Minutes of the meeting of Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Smithville Christian Reformed Church, Smithville
Officers: Rev. Andrew Beunk, Chairman; Rev. Derek Bouma, Vice-Chairman; John TeBrake, Stated Clerk
1. Opening: Rev. Walt VanderWerf, Classis Niagara’s Prayer Coordinator led in a time of opening devotions.
2. Constitution of Classis: A roll call was done in the way of a self-introduction by each delegate. Each church was represented. Rev. Andrew Beunk, the Chairman, asked that host churches provide name tags for future meetings. He welcomed all delegates, including Rev. Kevin Stieva of the Mountainview, Grimsby CRC who was present for the first time. After acknowledging first-time delegates, he declared Classis constituted.
3. Classical Ministries Committee (CMC):
(a) Rev. Walter VanderWerf, who had been acting as Chair of this committee for the past several months, indicated he has been designated, and accepted, as Chair of the committee
(b) He invited Frank Engelage, Classical Ministries Coordinator, to give an overview of the recently-held denominational Classis Renewal Conference. Attendees Klaas Wierenga and Hilda VanderKlippe gave perspectives on the importance of a strong Classical Ministries Committee in a Classis, and on the experience of prayer. Frank Engelage informed the delegates of a new manual, Denominational Resources for Churches and Classes, which provides information about all services offered by all agencies in the CRCNA
(c) Steve Collins provided an update of the work of the church plant team. The committee is moving towards inviting people to be a part of the mission. He announced that the application for support from the Christian Reformed Home Missions (CRHM) has been approved, and that funding would commence once a church plant worker is in place. Mr. Collins described the work of the committee as a lot of work, but exiting and worthwhile work. In response to a question as to how a church planter would be found, he indicated that CRHM would provide names of people who would meet the criteria, and whom the committee could contact and from among whom they could ascertain a proposed church planter. Delegates met in small prayer groups to give thanks to God for where he has led the church plant team to this point.
(d) Rev. VanderWerf provided information on a recently held Youth Support Team appreciation dinner. He expressed thanks for all the your leaders and workers in Classis Niagara, and shared with delegates a recent seminar on values of healthy youth ministry.
(e) In 2003 the CMC worked on goals and priorities for Classis for 2003-2005 and presented these to Classis. The CMC expects to present these to an upcoming meeting of Classis for a review. The chair of the Classis requested that delegates be provided with a copy of the goals and priorities in advance of the meeting when such review is to take place
4. Board of Trustees (BOT), CRCNA: Rev. Andrew Beunk, the Region 4 representative to the BOT, referred the delegates to the distributed report of the BOT’s May 4-5 meeting. Rev. Beunk noted that the Committee for Contact with the Government already finds more openness and willingness to talk from the new federal government. He also noted that the report of the Committee to Study War and Peace had been accepted by a number of other denominations as a wonderful report. Rev. Beunk highlighted the BOT approval of the creation of a project to promote healthy congregations using the $10 ministry share approved by Synod 2005. Next year’s Chair of the BOT will be Mr. Keith Oosthoek, a Canadian.
5. Report of Regional Pastor: Rev. Peter DeBruyne reported that he attempts to see each pastor at least once per year, sometimes more often. Both the Mentorship Program and the Sustaining Pastoral Excellence Program are well received and implemented in our Classis. There is much learning, sharing together, leading towards healthy pastors. He also coordinates regular meetings among retired pastors in Classis Niagara. He noted that he has served as Regional Pastor for nine years and has started to approach other pastors for possible successors.
6. Nominating Committee: Rev. John DeJong, Chairman of this committee presented the report that had been included in the agenda, and then as well the supplemental report that was distributed at the meeting. A number of committee members have completed their terms, and thus there were a number of nominations to fill vacant positions. Classis approved the recommendations of the committee, with the exception of several nominations that were redundant due to denominational board restructuring (e.g. CRC Publications, CRHM). The report noted that there were some unfortunate misconceptions about serving on the CMC, and delegates were asked to help correct these misconceptions. Rev. Beunk thanked Rev. DeJong, on behalf of Classis, for serving for six years on the Nominating Committee.
