© by Alonzo J Sherman, 308 W Dwight, Oscoda MI 48750, 989-9739-3650, <>


1829. Alexander H born in OH (son's BR).

1867. A H Sherman of Wakeshma Twp Kalamazoo Co was Highway Commissioner (Kalamazoo Co History, p545).

1870. Census of Wakeshma Twp Kalamazoo Co indicated: Alex age 41 born in OH; Harriet Sherman born 1832 in OH; Charles, Elizabeth, Eva (p402/d36/f28). 4 Children:

1. Charles Sherman born 1858 in OH (1870 Census).

2. Elizabeth Sherman born 1861 in OH (1870 Census).

3. Eva Sherman born 1865 in OH (1870 Census).

4. Alexander M Sherman 1873 in Wakeshma Twp Kalamazoo Co (KAL/BR 1-167).


1802. Alfred born in VT (1870 Census).

1863/68. Possible: Alfred married Hannah Lyman born 180x (KAL/MRx).

1870. Census of Cooper Twp Kalamazoo Co indicated: Alfred age 68 born 1802 in VT, no occupation give; Hannah Sherman age 48 born 1822 in NY; both enumerated with Charles Goodrich/Goodnet (uc) born 1843 in MI and Vina Goodrich/Goodnet (uc) born 1847 in MI (p65/d101/f100).


American Lineage: Nathan6, George5, George4, Elkanah3, Edmund2, & Philip1.

Preceding English Lineage: Samuel6E, Henry5E, Henry4E, Thomas3E, John2E, & Thomas1E.

Brother: Henry7 Sherman is in Kalamazoo Co (SD p1926).

1809. Alfred born in Moriah NY Essex Co (DPS p359). (Gen Refs: DPS p359; FDS 148; SD p88).

183x. Alfred married to Mary F Earle born 1809 in VT (DPS p359).

1850. Census of Brighton NY Monroe Co indicated Alfred head-of-household (SD p88).

1855. Alfred of Kalamazoo MI was listed in his father's will (Monroe Co NY Wills).

1861/65. Alfred Sherman age 43 (sic) born 1818 of Kalamazoo MI Kalamazoo Co enlisted in the Civil War at Kalamazoo MI in Co I 1st Cavalry; transferred to Co M in 1864 (MSS v31p166).

1876. Alfred died at Kalamazoo MI Kalamazoo Co (DPS p359; no KAL/DR; no MI/DRx; no SA/GRCx). 3 Children:

1. Elizabeth8 Sherman (Thayer) born 1834 in NY, married William Wirt Thayer born 183x (DPS p359; SD p88, p703); In 1878 a Sherman married a Thayer (HIL/MRx E-261).

2. Shakespeare8 Sherman born 1835 in NY (SD p88, p2319).

3. Laura8 Sherman (Dennis) born 1837, married Thomas T Dennis born 183x (DPS p359; SD p88, p1535).


xxxx. Amanda born.

1831/32. Amanda Sherman in 1831 bought land in Sec 11 and in 1832 bought land in Sec 4 of Portage Twp Kalamazoo Co (Kalamazoo Co History p427).

1864/65. Amanda Sherman of Climax Twp Kalamazoo Co, was a school teacher (Kalamazoo Co History, p335).


1889. Anna born in MI (1910 Soundex).

1910. Census of Kalamazoo MI Kalamazoo Co indicated: Anna age 21, lived alone (Soundex e144/f??).


American Lineage: Peleg6, Daniel5, Edmund4, David3, Edmund2, & Philip1.

Preceding English Lineage: Samuel6E, Henry5E, Henry4E, Thomas3E, John2E, & Thomas1E.

Parents:Peleg Sherman born 1785 in Adams MA and Lucinda Sheldon, married in Adams MA 1806; settled Cuyahoga Falls OH Summit Co (SD p2020; DPS p297; FDS 1790; NES p298; Ancestors Index Vol 2 Nat Soc US Daughters of 1812, 1992, p444).

Brothers:Jacob Sherman and John Sherman this county.

Contributor: mc/nsk = Nattette S Kline, River Road, Gates Mills OH; Family Group Sheet May 1974.

