*NOTE: Adoptions of international standards require compliance with ANSI’s Sales & Exploitation Policy.
- Designation of Proposed Standard:
- Title of Standard:
- Project Intent: (Check the applicable box below)
Create new standard
*Adopt identical international standard (see Expedited Procedures, Section, Annex H: IDT and Annex I)
*Adopt modified international standard (see Requirements Associated, Section, Annex H: MOD and Annex I)
*AND this adoption revises this current ANS
Revise current standard
Revise and Re-designate current standard
Revise, Re-designate and Consolidate current standard
Revise and Partition current standard
Reaffirm current standard
Reaffirm and Re-designate current standard
Supplement to a current standard
Withdraw current standard
- This standard contains excerpted text from an international standard, but is not an ISO or IEC adoption.
- Provide an explanation of the need for the project:
- Identify the stakeholders (e.g., telecom, consumer, medical, environmental, etc.) likely to be directly impacted by the standard:
- Scope Summary:
- Consumer Product or Service:
- Units of Measurement Used: (check one)
- Accredited Standards Developer Acronym:
- Submitter
American Nuclear Society
555 North Kensington Avenue
La Grange Park, IL 60526
Phone: 708-579-8269 Fax: 708-579-8248
The information on this page is not an official part of the ANSI PINS form. It was designed for ANS Standards Committee purposes to provide more background information about the standard. It is not required that this section be approved, and therefore, shall not be the basis for a not approved vote. Only the ANSI PINS form on page 1 requires approval.
Project #: ANS-
- Applicability (Types of Facilities):
- Will this standard use risk-informed insights, performance-based requirements, and/or a graded approach:
- Consensus Body:
- Subcommittee under which it is assigned:
- Working Group Chair(s):
- Working Group Members (including organizations):
- Interests Represented in Development of Standard (in addition to members’ organizations, other affiliations that may be represented important to the development of this standard):
- Coordination and Interfaces (Liaison):
- Related Standards or References, or Both:
- NRC/DOE document(s) which currently references or utilizes this standard or which could be revised to reference or otherwise utilize this standard:
- Keywords for use in facilitating web searches: Please (X) a limited number of key words that apply to this standard and add a couple of other key words if these are not sufficient:
Advanced Reactors
Advanced Light Water Reactors
Boiling Water Reactor
Gas Reactor
High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor / LWR
Light Water Reactor
Material Handling
Natural Phenomenon
Nuclear Safety
Nuclear Criticality Safety
Nuclear Power Plant Design
Nuclear Facility Design
Nuclear Facility Operations
Probabilistic Analysis / PWR
Pressurized Water Reactor
Qualification and Training
Reactor Physics
Research Reactor
Small Modular Reactor
Additional Keywords:
Continued on next page
12. Probable Standards Users:
The working group is asked to identify key potential world-wide standards users in various organizations. The purpose is to use this information to keep potential standards users up-to-date on the developments of ANS standards that may be of interest to them. The ultimate goal is to increase awareness of the standards effort and increase sales. As the working group members are knowledgeable in the field of the proposed standard/revision, it is expected that they know of other persons in the industry that would be interested. It is recognized that this will not be a comprehensive industry list, but it is a start.
Standard Subcommittee / Standard Number / User Organization / User Department / User Name / User Country (Non U.S.) / User E-Mail1