Fiddle Week Seven – 12

Hello - E

PE: Who knew that Music Together is a four-year program designed to develop a child’s Basic Music Competence and that there are NINE different CD song collections over those four years? BMC is being able to sing in tune and keep a beat in your body and we want to provide a rich musical environment for this to happen. Think of how children learn to speak their language. We wouldn’t make them sit down and read or write their language before they had mastered the basics of speaking it. Music Together is providing you and your family the opportunity to become fluent speakers of the language of music before you progress to learning how to read and write that language. And kids under five learn any language best through immersion, play, observation and experimentation in a language environment rich with variety. So let’s get busy speaking music! J

Sweet Potato - C

·  Sit and sing with parts and harmony.

·  Start in unison:

o  1st verse 1x with action

o  2nd verse 1x with distinctly different action

·  Break into two groups and then switch the groups up or have class be a group and you sing second part and then switch.

·  Finish with parts or a verse of unison. You could add harmony on the last note by staying on the A.

TP’s Major

Marching and Drumming - E

·  Prrrum Pruum and Do Do Doot Do Doo bridge that you used in stick song last week. Prrrum = lap action like macro bounce or alternating legs. Do Do = Roll back on the 5 and drop between legs on the 1.

·  Melody = different lap actions. Bouncing, Rocking, Clapping…

·  RP’s on the lap. J

·  Can alternate between bridge and melody or bookend with bridge.

Ram Sam Sam - C

·  With hand actions and audiation

·  Using it more as a focus than a dyad

·  Could also add a repetition doing it tiny with fingers and little actions and then contrast to BIG with big actions

Walking Song – CD

·  Make two lines facing other

·  2 verses (doo doo) walking hands pashing thighs

·  2 verses (ba da da da) thigh/partner

·  Bridge verse – to standing

·  2 verses walking away to the edge of room and back

·  2 verses walking away to the edge of room and back– every two beats

·  Bridge – quick run like football scrimmage line

·  2 verses walking all around the room “Look for the spaces! “

·  2 verses walking on the big beat (every 4 counts) “Let’s be giants!”

·  “Find the circle!” gathering back in and down to sitting

·  Arm circle action on tagged ending to drum roll on floor for last note

TP’s Mixolydian


Walking Song – CD or no CD

·  2 verses (doo doo) walking hands pashing thighs macro

·  2 verses (ba da da da) banging floor micro

·  Bridge verse – to standing

·  2 verses walking around circle on 2 beat break

·  2 verses walking/run other way micro

·  Bridge – “let’s walk all around the room. Look for the spaces!”

·  2 verses walking all around the room

·  2 verses walking on the big beat (every 4 counts) “Let’s be giants!”

·  “Find the circle!” gathering back in and down to sitting

·  Rolling arms action on tagged ending to drum roll on floor for last note

TP’s Mixolydian

Can You Do This? shakers or sticks - C

·  Use some instruments play at the beginning to see what the kids are doing with their instruments so you can incorporate them later in the song.

·  “Can you do this?” – action

·  “ I can…..” IE click my sticks (shakers) and roll my sticks (shakers) or “I can…..” shake like Stella and click like Elliot or do it like Stella etc.

·  At least 5 reps including both verses can extend by adding some vocable verses on the Can You Do This Tune at the end of you like.

RP’s and 1-8 stop play

Singing Everyday – B in E major (E G# B)

·  Call and response action song.

·  Form = Action call and response with words and vocable verse with same action and sound effect/vocable

·  Small to large

·  Action list to choose from:

o  Clapping both my hands

o  Tapping all my toes

o  Riding on my bicycle

o  Singing everyday

o  Climbing up the stairs, reaching way up high etc (to standing)

o  Jumping everyday

o  Splashing through the puddles

o  Flying in my plane

o  Walking on my tippytoes

o  Spinning and Spinning

o  Swaying and Swaying

o  Dancing everyday




Community Centres ONLY - No Classes Remembrance Day!!!!!!

Announce Winter Registration at all locations – we look forward to singing with you all again in the new year!

·  Check your CC front desk or email WSMT office for Winter registration dates

·  GE – Remind parents that winter registration is OPEN and we are almost full already.

·  SJ and WV and Intergen – PreReg reminder. We have a keep your exact same class registration day and a change your class registration day. All dates and details will be on our website and we will also be emailing everyone the information as well.

Winter Ball is coming in November! Email announcement will go out soon and Sign-Up will be through Event Brite. One ticket is for a four-person family and tickets are free but we have limited space. What do we do? We DANCE, SING, and make merry and show these little guys how to have a great party! Full details on the Event Brite link coming to your inbox soon!
