Justin Crews
November 2, 2005
Grade Level: 1st & 2nd
School: Jeter Primary
Skill Theme: Striking with short implements
Movement Concepts: Relationships: Alone is a mass
Manipulative: striking with paddles
Space Awareness: Self space & general space
Levels: hitting at a low level, medium, and/or, high if they
challenge themselves
Force: light, strong
Skill Level: Pre-control & control
Student Objective:
Outcome: As a result of this lesson, the students will…
-Practice hitting a balloon up with a paddle
-Practice hitting a yarn ball up with a paddle
-Practice hitting a yarn ball forward with a forehand
Cues:Flat Paddle
Watch the ball
Stiff wrist
Teacher Objectives: Goal Statements
Equipment: 20 Balloons, 20 “lolly-pop” paddles, 20 yarn balls, 20 yellow hand balls, CD stereo, red Velcro tape
Protocols: “GO” Students will go to, or do the assigned tasks
“Freeze” Students will stop the activity.
Equipment: When I say “Freeze” they are to put the balloon/balls down between
their feet.
Set Induction: Who here likes to play baseball or tennis? Well today we are going to work on striking. Like hitting a baseball or tennis ball. When hitting with a paddle it is important to keep the paddle flat, keep your wrist stiff, and you have to watch the ball. So when I say “GO” you have 15 seconds to go get a paddle, put a balloon on your wrist, and line up on the red line facing the cd player.
T1- Students will be hitting a balloon up with a paddle keeping count of how many times they can keep it off the ground /KEY INSTRUCTIONS
T1- When I say “GO” I want you to hit the balloon up at a low level. When you are hitting the balloon count how many times you hit the balloon in a row. “GO”
T1- Scattered throughout the room.
X x xX x x
X x x x
X x x x
X x x
X x x x
T2- Students will be hitting the yarn ball up with a paddle keeping count of how many times they can keep it off the ground. / T2- When I say “GO” I want you to hit the yarn ball up at a low level. When you are hitting the yarn ball count how many times you hit the balloon in a row. “GO” /
T2- Scattered throughout the room.
X x xX x x
X x x x
X x x x
X x x
X x x x
T3- Students will be hitting the yarn ball from the side. They will hit it against the wall / T3- Now I want you to line up on the red line facing the wall “GO” Now we are to hit it from the side. Take the yarn ball and make a soft toss to hit the ball with the paddle at the wall. You want to step with your opposite foot, hit with a flat paddle and follow through. “GO” /T3- Students will be lined up on the red velcro tape facing the wall.
X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xT4- Students will start off balancing a yellow ball on their paddle. If they are successful with balancing they will do real light hits upward with their paddle.
/ T4- With the yellow ball first we are going to just try to keep the ball on our paddle. I do not want anyone to hit the ball at all. See how long you can keep the ball on your paddle. “GO”……………..”Freeze”Now if you want to you can make real light hits upward with your paddle with the yellow ball. I do not want to see anyone hitting the ball hard. “GO” /
T4- Scattered throughout the room.
X x xX x x
X x x x
X x x x
X x x
X x x x
Culminating Activity: Now you can choose any type of ball that you want. You can use a balloon, yarn ball, or yellow ball. We are going to hit the ball upwards with our paddle. Keep count of how many times you can keep hitting the ball up into the air. Remember that shorter hits are easier to hit. I am going to play music and when the music stops you stop counting.
Challenges / Refinements: Students can flip their wrist in between hits (forehand-backhand)
Students can hit the ball up higher to give them more of a
Closure: Raise your hand if you can tell me how you want to keep your paddle when you hit the ball. Right you want it flat. Raise your hand if you can tell me how to you want to keep your wrist when you hit the ball. Right you want your wrist stiff.