7. Financial Report: Treasurer Emma Winter presented financial statements for the year 2005. As of December 31, 2005 all funds had sufficient balances, and the total of all fund balances was $146,790. She noted that though the year ended with sufficient funds, much of this is already depleted early in this, the following year because many churches continue to be late in ministry share remittances. She asked delegates to remind their church treasurers to make quarterly remittances promptly.
8. Ad-hoc Christian Education Financial Support Committee: This committee reported that it is continuing to review survey results, and consulting with legal and financial people. It expects to report to Classis more completely in October.
9. Reports of the Classical Interim Committee (CIC) and Stated Clerk: Both reports were presented by John TeBrake, Stated Clerk:
(a) the recommendation from the CIC to start future Classis meetings at 2:00 PM was discussed, and referred back to the CIC to reconsider given the observations and comments made during the discussion
(b) the recommendation from the CIC that the Student Fund Committee should develop to adopt and implement the mandate of the Classis Ministerial Leadership Team was approved by Classis
(c) The work of the CIC was approved by Classis Niagara
(d) The work of the Stated Clerk, as presented via the summary of correspondence, was approved by Classis
10. Report of the Shalom Manor Chaplain: Rev. George VanArragon informed delegates that the new auditorium of the new building had been dedicated the previous Sunday, and extended an invitation to all to visit it. He noted with pleasure that it was now again possible to hold events that had become impossible due to a larger number of residents, but with less space (for example, the annual memorial service). Ms. Nellie VanderVelde, head of Social Services, will be retiring in July.
Mr. Karl Mantel, the Chair of the Shalom Board of Directors, brought greetings. He reflected that until now most residents have been Dutch and Reformed, and that will likely remain for another decade or so. However, with changing demographics it may become more difficult to retain the Dutch Ethnic designation in the longer term, as well as a Dutch and Reformed atmosphere. He noted that Shalom Manor has a dedicated and Christian staff, and the board will continue to encourage staff from a Reformed background. He extended thanks on behalf of the Board to Classes Hamilton and Niagara for providing a chaplain. In response to a discussion about succession planning for the Chaplain’s position, Rev. Beunk asked the CMC and the Shalom Chaplaincy Committee to note that the discussion has taken place and to plan accordingly.
Rev. Steven deBoer offered a prayer of thanks for the work of the Shalom Manor Chaplaincy.
11. Report of the Credentials Committee: Rev. Harold Winter reported that all credentials were in order. There were no items of information or requests for advice. Bethel CRC, Dunnville, responded to question 5 (a) that it was improving in its efforts to comply.
12. Report of the Student Fund Committee: Rev. Derek Bouma referred to the report which was distributed at the meeting. The report noted that Kevin teBrake and Brenda Janssen have completed their studies this year and are looking forward to serving the CRC for years to come. Excerpts of letters from both Kevin and Brenda were read, indicating their appreciation for all the various kinds of support they had received from the Student Fund Committee and from Classis.
13. Reports of Church Counselors:
(a) Rev. Jim Dekker, Counselor for Rehoboth CRC in Niagara Falls, brought word that Rehoboth was working on extending a call to a pastor. The congregation will soon be asked to vote on extending this call
(b) Rev. Henry Eshuis, the Counselor for Bethany CRC in Fenwick, has recently had a significant stroke and is presently in the hospital. Andy VanDriel, a delegate from Bethany, informed Classis that Bethany had extended a call to Rev. Ralph Wigboldus, of Sarnia, but that he had declined that call. The Bethany search committee is preparing another recommendation.
In connection with Rev. Eshuis, Classis was informed that his left side mobility is seriously affected by the stroke, but his cognitive abilities are not affected. While progress could be slow, the outcome looks encouraging. Rev. Eshuis himself extends greetings to Classis.