Contributor: mc/npt = Nancy P Turo (nee Potter), 29471 Eddy Rd, Willoughby Hills OH 44092-1441, phone 440-585-5424.

1815. Apr 7th, Anthony and parents born in Adams MA Bershire Co (tombstone; 1880 Census; SD p193; mc/npt).

1839. Feb 11th, Anthony married in Wilson Mills OH Cuyahoga Co to Angeline Alderman born 1818/19 (mc/nsk; mc/npt).

1850. Census of Mayfield OH Cuyahoga Co indicated: Anthony age 30 born in MA, occupation not given; Angeline Sherman age 30 born in OH; children Daniel, Timothy, Joel; and May Fostick born 1835 in OH (p707; SD p193).

1860. <check OH censuses>

1870. Census of Brady Twp Kalamazoo Co indicated: Anthony age 55, farmer; Angeline age 52 born 1818 in OH; children Joel M, Angeline, Phebe (p34/d181/f181).

1880. Census of Brady Twp Kalamazoo Co indicated: Anthony age 65, farmer; Angeline P Sherman age 61, born 1819 in OH, father born in CT and mother in VT; children Phebe, Emmy (e126/p19/d118/119).

1890. Aug 6th, Anthony died at Vicksburg MI Kalamazoo Co, 1815-1890, farmer, married, parents Peleg Sherman of NY and Lucinda (uc) Sherman of NY, buried in Vicksburg Cemetery Schoolcraft Twp Kalamazoo Co (KAZ/DR 2-77; MI/DRx 2-25; tombstone; mc/npt).

1899. Angeline died (MI/DRx 12-30; son Joel's, KAL/DR 2-253; no KAL/DR).

1901. Nov 17th, Angeline died in Vicksburg MI Kalamazoo Co, buried in Vicksburg Cemetery Schoolcraft Twp Kalamazoo Co (mc/npt). 6 Children:

1. Daniel P8 Sherman born Mar 29 1839 in Wilson Mills OH Cuyahoga Co (mc/npt; SD p503). Daniel E (sic) born 1840 in OH (1900 Soundex).

186x. Daniel married 1860/62 in MI to Ora Lilly born [1844] (mc/npt).

1870. Census of Brady Twp Kalamazoo Co indicated: Daniel age 30, farmer; Ora Sherman age 26 born 1844 in OH; children Addie, Angeline, Magie (uc) (p40/d272/f272).

1880. Census of Brady Twp Kalamazoo Co indicated: Daniel age 40, drayman; Orra age 36, born 1844 in OH, parents born in NY; children Adda, Angeline, Magie, Frankie (e226/p28/d297/f307).

1880. Daniel of Schoolcraft Twp was member and officer of the Vicksburg I O of O F Lodge Number 94 (Kalamazoo Co History).

1881. Daniel P Sherman of Vicksburg MI Kalamazoo Co, constable (1881 MI Gaz p1098).

1900. Census of Brady Twp Kalamazoo Co indicated Daniel E age 60; Ora A age 54, born 1846 in OH, child Maud; Lynne C Lorboak age 21, born 1887 in MI, grand-son (Soundex s3).

1901. Orra Ann Sherman born 1844 died at Vicksburg MI (KAL/DRx 3-21). Orra L Sherman died, 1846-1901, buried in Vicksburg Cemetery Schoolcraft Twp Kalamazoo Co (tombstone; possibly MI/DRx 5-45).

1910. Census of Climax Twp Kalamazoo Co indicated: Daniel P (sic) age 72, born 1838 in OH, stone mason, father-in-law; enumerated with Anson W Eberstein age 52 and Adda S Eberstein (e125/s11/d288/f292).

1940. Census of Vicksburg MI Kalamazoo Co indicated: Daniel age 80 born 1840 in MI, lived alone (Soundex e141/p5).

1927. Daniel P died at Vicksburg MI, 1840-1927, buried in Vicksburg Cemetery Kalamazoo Co (KAL/DRx 1927-4; tombstone; mc/npt). 6 Children:

1. Adda M9 Sherman (Eberstein) born 1864 in OH. Married May 6 1899 to Anson W Eberstein of Vicksburg, born 1858; 1910 lived in Climax Twp Kalamazoo Co, no children (1910 Census; Kalamazoo Saturday Telegraphy).

