Tel: 239.415.0124


September 16, 2014


Designed as an issue-oriented community to address individual rights and personal freedoms, the venture integrates Christian-based ethical and moral standards with like-minded SME businesses, to focus on our nation's value structure anddisquieting societal issues.

Unlike social networks that are a self-aggrandizing environment, allowing for intolerant commentary, particularlyconcerningChristian-orientedphilosophies and fundamental constitutional rights, theventure'sgoal is to raise the intellectual bar within the social network landscape. 2bware'soperating mode endorses civility, thoughtful discourse, and positive reinforcement, in association with an expanding commercial application.

Framed as a unifying and collaborative social platform,2bware.comwelcomes individuals from all socio-economic levels and backgrounds. Focusing on national issues, topics will primarily include; (1)issues concerning our national heritage; (2) ethical and moral values associated with faith-based individuals; (3) cultural transformation; (4) the plight of small-to-medium (SME) sizedbusiness owners; and much, much more.

Concurring with its core proposition, founder M. Damian Billy explains:“Formed as a Benefit Corporation, the venture provides an opportunity for self-expression, collaboration, and goal-driven outcomes. Overlooked for its potential, a dynamic social and economic engine exists across our great nation, that can be strategically positioned and channeled to address a multitude of divisive economic and social dilemma's facing tens of millions of Americans each day. As membership grows, the model will be implemented within targeted countries around the globe.”

During its beta phase, the community seeks to attract partner-type relationships from private patrons and partners, as well as corporations, national organizations and affinity groups. Associated withits'ongoing features,"What's With This?" and"How About That?', members will beengaged andenlightened.M.D. Billyadds, “Recognized for their contributions, showcased members will be rewarded event tickets, e-cards, andother eCommerce incentives.”

Addressing the fundamental matter of privacy rights, the venture intends to integrate a secure communication exchange system that will allow members to freely discuss controversies and offer organizational solutions to address particular concerns. Therein, issue awareness leads to regional and national mobilizations, that further member objectives.

Originated in California in 2011, the Benefit Corporation or 'B' corp. is a recent development in American business. A new class of corporation, it distinguishes itself by voluntarily meeting higher standards of corporate purpose, accountability, and transparency. In tandem, will also honor and serve our country's warriors, by dedicating 10% of all membership subscriptions in support of veteran's causes and groups.

About M. Damian Billy

Michael is a former U.S Marine, receiving four-rank promotions during his two-year tour of duty within the Marine Air Wing. Over the past thirty years, he has held numerous industry roles, with the most notable being the portfolio manager of a $550m bond fund, a NASDAQ Level III trader, product developer within the alternative investment (AI) space, Fortune 500 executive recruitment, and recipient of a Standard & Poor's licensing agreement.

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If you would like more information on the topic, or to schedule an interview with M. Damian Billy, Founder & CEO, please email him at or call 239-415-0124.