14. Voting for Regional Denominational Positions: Delegates voted for one of Rev. Pieter Pereboom and Rev. Jack van de Hoef for the Region 4 delegate to the CRC Publications Board; and one of Mr. Al Martens and Mr. Michael Talsma for Region 4 Delegate to the CRHM Board. Numbers will be forwarded to the Executive Director of the CRCNA to add to the votes from Classes Huron, Hamilton and Chatham.
15. Examination of Mr. Ken VanDyk for licensure to exhort: The Council of the Maranatha CRC of St. Catharines had requested that Mr. Ken VanDyk be enrolled in the newly created Ecclesiastical Program for Ministerial Candidacy (EPMC). This requires that Mr. VanDyk have a classical licensure to exhort. Accordingly, an examination had been arranged. Rev. Harold Winter examined him on knowledge of scripture, reformed doctrine, Christian ethics and practica. Revs. Jim Dekker and Greg Fluit presented a sermon evaluation, based on a sermon presented by Mr. VanDyk the previous Sunday. An executive session was declared, of which separate minutes are maintained by the Stated Clerk.
When Classis resumed in regular session, the Chairman informed Ken and visitors that Classis had granted a modified license to exhort, with the intent that Ken’s preaching be supervised for the time being by the Maranatha Consistory, or by other consistories that might call upon Ken to preach. It was clarified that this reflects that this examination was arranged to accommodate the needs of the EMPC, rather than Ken’s preparedness for it, and that a further oral examination would not be required.
16. Church Visit Reports: Rev. Harry VanderWindt and Elder Cor VanSoelen had visited the Grace, Welland, and Jubilee Fellowship, St. Catharines churches. As neither of them was available to present the reports personally, they were read, and received by Classis for information.
17. CRC Publications: Mr. Bert Witvoet gave his final report to Classis, as he has served six years as a delegate to this Board. He provided an update of the work of CRC Publications, including that because curriculum developed by CRC Publications is used by a number of other denominations, the gender-inclusive Today’s New International Version is being quoted. As a result, CRC Publications will ask Synod to approve this version of the Bible for use in our churches. The Chairman of Classis thanked Mr. Witvoet for serving faithfully for the six years.
18. Examination of Ms. Alida van Dijk for Ministry Associate: The Chairman welcomed Alida to the meeting, and Rev. Jim Dekker of the Covenant CRC introduced Alida to the delegates and visitors. Alida has been called by the Covenant CRC to be its Ministry Director. (Note: At the February 2006 meeting of Classis Niagara Classis approved the recommendation that the position to which Alida has been called fits the guidelines for ordination as a Ministry Associate; prior concurrence had been obtained from the Synodical Deputies of Classes Hamilton, Toronto, and Huron.) The examination followed.
· Rev. Derek Bouma examined Alida in practical matters
· Sermon Evaluation: presented by Rev. Ryan Braam, on behalf of himself and Rev. Walt VanderWerf.
· Rev. Andrew Beunk examined Alida in the areas of knowledge of Scripture, Reformed doctrine, and church standards and Church Order.
The Chairman declared an Executive Session; separate minutes are in the files of the Stated Clerk.
Visitors were invited back and Classis resumed in regular session. The Chairman informed Alida that Classis had unanimously voted to approve her ordination as Ministry Associate, and congratulated her on behalf of Classis. Classis was informed that the Covenant CRC has made plans to ordain Alida during the morning worship service on June 25.
19. Closing: Vice-Chairman Rev. Derek Bouma expressed thanks on behalf of Classis for those who had participated in the meeting, and offered a closing prayer.
20. Next meetings:
Date: October 18, 2006
Agenda deadline: September 1, 2006
Location: Bethany CRC, Fenwick
Chairman: Rev. Jim Dekker
Vice-chairman: Rev. Andrew Beunk
Credentials: Grace (to chair) and Riverside
Overture Advisory: Providence (to chair) and Bethel
Following meeting: February 21, 2007; location TBA
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