2. Angeline9 Sherman born 1866 in OH.

3. Maggie9 Sherman born 1869 in Brady Twp Kalamazoo Co (KAL/BR 1-116).

4. Frankie9 Sherman (female) born 1873 in MI.

5. Frankie9 Sherman (male) born 1877 in Brady Twp Kalamazoo Co (KAL/BR 2-129). 1889 Frankie died at Vicksburg MI, parents Daniel P and Orra Sherman (KAL/DRx 2-57; MI/DRx 2-25).

6. Maud9 Sherman born 1880 in MI. 1900 Census of Climax Twn/Twp Kalamazoo Co indicated: Maude age 18, born 1881 in MI, servant enumerated with Fred Arnold (Soundex s14).

2. Timothy8 Sherman born 1846 in Mayfield OH (SD p2454; his MR). Timothy born Aug 20 1844 in Wilson Mills OH Cuyahoga Co (mc/npt). Timothy born 1845 in OH, father born in MA and mother in OH (tombstone; 1880 Census).

186x. Timothy married 1865/70 in MI to Margaret Wilson (mc/npt).

1870. Census of Brady Twp Kalamazoo Co indicated: Timothy age 23, occupation not given; Margaret Sherman age 24, born 1846 in OH; child Anthony (p26/d36/f36).

1872. Nov 18th,

1880. Census of Brady Twp Kalamazoo Co indicated: Timothy age 34, farmer; Ida Adella Sherman age 16, wife, born 1864 in OH, father born in NY and mother in OH; child Anthony (e126/p19/d119/f120).

1880. Oct 10th, Timothy a farmer of Brady Twp Kalamazoo Co; married Emily Janette/Jeanett Sherman born 1853 in MI; witness Joel Sherman [brother] (KAL/MR 4-277 & 4-286). <read>

1883. Timothy died, 1845-1883, in Vicksburg MI Kalamazoo Co; buried in Vicksburg Cemetery Schoolcraft Twp Kalamazoo Co (tombstone; no KAL/DR; no MI/DRx; mc/npt).

1902. Mar 1st, Emily J Sherman died at Battle Creek MI Calhoun Co, widow, age 48y10, born in 1854 MI; parents Elias S Scott born in CT and Betsey Harrison born in OH (CAL/DR 3-73; no MI/DRx). 1 Child:

1. Anthony9 Sherman born 1865 in OH. 1880 lived with father (Census). Possible: 1900 Census of Kalamazoo MI Kalamazoo Co indicated: Anthony age 33; born 1867 in MI (sic); lodged with "unclear" (Soundex s8).

3. Joel M8 Sherman born 1849 in Mayville OH (SD p1337; his MR). Joel born about 1846 in Wilson Mills OH Cuyahoga Co (mc/npt).

1870. Joel a farmer laborer, lived at home (Census).

1874. Joel a farmer of Brady Twp Kalamazoo Co, married at Vicksburg to Jennie Parker born 1854 (KAL/MR 4-154). Joel, wife's name Jane Sherman born 185x (daughter Irena's, KAL/DR 1-183).

1881. Joel married Elizabeth Drupteen born 186x (mc/npt).

1898. Joel died at Brady Twp, born 1848 in NY, married, parents Anthony and Angelina (both deceased) (KAL/DR 2-253; no MI/DRx), buried in Vicksburg Cemetery Schoolcraft Twp Kalamazoo Co (tombstone). 3 Children:

1. Paulina9 Sherman born 1875 in Brady Twp Kalamazoo Co (KAL/BR 2-47).

2. Irena9 Sherman born 1876 in MI, died 1879 in Brady Twp, parents Joel and Jane Sherman (KAL/DR 1-183; MI/DRx 2-30).

3. "unnamed"9 Sherman (male) born 1879, and died Jul 1879 in Brady Twp, parents Joel and Jane Sherman (KAL/DR 1-182).

