May 19, 20117
Current Events: It’s hard to believe that this is our final newsletter for this school year. WOW, what a year of progress that our 1st Graders have made since August! On another note, thanks to all the parents and grandparents who assisted with making our Field Day a big success! Also, we really appreciated the treat of Kona Ice sponsored by our PTB! Working with a partner, the children had a fun time exploring how to create a cargo boat out of foil that would float the most pennies. Please clean out their book bags each night as items start to be sent home for the end of the year. I am really proud of how much progress they have made with reading. PLEASE continue daily reading with your child to keep this progress into 2nd Grade. I sent home a summer math review packet with papers for your child to use over the summer to review our 1st grade math skills. Today we celebrated our students’ year of becoming readers with a Reading Celebration and ice cream sundaes along with a gift of 2 books.
Language Arts: In our Scholastic News, “Make Way for Ducklings,” the children read and compared fiction and nonfiction texts.
Math: In Math, we have been developing the concepts of seconds, minutes and hours. Telling time to the hour and half hour have, as well as making and drawing the hands on a clock face are the skills that we have practiced this week. Our test on telling time to the hour and ½ hour will be Thursday.
Social Studies: Hearing a story about Eleanor Roosevelt, we have started learning about our last famous American of 1st Grade—SOL 1.2. In our Scholastic News, “My American Snapshot”
Science: The children have been reading about motion and exploring the different kinds of motion that cause objects to move. Our field trip allowed us to discover how we can get objects to travel in a straight or circular path, as well as what objects roll or spin to move—Science SOL 1.2.
J Mon., May 22nd: Variety Show
J Tues., May 23rd: 1:00 Dismissal
Over, please…
% Monday, May 22nd: BME Variety Show in the morning & Yard Sale in the afternoon.
% Tuesday, May 23rd: Last day of school. Report cards and PALS results come home with your child. We dismiss at 1:00. Please send a note if your child’s ride plan for the last day will be different.
% Wednesday, May 24th: SUMMER VACATION begins, and students return to their new schools on AUGUST 8th!!
Birthday Greetings: On the final day of school, Aaron Brooks will celebrate his 7th birthday. Although we won’t be in school to recognize our classmates, we hope that these friends have special birthday celebrations with family and friends: June 6: Jia Ming Hu and on July: 11: Michael Roche.
The Augusta County School Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, or gender in its programs and activities. The following persons have been designated to handle inquires regarding non-discrimination policies.
Title IX Coordinator
Jill Martin
Director of Personnel
PO Box 960
18 Government Center Lane
Verona, VA 24482
(540) 245-5107