essay 5.1: Reflecting on the Extent to Which the Learning Goals Were Met
Prewrite for 5.1
Bullet 1: Explain the importance that personal reflection has on student learning and adjusting instructional practices.
Why should teachers reflect on how their lessons went?
Bullet 2: Points out how feedback from others helps identify strengths and weaknesses of instructional practice.
Why should teachers get input from others? Who would be helpful in providing feedback?
Evidence: You will need a photograph of one piece of evidence, which can be any of the following items or any other item you feel fits the bullets (please see me about other ideas if they are not on this list):
· Copy of teacher lesson plans with notes of the teacher’s reflection statement to the extent in which learning goals were met and revisions for future use
· Analysis of test or quiz results
· Teacher reflection on how lesson goals were met and modification notations for the future
· Notes from discussion with the advising teacher on a particular lesson that the student intern observed
· Test revisions that demonstrate alignment with the learning goals
· Self-assessment completed by the teacher on the success or failure of a lesson
· Observation record or evaluation of the advising teacher
· Student intern’s journal writing that reflects on a particular lesson
· Student intern’s feedback assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a particular lesson
"At the end of each day, you should play back the tapes of your performance. The results should either applaud you or prod you."
~ Jim Rohn
Prewrite 5.1 revised Dobry 2014