4. Angeline8 Sherman born 1851 in OH. 1870 a house maid, lived at home (Census). Also called Paulina Sherman born about 1848 in Wilson Mills OH Cuyahoga Co; died in same place (mc/npt).

5. Phebe8 Sherman born 1859 in OH. Phoebe Sherman born about 1850/52 in Wilson Mills OH Cuyahoga Co (mc/npt).

6. Emma O8 Sherman born 1869 in OH. Called Emmy O Sherman in the 1880 census.


1841. Barrass born (MSS v37p120). (Gen Refs: not in LDS/AF; LDS/IGI; NEHGR CD-ROM).

1864. Barrass age 23 enlisted in the Civil War at Kalamazoo MI Kalamazoo Co in 7th Cavalry; deserted at Kalamazoo MI (MSS v37p120).

188x. No record Barrass belonged to the GAR (SA/GARx).


1895. Charles Ray born, wife Helen Spraque born 190x. (Gen Ref: son Ronald's obit, Kalamazoo Gazette, Sep 1990; not in SD; LDS/AF; LDS/IGI).

1948. Charles Ray died in Portage Twp, 1895-1948, buried in South Portage Twp Kalamazoo Co (KAL/DRx 1-7; tombstone).

19xx.Helen O Sherman, 1877-19__, has a tombstone in South Portage Cemetery (tombstone). [Possible mother]. 2 Children:

1. Ronald Sprague Sherman born 1927 in Portage Twp in Kalamazoo Co (KAL/BR 1927-4). Wife Ruth Sherman born 193x, life long resident of Portage. 1990 Ronald S died; WW-2 vet; survived by wife and 5 children; burial location not given. 5 Children:

1. Dennis Sherman born 195x. Possible: Dennis Lee Sherman born 1952 in Kalamazoo MI (KAL/BRx 7-2977). 1990 lived in Dorr MI Allegan Co.

2. Charles Sherman born 195x. Possible Charles Dale Sherman born 1955 in Kalamazoo MI (KAL/BRx 3-1082). 1990 lived in East Lansing Ingham Co.

3. Barbara Sherman (Hays) born 195x, 1990 lived in Portage MI. Possible: Barbara Irene Sherman born 1959 in Kalamazoo Twn/Twp (KAL/BRx 1A-233).

4. Mary Sherman (Jackson) born 195x, 1990 lived in Kalamazoo MI.

5. Marie Sherman born 195x, 1990 lived in Kalamazoo MI.

2. Rex Sherman born 193x, died during WW-2 (brother Ronald's obit).


Submitter:Thomas J Scott, Box 472 Gilbert, Maricopa AZ 85234.

1892. Dair born in OH (1910 Soundex); born in Houghton NY Allegany Co, parents not given (LDS/AF). (Gen Refs: not in SD, DPS, NES, LDS/IGI).

1910. Census of Kalamazoo MI Kalamazoo Co indicated: Dair age 18, lived alone (Soundex e144/f??). <read census>

1918. Dair married Clara Black who was born 190x in Albion MI Calhoun Co

(LDS/AF). 2 Children, living, not shown. (LDS/AF):


1891. Edna R born in MI (1910 Soundex).

1910. Census of Kalamazoo MI Kalamazoo Co indicated: Edna R age 19, servant; enumerated with Alan T Slocum (Soundex e139/f159).


American Lineage: John6, John5, Joseph4, John3, Joseph2, & John1.

Preceding English Lineage: John5E, Henry4E, Thomas3E, John2E, & Thomas1E.

Brother: John is in Calhoun Co and sister Claramond is in Washtenaw Co.

Contributor: mc/lcd = Lisa Caril Donovan, 44552 Penney Court, Canton MI 48187, 313-459-5841.

Reference: Rose/1893 = Rose Neighborhood Sketches, by Alfred S Roe, Worchester MA, 1893.

1794. Elias born at Phelps NY Ontario Co (NES p108/9; American Ancestry, 1889, p222). (Gen Ref: NES p109; SD p647; FDS 3214).

18xx. Elias married 1st at Rose NY Wayne Co to Wealthy Griswold born 1802 (American Ancestry, 1889, p222).

