RTV 450 (UG)

Advanced Video Photography and Directing

Autumn 2010

Scope: This is an advanced video class, with strong emphasis on producing, writing, directing, video photography, post-production editing, storytelling and production.

You will produce a weekly edition of UM News, a weekly update of what’s happening on campus. You’ll spend each week reporting, shooting, writing, editing and directing for this show. The programs will air on television stations across Montana and on the internet.

Class Time: TBD

There are class periods when we will meet with RTV 460.

Instructor: Ray Ekness, associate professor, Journalism/Radio-Television.

DAH 425

Phone: 243-4088 Home: 542-0251


Office hours: Monday & Wednesday 8-9:30am (or by appointment)

Attendance: Mandatory. You must notify one of us in advance if you expect to miss a class. The only acceptable excuses are University business or severe illness. We reserve the right to require students with unexcused absences to drop the course.

Successful RTV 450 students will:

·  Research, report, photograph and edit interesting, character-driven stories appropriate for the UM News audience

·  Successfully perform production crew assignments

·  Demonstrate good news judgment in reporting stories and producing shows

·  Demonstrate strong and creative storytelling skills

·  Demonstrate an ability to re-purpose UM News stories for the web and add additional content

·  Demonstrate an ability to use newsroom software programs and to shoot and edit video.

·  Demonstrate an understanding of truth, accuracy and fairness

·  Think critically and creatively

·  Research and evaluate information

·  Use appropriate tools and technology

·  Work well with others and meet all deadlines

Grades: Grades will be based on your ability to meet deadlines, teamwork, story ideas, class participation, writing, shooting, editing, producing and research. You will produce a news package and/or direct a news program each week of the semester. You will be given a grade and a written critique each week for your UM News work:

·  Weekly Grade for UM News -90% of grade

·  Attitude/Class Participation-10% of final grade

A / 100-93%
A- / 92-90%
B+ / 89-88%
B / 87-83%
B- / 82-80%
C+ / 79-78%
C / 77-73%
C- / 72-70%
D+ / 69-68%
D / 67-63%
F / Below 63%

Same Work for Multiple Classes in J-School

You may not submit for this course any assignment that has previously or will be concurrently submitted for another class unless you receive prior approval from the professor for this course. To do so without permission will result in an “F” for the assignment and could result in an “F” for the course.

Academic Honesty

All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the course instructor and/or a disciplinary sanction by the University. All students need to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. The Code is available for review online at http://www.umt.edu/SA/VPSA/index.cfm/page/1321.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

This course is accessible to and usable by otherwise qualified students with disabilities. To request reasonable program modifications, please consult with the instructor. Disability Services for Students will assist the instructor and student in the accommodation process. For more information, visit the Disability Services website at www.umt.edu/dss/.

Week by Week Schedule

Week 1-Prep for Broadcasts

Week 2-Weekly Production Begins

Week 3-Weekly Production Continues/Review

Week 4-Weekly Production Continues/Review

Week 5-Weekly Production Continues/Review

Week 6-Weekly Production Continues/Review

Week 7-Weekly Production Continues/Review

Week 8-Weekly Production Continues/Review

Week 9-Weekly Production Continues/Review

Week 10-Weekly Production Continues/Review

Week 11-Weekly Production Continues/Review

Week 12-Weekly Production Continues/Review

Week 13-Weekly Production Continues/Review

Week 14-Weekly Production Continues/Review

Week 15-Weekly Production Continues/Review

Finals Week-Review Semester Production

Graduate Student Component

Graduate students will be responsible for additional duties in addition to photography, editing, directing and crew positions for broadcasts. Those duties will include maintenance of class website, posting stories to commercial television station via FTP sites and creation of on-air and on-the-web promotions.

RTV 450

Advanced Video Photography and Directing

Autumn 2010

UM News

Each week, the class will produce two television news segments focusing on campus news. The 3:30 program will air during the morning newscasts in Montana. Additionally, all packages will be turned and posted onto YouTube and a blog site for the web. UM News will concentrate on news about The University of Montana including campus issues & security, ongoing research, faculty and student news & concerns, performing arts and special events. The audience is not students; it’s western Montanans. We’ll be taping segments on Monday and Wednesday during class time. On Fridays, we will review and critique the newscasts and packages. You will also meet during daily lab time to pitch story ideas, get scripts and first edits reviewed, etc. A good portion of your grade will depend on your ability to research and pitch solid story ideas that become good news pieces.

Job Descriptions:

·  Director-Runs story meeting, reviews stories throughout the week, creates graphics, direct.

·  One-Person Band-Researches story ideas BEFORE CLASS and pitch. Shoots, logs, writes, edits.

·  Photographer-Researches story ideas BEFORE CLASS and pitch. Shoots, logs, writes, edits.

Assistant Director/Assistant Producer

10:00am or earlier- in newsroom/Check with producer and director to see if they need any help

10:05am- in control room ready to time the show

10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin


10:00am or earlier- in control room

10:05am- ready for mic checks

10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin


10:00am or earlier- in studio

10:05am- at your camera with headset on, ready for rehearsal

10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin


10:00am or earlier- in control room- graphics loaded

10:05am- ready for rehearsal

10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin


9:00 am- Pick up copies of the rundown from producer

9:05 am- Check on video in Thunder and load sequence

9:15 am- Pick up scripts from producer and mark scripts/Troubleshoot any problems

9:30 am- Review graphics with producer on Deko

10:05 am- Make sure crew is in place and ready to rehearse

10:10 am- Rehearse and tape show

Floor Manager

10:00am or earlier- in studio

10:05am- headset on, ready for rehearsal

10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin


8:30 am- Have rundown and scripts ready for Ray to review

9:00 am- Print six copies of the rundown for the director

9:15 am- Print one copy of scripts for director

9:30 am- Load graphics into Dekko and review them in control room with director

9:40 am- Print two copies of scripts for anchors and Load prompter

10:05 am- Make sure anchors are on set and miced/Be in the control room- Check IFBs

10:10 am- Rehearse and tape show

10:30 am- Archive show and load template for next week


10:00am or earlier- in control room- go over show with director

10:05am- ready for rehearsal

10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin


10:00am or earlier- in control room- check Thunder sequence

10:05am- ready for rehearsal

10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin


10:00am or earlier- in server room- get instructions on recording the show

10:05am- ready for rehearsal

10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin

Next Week Producer and Director

10:10am or earlier- in newsroom- going over story ideas in iNews

10:25am- print story ideas

10:30 am- Begin story meeting