No. Exam/UG/Sem III Supply/87 Changanassery
Third SemesterUndergraduate Improvement Examination October 2017(2015 Admission)
It is hereby notified that the Third SemesterUndergraduate ImprovementExamination October2017are scheduled to be held from 19-10-2017. Students who failed for the Thirdsemester examination are requested to complete the registration process in 4 steps described below.
Step 1: Logon to the student portal through college website ( 21-08-2017 to 30-08-2017 and complete the online process as per the instruction provided in the link. Username and password to login will besame as that of previous examination. Take a printout of the chalan for fee-payment at the end of the online process.
Step 2:Fill in necessary entries in the chellan form if any, and remit the required examination fee in the college office (for aided course students) or COC (for SF students).SC/ST/OEC students eligible for fee concession have to pay only the registration fee of Rs. 75/-.The examination fee can be paid without fine from 21-25 August 2017, with fine Rs.50/- on 26-29August 2017 and with superfine Rs.500/- on 30August 2017.
Step 3:Logon to the student portal again and download the application form for examination and take a print out of the same.Get the application form counter signed by the Mentor and HOD and submit the application form along with fee receipt/chalan before the HOD on or before 30August 2017.
( Heads of concerned departments are requested to forward the application form along with fee receipt/chalan to the College office/COCon or before 30August 2017).
Step 4: Logon to the student portal through college website using the same user name and password, download Hall ticket from16-10-2017 to 18-10-2017, take a printout (Black and White) of the same and get your signature attested by the HOD. If you face any problem in downloading the hall ticket, please contact the office of Controller of Examinations on or before18-10-2017
(College office & Office of COC is requested to forward the application form along with fee receipt/challan to the office of CE onor before31/08/2017)
Supplementary examination fee`75/- for each theory+100/- practical paper + `250/- for CV camp fee + `50 for mark list + Registration fee: `75/-+Rs 75/- for each internal theory redo + 100/- for internal practical redo+100 for Practical Supplementary.
NB-There shall be no improvement for practical & Internal Assessment. However students who failed for practical/Internal Assessment can register for practical supplementary/ internal redo examination
The fee remittance after the dates stipulated above cannot be entertained.
Controller of Examinations
- The Principal and Vice Principals
- HODsand Notice board