DUE DATE: 31st Oct 2003
Solution 1:(Exercise 33, part (f) page 267)
Let A, B, and C be any sets with A C = B C.
A B: Suppose x A. Either x C or x C. If x C, then x A and x C and so by the definition of , x A C. But A C = B C. Thus x B C either. So, again by the definition of , since x C and x B C, then x B. On the other hand, if x C, then by the definition of , since x A, x A C. But A C = B C. So, again by the definition of , since x C and x B C, then x B. Hence in either case, x B as was to be shown.
B A: The proof is exactly the same as for A B with letter A and B reversed.
Since A B and B A, by definition of set equality A = B.
Solution 2:(Exercise 44 page 268)
S0 = Ø,
S1 = {{a}, {b}, {c}},
S2 = {{a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c}},
S3 = {{a, b, c}}.
Yes, {S0,S1, S2,S3} is a partition of P(S) because the sets S0,S1, S2 and S3 are mutually disjoint and their union is P(S).
Solution 3:(Exercise 28 Part (b) page 546)
466581 Mary Lazars
778400 Jamal Baskers
SELECT admission_date, primary_diagnosis
patient_name = ‘John Schmidt’
Solution 4:(Exercise 17 Page 554)
O is not reflexive: O is reflexive for all integers m, m O m. By definition of O this means that for all integer m, m – m is odd. But this is false. As a counterexample, take any integer m. Then m – m = 0, which is even, not odd.
O is symmetric: Suppose m and n are any integers such that m O n. By definition of O this means that m – n is odd, and so by definition of odd m – n = 2k + 1 for some integer k. Now n – m = – (m – n). Hence by substitution, n – m = -(2k +1) = -2k –1 = -2k –1-1 +1 = -2k – 2 + 1 = 2(-k-1) + 1. It follows that n – m is odd by definition of odd (since(- k –1) is an integer), and thus n O m by definition of O.
O is not transitive: O is transitive for all integers m, n, and p, if m O n and n O p then m O p. By definition of O this means that for all integers m, n, and p, if m – n is odd and n – p is odd then m – p is odd. But this is false. As a counterexample, take m = 1, n = 0 and p = 1 them m – n = 1 – 0 = 1 is odd and n – p = 0 –1 = -1 is also odd, but m – p = 1 –1 = 0 is not odd. Hence m O n and n O p but m Ø p.
Solution 5:(Exercise 29 Page 554)
R if reflexive: [We must show that for all set X in P(A), X R X] Suppose X is a set in P(A). By definition of subset, we know that X X. By definition of R, then, X R X.
R is symmetric: [We must show that for all sets X and Y in P(A), if X R Y then Y R X]
Suppose X and Y are sets in P(A) and X R Y. By definition of R, this means that X Y or Y X. In case X Y, then the statement “ Y X or X Y” is true, and so by definition of R, Y R X. In case Y X then statement “ Y X or X Y” is also true, and so by definition of R, Y R X. Therefore in either case Y R X.
If A has at least two elements, then R is not transitive: R is transitive for all set X, Y, and Z in P(A), if X R Y and Y R Z then X R Z. By definition of R this means that for all sets X, Y and Z in P(A), if either X Y or Y X and either Y Z or Z Y, then either X Z or Z X. However this is false, as the following counterexample shows. Since A has at least two elements, there exist elements x and y in A with x y. Let X = {x}, Y = A, and Z = {y}. Then X Y and so X R Y and Z Y and so Y R Z. But X Z and Z X because x y. Hence X is not related to Z by R.
If A has a single element, then R is transitive: In this case, given any two subsets of A, either one is a subset of the other or the other is a subset of the one. Hence regardless of the choice of X, Y and Z, it must be the case that X Z or Z X and so X R Z.
Solution 6:(Exercise 44 Page 555)
a)R U S is reflexive: Suppose R and S are reflexive. [To show that R U S is reflexive, we must show that x A, (x, x) R U S.] So suppose x A. Since R is reflexive, (x, x) R, and since S is reflexive, (x, x) S Thus by definition of union (x, x) R U S (as was to be shown.
b)R U S is not necessarily transitive: As a counterexample, Let R = {(0,1)} and S =
{(1,2)} where the set is defined as {0, 1, 2}. Then both R and S are transitive (by default), but R U S = {(0,1), (1,2)} is not transitive because (0,1) R U S and (1,2) R U S but (0,2) R U S. As another counterexample, let R = {(x, y) R R | x < y} and let S = {(x, y) R R | x > y} (set of real numbers). Then both R and S are transitive because of the transitivity of order for the real numbers. But R U S= {(x, y) R R | x y} is not transitive because, for instance, (1,2) R U S and (2,1) R U S but (1,1) R U S.
Solution 7:(Exercise 9 Page 570)
Distinct equivalences classes: {0, 3, - 3}, {1, 4, -2, 2, -5, 5, -1, -4}.
Solution 8:(Exercise 35 b, c, e, f Page 572)
b)Let (a, b) and (c, d) be any elements of A = Z+ Z+, and suppose (a, b) R (c, d). [We must show that (c, d) R (a, b)]. By definition of R, a + d = c + b, and so by the symmetry property of equality, c + b = a + d. But then by definition of R, (c, d) R (a, b) [as was to be shown].
c)Proof: Let (a, b), (c, d) , and (e, f) be any elements of A = Z+ Z+, and suppose (a, b) R (c, d) and (c, d) R (e, f). [We must show that (a, b) R (e, f)]. By definition of R, a + d = c + b(*) and c + f = e + d(**) . Adding (*) and (**) together gives a + d + c + f = c + b + e + d, and subtracting c + d from both sides gives a + f = b + e. Then by definition of R, (a, b) R (e, f) [as was to be shown].
d)One possible answer: (4, 2), (5, 3), (6, 4), (7, 5), (8, 6).
e)One possible answer: (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7).
Solution 9:(Exercise 36 Page 572)
The given argument assumes that from the fact that the statement, “x A, if x R y then y R x” is true, it follows that given any element x in R, there must exist an element y is R such that x R y and y R x. This is false. For instance, consider the following binary relation R defined on A = {1, 2}: R = {(1, 1)}. This relation is symmetric and transitive, but it is not reflexive. Given 2 A, there is no element y in A such that (2, y) R. Thus we cannot go on to use symmetry to say that (y, 2) R and transitivity to conclude that (2, 2) R.
Solution 10:(Exercise 37 Page 572)
Proof: Suppose R is a binary relation on a set A, R is symmetric and transitive, and for every x in A there is a y in A such that x R y. Suppose x is any particular but arbitrarily chosen element of A. By hypothesis, there is ay in A such that x R y. By symmetry, y R x, and so by transitivity x R x. Therefore, R is reflexive. Since we already know that R is symmetric and transitive, we conclude that R is an equivalence relation.