Directed by The Steve Martinez Family, Missionaries

12601 Garman Dr. ~ Nokesville, VA 20181

Phone: 703-594-3437 or cell 703-606-3858 & 703-606-1716


Nov. /Dec. 2008 & Jan. 2009

Dear Prayer Warriors and Supporters;

James 1:27 “Every good and perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” To be Saved is the greatest Gift, to serve HIM is a wonderful gift, and to be called to reach our men and women in the Armed Services is a blessing that is icing on the cake for us!

God always uses the holiday season to open many doors for witnessing and Spiritual Growth. For our Thanksgiving Dinner we had nearly 40 people join together for food & fellowship after a great morning service at Heritage Baptist Church.

Right after Thanksgiving we began the Christmas Cookie ministry preparations. This year the ladies of Heritage Baptist Church helped bake 141 Dozen plates of homemade cookies, each plate loaded with the Gospel. We got the Gospel into so many hands in the barracks, of those that might not otherwise listen. Some have attended Church because they received the cookies. Many of these are lost folks who need Jesus. Some have, no doubt, been saved or drawn back to Jesus through this ministry outreach!

Then it is on to The Christmas Open House! We were able to provide the military kids there with gifts and the adults with good Christian reading material. Steve enjoyed sharing his testimony with some of the men.

Visitation in the barracks continues weekly, sharing the Gospel and ever extending the invitation – to come to Christ, and to the Church! We have many we are praying for and reaching out to that need Salvation. We have had some new visitors. Pray for souls to be saved as we reach out to them for Christ. The wives Devotion and Prayer time is growing and much spiritual growth is taking place.

We were blessed to have Jeff and Mi Kyong Stewart, missionaries to the Gypsies in Bulgaria, stay with us at the Serviceman Center for a few days at New Years. Bro. Stewart was able to go into the barracks witnessing with Steve. They are dear friends from our Germany days! Their lovely daughter Tasha got engaged to a young man in our church here, on New Years Eve!!

We will end with this: Nick Olson, who was saved in this ministry, and whom many of you pray for, is serving the Lord at our sending Church in Georgia now.There,he has met, and fallen in love with a young lady whom we have known since she was in 2nd grade! Who could have planned that BUT GOD! We are so happy for Nick Olson & Jennifer Eastridge on their engagement! Pray for this Godly couple as they desire a future of serving the Lord together as husband and wife!


AFBM, Attn: Martinez Family Support

3252 Taylor Rd.

Chesapeake, VA 23321