1830. Elias not shown in census (AISx).

1837. Elias D Sherman from Wayne Co NY purchased land in Calhoun Co (Calhoun Co Tract Book).

1840. Census of Rose Twn/Twp Wayne Co NY indicated: Elias Sherman (AISx).

1846. Wealthy died (American Ancestry, 1889, p222; mc/lcd).

1849/50. Elias married 2nd at Galesburg MI to Roxy Neal born 1819.

1850. Census of Bedford MI Calhoun Co indicated: Elias age 54, farmer; Roxa (sic) age 31; born 1819 in NY, children Levi, Franklin, Elias, Welthy (sic), John (p195/d676/f691).

1854. Census of Bedford MI Kalamazoo Co indicated: Elias (LDS/AISx).

1860. Census of Comstock Twp Kalamazoo Co indicated: Elias age 64 (uc), farmer; Roxy age 40; children John, Mary (uc) (p371/d1270/f1377).

1870. Census of Comstock Twp Kalamazoo Co indicated: Elias age 75, farmer; Roxy age 50; child John (p118/384/f380).

1870. Elias D died at Galesburg MI Comstock Twp Kalamazoo Co, farmer, born in NY (sic) (KAL/DRx 1-49; MI/DRx 2-69; Rose/1893; mc/lcd).

1871. Roxy Sherman died at Galesburg MI Kalamazoo Co (American Ancestry, 1889 p222; mc/lcd; no KAL/DR; no MI/DRx). 11 Children (1-8 born in NY by 1st wife):

1. William Ellingwood8 Sherman born 1822 in Rose NY Wayne Co (SD p2548). Born 1822 in Butler NY Wayne Co (American Ancestry, 1889, p222; mc/lcd).

184x. William married Clarissa L or S Thompson born 1820 in NY (SD p2548; her SAN/DR); her birth also given as 1919 (mc/lcd).

1850. Census of Rose NY Wayne Co indicated: William; Clarissa L Sherman; children William Henry, Charles Eugene, Charles Elvin, William E, Lewis E, George Wallave (SD 2548).

1862. William died in Butler NY Wayne Co NY (SD p2548; American Ancestry, 1889, p222; mc/lcd).

186x. Clarissa came to StClair Co MI (mc/lcd).

1870. Census of Port Huron City StClair Co indicated: Wm C Maybee (uc) born 1838, a sailor and Clara B Maybee [aka Clarissa L Sherman] born 1820; children: Charles E, William, Lewis E (p325/d140/f151).

1887. Clarissa died at Sanilac Twp Sanilac Co (SAN/DR 2-24; no MI/DRx), buried in forester Twp Cemetery (tombstone). Death also shown as Bridgehampton Twp Sanilac Co (mc/lcd). 7 Children:

1. Wallace9 Sherman born 184x, was in Libby Prison during the Civil War (mc/lcd; not in SD). [Only one source shows this son]. No record Wallace belonged to the GAR (SA/GARx). No burial record SA/GRCx).

2. William Henry9 Sherman born 1848 in Rose NY; killed in the Civil War (SD p2548, p2589; Rose/1893). Also shown as Henry Sherman (mc/lcd).

3. Charles Eugene9 Sherman born after 1850 in Rose NY (SD p391, p2548; Rose/1893).

4. Charles Elvin9 Sherman born after 1850 in Rose NY (SD p391 p2548; Rose/1893).

Note. The following information on Charles is believed to belong to one of the above, Charles Eugene or Charles Elvin, but the compiler has not been able to determine which one, so it is listed separately below.

3 or 4. Charles Elmer9 Sherman born 1852 in Butler NY Wayne Co (mc/lcd).

1870. Possible: 1870 Charles age 17 of Port Huron MI, sailor (census).

1877. Charles married in Port Huron MI StClair Co to Margaret Alice Bell born 1854 in Hibbard Ontario (son George's SAN/MR; 1910 Census; mc/lcd).

1910. Census from Bridgehampton Twp Sanilac Co MI indicated: Charles age 56, carpenter; Maggie age 55, born 1855 in Canada, 5 children 5 alive (e129/p34/d243/f245; nb/7.8).

