UC Irvine Middle East Studies Certificate Program

List of Acceptable Coursework

*If you want a course that is not on this list considered for the Middle East Certificate please email a copy of the course syllabus along with your request to Kristy Salsbury at . NOTE: NO courses covering areas outside of the Middle Eastregion will be considered applicable to this certificate. Please do not request exception for courses that do not specifically address the Middle East region and issues directly related to the Middle East.

School of Humanities

Com Lit 100A Nations, Regions, and Beyond(when topic is specific to the Middle East)

History 18A: Jewish Cultures

History 70E: Problems in History: Middle East and Africa (topics vary)

History 114: Topics in Modern European History (when topic is specific to the Middle East)

History 130: Jewish History

130AJewish History, Ancient to Early

Modern Times

130BModern Jewish History

130CTopics in Jewish History

History 131: Iran

131A History of Zoroastrianism

131B Ancient Persia

131C Medieval Persia

131D Modern Iran

131E Topics in Iranian History

History 132

132A Israel and Palestine

132B The Emergence of the Modern Mid East

132G Topics in Islamic History

History 180: Special Topics in Social History (when topic is specific to the Middle East)

History 183: Special Studies in International History (when topic is specific to the Middle East)

History 192W: Research Seminar (when topic is specific to the Middle East)

Rel Std 130 Jewish, Islamic, and Middle Eastern Religious Traditions (topics vary)


Arabic 1ABC: Fundamentals

Hebrew 1ABC: Fundamentals

Persian 1ABC: Fundamentals

School of Social Sciences

Anthro 125Z Muslim Identities in North America

Anthro 135I Modern South Asian Religions

Anthro 169 Modern Iran

Anthro 169 Arab Society and Culture

Intl St 160 Lebanese Politics

Intl St 161 Islam and the West

Intl St 161A Political Islam

Intl St 162 Afghanistan

Intl St 164 Iraq Reconstruction

Intl St 165 Middle East Politics

Intl St 166 Psychology of the Middle East Conflict

Intl St 168 Iran: Past and Present

Intl St 170 Israel and the World

Intl St 174 Middle East Narratives (also Pol Sci 136D)

Intl St 179 Arab Spring

Intl St 179 when topic is specific to the Middle East

Pol Sci 159 Women in Israel

Pol Sci 159 Contemporary Israeli Politics

Pol Sci 159 Controversial Islam in Europe

Soc Sci 119 Geography of the Middle East

(also cross-listed as Intl St 179)

Sociology 170B: U.S. War on Terrorism

(same as Intl St 175A)

Note: not all cross-lists may be indicated on this list. Also, not all applicable courses are on this list. If you have a question about a course contact Kristy at .