Sir Winston Churchill History Department
School Board / DSBNCourse: title, grade, level / Grade 12 College Preparation
Course Code: / CHY4C
Credit Value: / 1
Course Description:
This course explores the history of the world since the sixteenth century, emphasizing the interaction between the emerging West and the other regions of the world. Students will learn about a variety of economic, social, and political systems and the changes they have undergone over time. Students will acquire sound skills of historical inquiry and will develop an appreciation of the forces that have formed our modern world.
Current Academic Year: / 2005-2006Last year of Revision: / 2005
Ministry Policy Department: / The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 & 12: Canadian and World Studies
Department Chair: / E. Robineau
Course Developer: / L. Murray
Textbook/resource Materials: / The West and the World; course duotang
Course Prerequisite: / any university or university/college preparation course in Canadian and World Studies, English, or social sciences and humanities.
Course Units:
1600-1715 Foundations and Institutions Challenged
1715-1815 The Enlightenment of Napoleon
1815-1914 A Century of Political, and Intellectual Forces Gone Awry
Assessment an Evaluation:
Performance Tasks 35% (tests, quizzes, presentation, etc.)
Unit Culminating Activities 35%
Course Culminating Activity 15%
Final Exam 15%
Plagiarised work will receive a mark of zero.You must cite your sources and put research information into your own words. Always save all rough work as if the authorship is in question, the onus will be on you to prove that the work is yours.
As this is a college destination course, it is important for students to observe deadlines. Therefore, late marks will be deducted for culminating activities not submitted on the assigned date with Ministry of Education Expectations.
HIV.04-demonstrate an ability to think creatively, manage time efficiently, and work effectively in independent and collaborative study
HIV.02-use a variety of time-management strategies effectively
Role and Responsibilities of the Student: (excerpted from The Ontario Curriculum Grades 11
& 12, Canadian & World Studies p. 6)
Students have many responsibilities with regard to their learning in school. Students
who are willing to make effort required and who are able to apply themselves will
soon discover that there is a direct relationship between this effort and their achievement, and will be therefore be more motivated to work....taking responsibility for one’s progress and learning is an important part of education for all students, regardless of their circumstances.