1920. Census of Sanilac Co indicated: Charles E age 67; Margarett (sic) age 66 (Soundex e138/p4).

1921. Charles age 69 died at Bridgehampton Twp, farmer, buried in Forester Twp Cemetery (SAN/DR 4-96; tombstone); death shown as McGregor MI Bridgehampton Twp Sanilac Co (mc/lcd).

1943. Margaret died at Independence MO (mc/lcd).5 Children:

1. Clara Eliza10 Sherman (Sheffer) born 1876 at Port Huron MI StClair Co; married 1894 at Carsonville MI Sanilac Co to William Henry Sheffer born 1870; she died 1945 and he died 1950, at Independence MO (SAN/MR 4-1-4; mc/lcd).

Note: Contributor Lisa Caril Donovan is descended from this line.

2. Minnie Dora10 Sherman (Campbell) born 1877 at Port Huron MI StClair Co; 1899 married in Sanilac Co to William John Campbell born 1877; she died 1935 and he died 1964 at Independence MO Jackson Co (SAN/MR 4-207; mc/lcd).

3. George Franklin10 Sherman born 1879 in Croswell MI Sanilac Co (mc/lcd). Also shown as George E Sherman born 1880 in Bridgehampton Twp MI (his SAN/MR).

1900. Census of Sanilac Twp Sanilac Co indicated: George age 20; Ida, sister; William, brother (Soundex s11).

1902. George E a farmer of Sanilac Twp married in Detroit MI Wayne Co to Ruth Mercer born 1884, his parents Charles E Sherman and Margaret Bell (SAN/MR 4-249). Also shown as Ruth Murser (mc/lcd).

1910. Census of Ward 5 Detroit MI Wayne Co indicated: Ruth M age 25, married 9 years, 2 children 1 alive, mother-in-law (sic); child Zadia (sic); both enumerated with John H Chadwick age 31 born 1879 and Nora M Chadwick age 25 born 1885 (e77/s1/d17f12).

1920. Census of Highland Park MI Wayne Co indicated: George F (sic) age 40; Ruth B age 34 born 1886 in MI; child Zada; William H Mercer born 1882 in MI, brother-in-law; Lillian Mercer born 1890 in MI, sister-in-law (Soundex e626/p14).

1950. George died (ms/lcd). 2 children:

1. William H11 Sherman born 1903 in Sanilac Twp, died age 3d (SAN/DR 2-239; no MI/DRx).

2. Zada B11 Sherman born 1905 in MI.

4. Ida May10 Sherman (Bigler) born 1881 in Croswell MI Sanilac Co; 1903 she married Lewis Bigler born 188x; she died 1955 and he died 1959 (1900 Soundex).

5. William James10 Sherman born 1885 in Bridgehampton Twp Sanilac Co MI (NES p440, SD p2612; 1900 Soundex; mc/lcd).

1913. William married Mary Helen McCullough born 1890 in MI (mc/lcd).

1915. William and Mary lived in McGregor MI Sanilac Co, as their son was born there.

1972. William died at Independence MO (mc/lcd). 2 Children:

1. Frederick George11 Sherman born 1915 in McGregor MI Bridgehampton Twp Sanilac Co; 1942 he married Barbara Corrine Tenney born 192x (NES p440). 1960/68 he was a professor of biology at Syracuse University in NY (American Men and Women of Science, R R Bowker, NYC, 1990, p699). (Gen Ref: NES p440; SD p896; Who's Who in America v34p1937). 3 Children

1. Susan12 Sherman born 195x (SD p2383).

2. Martha12 Sherman born 195x (SD 1744).

3. Sarah12 Sherman born 195x (SD p2309).

2. Onalea Euphemia11 Sherman (Bailey) born 1916 in McGregor MI Sanilac Co; married a Mr Bailey (mc/lcd).

5. William E9 Sherman born 1853 in Rose NY (SD p2548, p2591; Rose/1893; mc/lcd).

1870. William age 16 of Port Huron MI, sailor (census).

1883.Margaret Sherman born 1861 in Canada, aka Margaret Cole, died at Bridgehampton Twp Sanilac Co (SAN/DR 1-132; MI/DRx 3-103). Margaret age 22 died 1883, wife of W E Sherman, buried in Forester Twp Cemetery (tombstone).

