NATA Strategic Implementation Team


Telecon 11 a.m.-12 noon CST, Sept. 20, 2006


The Strategic Implementation Team (SIT) will review NATA’s current strategic endeavors and status, our accomplishments, the current environment and how it is changing and any significant trends that have surfaced. The SIT will make adjustments to the Strategic Plan, talk about new strategies and make recommendations to the Board. The benefit of the SIT and this process is that NATA will move to strategic thinking, a form of ongoing strategic planning and process. The SIT will meet annually in person to allow these key groups to communicate and work together on mutual projects. SIT will have one or more conference calls, as determined by the group.


  1. Fellowship and Residency programs
  2. PPEC is meeting this October regarding its Corporate Health Specialist certification. PPEC will review details of the business plan, cost per CEU, certification process, test administration, educational process/environment and prerequisite requirements for taking the exam.
  3. Four employer-based fellowship programs have been identified. Bonnie Van Lunen is visiting existing programs to compare CIC’s employer-based programs with PPEC’s concept of residencies/internships/fellowships. The results of these fact-finding missions will be the basis the PPEC’s residency/internship/fellowship program guidelines. The employer-based programs and residency programs are on two separate development and criteria tracks. Employer-based fellowships guidelines will be reviewed by the CIC Committee; residencies will be reviewed by PPEC. CIC and PPEC will collaborate on the review of fellowship and residency guidelines. Both committees plan to keep the other informed on findings and progress because there will be some overlap in content, structure, objectives and candidates, once the respective programs are developed and implemented.
  1. Development of Value Models

Secondary school value model

  1. Staff has started developing the outline and content for the secondary school value model. A YAHOO group has been started to support information gathering.
  2. An e-mail to secondary school employers is needed so value model developers can determine their needs and make the value model useful to the needs of secondary school hiring authorities. The work group needs to determine what the right questions are by first studying school administrators. Sample questions are needed. Some questions under consideration are:
  3. Why are school districts or individual high schools= not hiring a second athletic trainer?

ACTION: The work group requests the names and contact information of friendly administrators in order to survey and for initial pilot questions.

ACTION: The work group requests that the SIT Team leaders contact their personal contact lists in order to find willing superintendents, principals or athletic directors who can steer the pilot questions and survey.

Collegiate value models

Rachael Oats reported that there has been an initial call for volunteers who are willing to work on a collegiate value model concerning revenue.

Action: No requests at this time.

  1. Clinical outcomes
  2. Mike Sitler is generating a proposal for the NATA Board of Directors to conduct a summit for educators who can conduct outcomes studies. The goal of the summit will be to find capable people, identify areas for outcomes proposals and secure and set aside money for outcomes studies.
  3. Specific people will be invited to attend at the expense of the Summit. Others will be invited to attend at their own expense.
  4. Tentative time frame is late spring 2007 with pre-proposals by summer 2007. The outcomes studies are desired to start in Fall 2007.
  5. Ken Rogers recently met researchers at a Health and Productivity Management conference who are interested in assisting in this type of research. Currently these outside researchers work with Fortune 500 companies on Health Risk Assessment issues and associated outcomes.
  1. Professional socialization – no comments
  1. Unique skill set – no comments
  1. Data – no comments

Action: Staff is working on updating the data pertinent to the group and will send it for the group’s consideration.

7.Strategic Thinking: Identification and Discussion on Trends.

It was agreed that all SIT meetings will include an oral report from each participant on observed and documented trends in the profession. This will be a round-table with the Chair calling on SIT members and staff.

a.HealthSouth selling clinics – It was agreed that the issue of HealthSouth selling its outpatient therapy clinics would be discussed and monitored with all SIT committees. The committee chairs will report back to SIT with items of interest. The chairs will also report items of interest to Cate Brennan Lisak via

b.CME Issue – The SIT Teamshould be mindful of the need to offer CEUs and CMEs that appeal to members with dual certifications such as physician assistants and other credentials. This is an issue for member retention and retention of AT certification. SIT also agreed that it needs to be mindful that NATA doesn’t devalue its own CEU process by giving special consideration to members who move into other health care professions. NATA should continue to encourage providers to get their BOC number and provide CEUs.

c.Bill McDonald – CUATC: This committee is working on updating the AMCIA (Appropriate Medical Coverage for Inter-scholastic Athletics). This will likely be used to create the CU value model. McDonald didn’t know if NATA is working with any outside groups.

d.Al Green—PR: Trends: professional name (athletic trainer) continues to be confused with fitness/personal trainer and will remain an issue for us for a while longer. Personal trainers seem to be expanding into treatment of injuries and rehabilitation. They are moving into the cash business of post-rehab and medical fitness facilities. This is a threat to the athletic training profession because consumers do not have ready access to athletic trainers in cash-based businesses. However, the public has ready access to personal trainers. Staff is marketing to the medical fitness industry in an effort to place more ATs into this setting, thereby improving public access to ATs. The group commented:

