Tilehurst Junior Youth Club
Whistleblowing procedure
- Definition of Whistleblowing : Where a youth club worker or volunteer raises a concern about a potential danger or illegality that they have witnessed through their work at the Youth Club. Please note that the club also has a complaints procedure to resolve issues raised by paid staff, volunteers, club members and parents and members of the public and is to be used where an individual believes they have been personally wronged and is seeking a resolution.
- Club policy in relation to whistleblowing: The Junior Youth Club encourages both paid and unpaid volunteers to come forward should they have any concerns with regard to safety or illegality. Whilst the club would prefer to resolve such matters internally we recognise that there may be occasions where referral to an external body is necessary. In all circumstances persons raising concerns in good faith can do without fear that their jobs or standing with the club will be affected even if the concern proves to be unfounded.
- In the first instance concerns should be raised with the senior youth club leader (Dennis Morgan as at 06.06.2011 – tel:07733112291) either in writing of verbally. If the person raising the concern feels unable to raise the concern with the senior youth worker they should contact the chairman of the management committee (Clive Taylor as at 06.06.2011 – tel: 0118 9625917). Where the person raising the concern feels unable to raise the concern with anyone within the club they should contact :
Berkshire Association of Clubs for Young People
452 Basingstoke Road
Berkshire RG2 0QE
Telephone: 0118 9231267
Mobile: 07721317354
4. The person raising the concern should receive a response within 14 days of raising the matter. If dis-satisfied they may escalate the matter firstly through the Chairman of the Management Committee then through Chief Executive of Berkshire Association of Clubs for Young People (see contact details above). At each escalation point a response should be received within 14 days.
5. If a matter is raised anonymously it should in the first instance be discussed between the club leader and chairman who may refer to the full management committee or to Berkshire Association of Clubs for Young People for advice.
6. It is recognized that involvement or other external bodies such as the police or social services may become necessary in serious cases involving for example criminal activity or child abuse.
7. Where an allegation is made that is found to be both false and raised maliciously the club shall refer to its disciplinary procedure for any appropriate action to be taken.
6th June 2011
Review 6th June 2013