1884. William married 2nd at Sombra [location unknown] to Frances J McDonald born 1858 in Canada (mc/lcd).

1888. William and Frances were married (1900 Census). Nee Frances McDonald born 1857 (son Wm's SAN/DR).

1900. Census of Austin Twp Sanilac Co indicated: William age 46, a house carpenter; Frances I (sic) age 42, born 1857 in MI; 5 children 3 alive; children Maudie, Myrtle and Orra (p22/d187/f187; nb/7.10).

1910. Census of Austin Twp Sanilac Co indicated: William E age 56, rural mail carrier, Frances J age 41, born 1869 in MI; children Maude, Myrtle, Orra (p14/d7/f7; nb/7.8).

1920. Census of Detroit MI Wayne Co indicated: Frances age 60, widow, machinist in auto factory; enumerated with daughter Maud (e219/p211/s32/d220/f289).

1949. Frances died at Detroit MI Wayne Co (mc/lcd).

xxxx. William married 3rd in MI to Louise ______born 186x (mc/lcd).

xxxx.Louise Sherman died at Bridgehampton Twp Sanilac Co (mc/lcd).

xxxx. William died at Tyre MI Sanilac Co (mc/lcd). 6 Children:

1. Louis H10 Sherman born 1879, died at 19 days, parents W E and Maggie Sherman from Bridgehampton Twp Sanilac Co (SAN/DR 1-81; MI/DRx 3-79); also called Lewis H Sherman. 1879 Louis H age 21 days died, buried in Forester Twp Cemetery (tombstone).

2. Charles H10 Sherman born Apr 1889, died at 7 months, buried in Forester Twp Cemetery (tombstone; no MI/DRx).

3. Maude F10 Sherman (Lee) born 1890 in Sanilac Co MI. In 1910 she was single and a teacher, and lived at home (Census). 1916 she married John Roy Lee born 1890 in Canada (mc/lcd). 1920 Census of Detroit MI Wayne Co indicated : John Roy Lee age 29 born 1891 in Canada, immigrated 1910, alien; Maude F Lee age 29; 2 children; Francis Sherman Maude's mother; Ora Sherman Maude's brother (e219/p211/s32/d220/f289). 1961 John Roy Lee died in Port Lambton Ontario (mc/lcd).

4. Myrtle M10 Sherman (Veitch) (Kramp) born 1892 in Sanilac Co MI. In 1910 she was single, lived at home (Census). 1914 she married at Detroit to David Ray Veitch born 1887 in MI, he died 1949 in Detroit MI (mc/lcd). Possible: Myrtle married Herbert Kramp born 189x (SAN/MRx 8-5921).

5. William "Willie" A10 Sherman born 1895 at Austin Twp Sanilac Co; 1897 William A died at 2y8m; parents William E Sherman and Frances McDonald (SAN/DR 2-138; MI/DRx 2-295). Or possible duplicate record, William E Sherman, parents Wm E and Mary (sic) A Sherman (SAN/DR 2-150; MI/DRx 3-149).

6. Orra B10 Sherman born 1897 in MI. 191x Pvt Orra B Sherman company G 33rd MI Inf, a veteran of the Mexican Board War (SA/MBWx). 192x Orra B Sherman from Highland Park MI Wayne Co a WW-1 veteran (SA/WW1x). 1920 Ora (sic) age 23 enumerated sister Maude (Census). 1981 Orra B died, 1897-1981, buried in Forester Twp Cemetery Sanilac Co, MACH US Army WW-1 (tombstone). 1981 Orra died, lived in Farmington MI Oakland Co (LDS/SSD).

6. Lewis E9 Sherman born 1856 in Rose NY (SD p2548, p1580; Rose/1893), also spelled Louis E Sherman.

1870. Lewis age 14 lived at home.

1900. Census of Bay City MI Bay Co indicated: Lewis E age 44; Ida E Sherman age 43 born 1856 in MI; children Bert, Nellie (Soundex s14).