Solutions Pre-Intermediate Unit 9: Crime scene
SB p. 84, 132
- crime – an illegal act
- scene – a place where an unpleasant event has happened
- criminal– connected with a crime; morally wrong
- murder (noun – murderer)– a crime of killing sb (a person who does it)
- escape – to get away from a place where you have been kept as a prisoner
- prison, jail – a building where people are kept as a punishment for a crime they have committed
- deal drugs (dealt, dealt)– selling illegal drugs
- investigate– to carefully examine the facts to find out the truth
- thief– a person who steals sth from another person or place
- theft– the crime of stealing sth from a person or place
- burgle (nouns – burglar, burglary)– to enter the building illegally and steal from it (a person who enters a building illegally in order to steal; the crime of entering a building illegally and stealing from it)
- valuable– very useful, important, worth a lot of money
- steal (stole, stolen) – to take something without thepermissionorknowledgeof theownerandkeepit
- shoplift – to steal goods from a shop pretending to be a customer
- joyride– to steal a car in order to drive it for pleasure
- set fire to – to start fire deliberately
- gang – a group of criminals who work together
- rob (nouns – robber, robbery)– to steal money or goods from a bank, shop or person (the act of doing this; a person who does it)
- yob– a rude, noisy, sometimes aggressive and violent boy or young man
- vandalize (nouns – vandal, vandalism) – to destroy or damagesth, especially public property
- arson (arsonist)– the crime of deliberately setting fire (a person who commits the crime of setting fire)
- mug– to attack sb in a public place, in order to steal their money
- politician – a person whose job is in politics
- mathematician – someone who studied, teaches, or is an expert in mathematics
- receptionist – a personwhoworksinahotel,office, etc. andwho welcomes and helps visitors and answers the phone
- magician – a personwho hasmagicpowersinstories, or whoperformstricksforentertainment
- scientist – an expert who studies or works in one of the sciences
- violinist – a person who plays a violin
- software programmer– a person whose job is to produce computer programs
- question (verb) – to ask a person about sth, especially officially
- break into– to enter the building by force
- raid – (of the police) to enter a place suddenly in order to find something or someone
- break the law – to act contrary to the law
SB p. 85
- cash machine – a machine from which you can get money from your bank account using a special plastic card
- smash– to break sth violently and noisily into many pieces
- confess to – to admit formally or to the police that you have done sth wrong or illegal
- burn (burned, burned; burnt, burnt) – to behurt,damaged, ordestroyedbyfireorextremeheat, or to causethis tohappen
- hide (hid, hidden) – to put something or someone or yourself in aplacewhere that thing orpersoncannot beseenorfound
- pushchair– a small folding seat on wheels in which a small child sits and is pushed
Sb p. 86
- outlaw– a person who has committed a crime and is hiding not to be arrested
- exist – to be, to be real, to live
- injustice– sth that is very unfair/wrong
- mean – not willing to share things, especially money
- cruel– having a desire to cause pain and suffering
- ruler– the leader of a country
- struggle– to fight; to have great difficulty (doing sth)
- survive – to continuetoliveorexist,especiallyafter beingclosetodyingor beingdestroyed
- feed (fed, fed) – to give food to a person or animal
- belong to – to be someone’s property
- safety – a state in which or a place where you are safe and not in danger
- evidence– facts that show that sth is true
- unlikely– not likely to happen
- circumstance – the fact that is connected with and affect a situation
- underpay – not to pay enough money for sth
- army – a very large group of soldiers
- commit a crime– to do sth illegal
SB p. 87
- innocent– not guilty of a crime
- security guard– a person whose job is to preventpeoplegoing intoplaces without permission, transport largeamountsofmoney, orprotectgoodsfrom beingstolen
SB p. 88-89
- fraud–the crime of cheating sb in order to get money or goods illegally; a person who does it
- credit card – a smallplasticcardthat can be used as amethodofpayment
- debit card– a plastic card that can be used to take money directly from your bank account
- computer virus – a computerprogramthat can makecopiesof itself anddamages other computer programs
- spam, junk email – unwanted email, usually advertisements
- identity(ID) – who or what sb/sth is
- cyber – involving, using or relating to computers, especially the Internet
- bank account – the arrangement by which a bank looks after your money for you
- fake– imitation, made to look like sth else
- password – a secretword orcombinationoflettersornumbers, used for communicatingwith another person or with acomputertoprovewho you are
- get rid of– to make yourself free of sb/sth that is annoying you or that you don’t want
- illegal – not allowed by law
- court – a placewherethey decide if a criminal is guilty or not
- PIN number – asecretnumberthat apersonuses to pay by credit card or to get money out of a cash machine
SB p. 90
- rucksack – a bag that you use for carrying things on your bag
- canvas– a strong heavy material used for making tents, sails, etc.
- fill in a form – to complete a form, by writing information in it
SB p. 91
- nick (informal) – to steal something
- yell– to shout loudly, because you are angry, excited or frightened