English 10Name
Beowulf Comic Book Project
You are to create a COMIC STRIP of the three battles we read of Beowulf, the great Geat warrior. Please carefully read the requirements of the assignment so that you are sure to complete it correctly.
You must have a minimum of eightframes in your comic strip for each battle. You can have more.
The frames must be in chronological order, following the sequence of the poem.
You must use actual lines, quoted exactly, from the poem within the frame where it belongs. In other words, the lines of poetry you chose should coincide with the picture in your frame.
In choosing quotations from the poem, you must include a quote for five of the characteristics of an EPIC (p. 29). Simply put, you choose fourteen quotations- one for each frame-five of those fourteen will illustrate some quality of the EPIC.
Additionally, you must include:
a.)two kennings
b.)two examples of Beowulf’s superhuman strength
c.)two religious references
d.)two lines with alliterative words
e.)line numbers with each quotation you choose
As far as the artistic aspect of the comic strip is concerned, you are to visually represent to the best of your ability the three sections of Beowulf.
You should do a rough copy by hand or SAVE SAVE SAVE if using a digital tool (no clip art!).
You need to pay close attention to your artistic choices; you will defend them in a reflection essay to accompany your comic book.
Your final comic must be on poster board or in a book form. It should not consist solely of clip art images or those clipped from magazines.
You must be CREATIVE and ORIGINAL.
You must use COLOR deliberately.
Beowulf Comic Book and Paper Rubric
At least 20 phrases are used from the original text in your book/20
Words and phrases selected pertain to one main topic /battle/4
Words and phrases are logically and meaningfully placed in the poem for /4
good flow/coherence
Words and phrases demonstrates a theme/4
Punctuation is used to effectively enhance meaning and flow/4
Line numbers are included/4
Visual element support the topic and themes; everything is purposeful/8
Visual appeal is original, neat, and created with care/8
Additionally, you must include (and label):/18
- two kennings
- two examples of epic characteristics
- two religious references – one pagan and one Christian
- two lines with alliterative words
- epithet or appositive
book total = 74
When you have completed your book, attach a one-page reflection to explain the connection between the artistic rendering you created and the literary devices, topics, and themes evident in the section of the epic. This needs to be TYPED, double-spaced, and in 12-point Times New Roman (or a comparably sized font).
Meets length requirements (at least one FULL page)/4
Meets convention requirements (typed, double-spaced, 12 point)/4
Reflects focus of book clearly/8
Explains your art and how your choices support/10
your topic and theme development
Explains your organization and how it adds to your poem’s effectiveness/4
Paper total = 30
Project total = 104