  • Surprised that physical therapists haven’t jumped on this scheme since it appears to impinge on the PT scope of practice. Consensus of the group was that members need to move into the medical fitness market more strongly.
  • The group suggested that the outcomes of post-rehab patients should be assessed and compared to those outcomes delivered by a personal trainer. The question is who delivers better outcomes?

e.Unique Skill Set of Athletic Trainers:

  1. January Agenda Item: Unique Skill Set in the Fitness, Wellness and Post-Rehabilitation (cash) Environment
  1. Ken Locker—COR: Confirmed that the NORA project needs only 30-50 cases to start drawing data. NATA continues to recruit new NORA sites and urges current sites to submit their data points per diagnosis in a more timely basis.
  2. Action: Patty Ellis will send the group an update on the number of NORA sites, data sets on a body part and how many data sets are needed before preliminary conclusions can be drawn.

f.American Specialty Health Network: Ellis will update the group as needed.

g.Eric McDonnell—GAC: GAC is seeing a push in several states to strictly limit ATs to their scope of practice. GAC is also seeing an increase of one to three day courses in “athletic training” or “sports medicine.” It appears that the goal of these courses is to provide “athletic training services” to non-ATs.

h.Ken Rogers—CIC: Rogers is working on some new value models and will continue the work offline with Mike Sitler.

i.Lou Fincher—PPEC: This committee is developing resources for the competencies for its November meeting.

j.Brian Robinson—SSATC: This committee is working on the value models with other chairs and staff. The committee is also working on a new PowerPoint project to help entry level people with their first job.

k.Mike Sitler—NATA Research and Education Foundation: The Foundation is dealing with the growth and stability of Foundation by formulating a new strategic plan.

  1. Next SIT Meeting
  2. The next SIT meeting will be an in-person meeting held in conjunction with the Athletic Training Education Conference in Dallas, Texas

2-5pm, Saturday, January 13, 2007

8am-12 noon, Sunday, Jan. 14, 2007

b.No interim telecom is scheduled. Albolm and Lisak will schedule a call if issues need to be discussed.

No interim telecom scheduled. Will call a telecon if necessary.



Marje Albohm, MS, ATC—SIT Chair, Board of Directors
  • Bill McDonald, MA, ATC—substituting for Ron Courson, ATC, PT, NREMT—College/University AT Committee
  • Al Green, MEd, ATC, EMT—Public Relations Committee
  • Ken Knight, PhD, ATC, FACSM—Chair, Education Council Executive Committee
  • Mary K Kirkland, MS, ATC, LAT—Council on Employment
  • Ken Locker, MA, ATC—Committee on Revenue
  • Eric McDonnell, ATC—Governmental Affairs Committee
  • Kenneth Rogers, PhD--Clinical/Industrial/Corporate AT Committee
  • Louise Fincher, EdD, ATC, LAT—substituting for Dan Sedory, ATC, NHLAT—Professional Education Committee
  • Brian Robinson, MA, LAT, ATC—Secondary School AT Committee
  • Michael Sitler, EdD, ATC, President—NATA Research and Education Foundation
/ Invited Board Members:
  • Chuck Kimmel Jr., ATC—President, NATA Board of Directors
  • James Thornton, MS, ATC, PES—NATA Board of Director Liaison to PR
  • Brian Conway ATC, LAT—NATA Board of Director Liaison to COE
  • Charles Rozanski, LAT, ATC—NATA Vice President and Board of Director Liaison to ECEC
  • Terry Noonan, MS, ATC—NATA Board of Director Liaison to CUATC
  • Matt Webber, MA, ATC, LAT—NATA Board of Director Liaison to SSATC
  • Cate Brennan Lisak, NATA Director of External Affairs—Staff lead to SIT
  • Karen Peterson, NATA Executive Operations and HR Manager
  • Becky DeCourcey, NATA External Affairs Coordinator
  • Russell Lowe, NATA External Affairs Coordinator
  • Ellen Satlof, NATA Public Relations Manager
  • Patty Ellis, NATA National Manager of Markets & Revenue
  • Judy Pulice, NATA Manager, State Legislative & Regulatory Affairs
  • Rachael Oats, NATA Special Projects Manager
  • LarryCommons, NATA Director of Internal Marketing


Kris Boyle-Walker, ATC, PT, OCS—Continuing Education Committee
Eric Sauers, PhD, ATC, CSCS—Post Professional Education Committee / John Oliver, CAE, Foundation Executive Director
Eve Becker-Doyle, CAE, NATA Executive Director
Teresa Foster-Welch, CAE, NATA Assistant Executive Director
Anita James, NATA Meetings Manager

Cbl/SIT/SIT meeting notes_final for 092006_1106

Rev. 11.17.06