1. Intro to the Structure and Function of the Body
  2. Anatomical positions & directions
  3. Anatomy – “the study of the structure of an organism”
  4. Physiology – “the study of the function of an organism”
  5. Superior v. Inferior
  6. top v. bottom
  7. Anterior v. Posterior
  8. front v. back
  9. Medial v. Lateral
  10. middle v. outside/sides
  11. Proximal v. Distal
  12. close to trunk v. away from the trunk or point of origin
  13. Superficial v. Deep
  14. surface v. inside
  15. Regions of the Body
  16. Axial region
  17. cephalic head
  18. cranialskull
  19. temporalsides of the head
  20. facialface
  21. frontalforehead
  22. orbitaleyes
  23. nasalnose
  24. zygomaticupper cheeks/cheekbones
  25. buccalcheeks
  26. oralmouth
  27. cervicalneck
  28. supraclaviculararea above the collarbone
  29. abdominalabdomen
  30. thoracicchest
  31. axillaryarmpit
  32. mammarybreast
  33. umbilicalbelly button! 
  34. pelvicpelvis
  35. occipitalback of the lower skull
  36. dorsalback
  37. lumbarlower back between ribs & pelvis
  38. Appendicular Region
  39. Brachialarm
  40. Antebrachialforearm
  41. Cubitalelbow
  42. Olecranalback of elbow
  43. Antecubitalfront of elbow
  44. Carpalwrist
  45. Digitalfingers and toes
  46. Palmarpalm of hand
  47. Femoralthigh
  48. Crurallower leg
  49. Tarsalankle
  50. Pedalfoot
  51. Plantarbottom of foot
  52. Glutealbuttocks
  53. Poplitealback of knee
  54. Sections of the Body (body planes)
  55. Sagittal
  56. lengthwise plane
  57. runs from front to back
  58. divides the body into RIGHT and LEFT sides
  59. Midsagittal
  60. Divides the body into EQUAL right & left sides
  61. Transverse
  62. horizontal or crosswise plane
  63. divides the body into UPPER & LOWER sections
  64. The midsagittal & transverse planes meet at the belly button (approximately) 
  65. Frontal
  66. lengthwise plane running side to side
  67. divides the body into front (anterior) & back (posterior) sections
  68. Body Cavities
  69. 2 Major
  70. Dorsal
  71. Cranial – brain
  72. Spinal – spinal cord
  73. Ventral
  74. Thoracic
  75. Trachea, heart, lungs, major blood vessels
  76. Abdominopelvic
  77. Abdominal cavity
  78. liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen, pancreas, small intestine, part of lower/ large intestine
  79. Pelvic cavity
  80. lower colon, rectum, urinary bladder, reproductive organs
  81. Nine regions
  82. Upper
  83. Left hypochondriac
  84. Epigastric
  85. Right hypochondriac
  86. Middle
  87. Left lumbar
  88. Umbilical
  89. Right lumbar
  90. Lower
  91. Left iliac
  92. Hypogastric
  93. Right iliac
  94. this region can also be divided into four quadrants
  95. right & left upper
  96. right & left lower
  97. Why do we try to identify body regions?
  98. helps doctors/ nurses/ trainers to identify pain/injuries
  99. object recognition
  100. individual characteristics make us unique
  101. specific body areas
  102. especially the face
  103. Whole body has 2 descriptive components:
  104. axial region
  105. head
  106. neck
  107. trunk
  108. appendicular region
  109. upper extremities (arms)
  110. lower extremities (legs)