Name: ______Date:______
One to the World U.S. History Project
Your One to the World Project will be to create a timeline using a PowerPoint of events about 3 local historical dates/events and link them to national events based on one of the following themes on the back of this sheet. You will be visiting some local history sites on B day Wednesday, May 25, A day Thursday, May 26 and we will be visiting Oatlands, Mont Zion Church, and Aldie Mill.
For the timeline: You will be picking 3 local history dates and 3 national history dates that associate with your theme. You will needed a minimum of ten slides.
The information you will need for the PowerPoint:
- Introduction–It briefly explains a local site or event of your choosing.
- A picture per date
- Description ofyour earliest historical national date and connect it to your local theme.
- Description ofyour next historical national date and connect it to your local theme.
- Description ofyour last historical national date and connect it to your local theme.
(10 pts. ) ______Introductory slide that includes a general overview of your theme and a possible graphic timeline.
Teacher comments: ______
(30 Pts. ) ______3 Pictures - one for each sate that accurately reflects the theme for that date.
Teacher comments: ______
(30 pts. ) ______3 Local history slides that reflect the impact of the chosen theme and an accurate explanation of the impact on local history connected to each of the 3 dates chosen.
Teacher comments: ______
(30 pts. ) ______3 National history slides that reflect the impact of the chosen theme and an accurate explanation of the impact on American National history connected to each of the 3 dates chosen.
Teacher comments: ______
(10 Points) ______A Works Cited slide for all your sources. Include sources for pictures.
Total Points scored ______/110
Loudoun History Project Suggested Topics 2016
Suggested Topics:
Note: These are simply suggestions. You are free to explore your particular interests as they relate to Loudoun county, but if you use a topic that is not on this list, you must get that approved by a teacher. We want to make sure you will be able to find enough suitable information in your research.
- The African-American experience in LoCo
- Women’s experiences in LoCo history
- Good times, bad times: economic cycles in Loudoun, their causes, and the effects they had on the lives of people in Loudoun county
- The Civil War in Leesburg (or another town in Loudoun)
- The Colonial Period in Leesburg and LoCo
- The effect of World Wars I and II on LoCo
- The role of technology in Loudoun’s history (effects on people’s lives and the local economy)
- Slavery, Segregation and/or the Civil Rights Movement in LoCo
- The Underground Railroad in LoCo
- Segregated schooling in LoCo
- Horses, planes, trains, canals, and airplanes: A History of Transportation in LoCo
- Equestrian sports in Loudoun
- The role of journalism and media in Loudoun history (especially the Loudoun Times-Mirror, which dates back to 1798)
- Sports in Loudoun county
- Home Sweet Home: changes in the engineering and architecture of Loudoun homes
- How Agriculture Changed in Loudoun over the Years
- Religion in Loudoun
- Schooling and education in Loudoun
- The history of specific buildings or locations over time (e.g. Waterford Mill, the W&OD trail, the Loudoun courthouse in Leesburg)
- The history of specific Loudoun families over time
- Native Americans in the Loudoun area
- The history of specific western Loudoun towns (e.g. Round Hill, Lovettsville, Lincoln, Waterford