How to Succeed in English
Ms. Sauers- Room 107
Classroom Procedures: These procedures are designed to create a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. You are a capable, independent person in control of your own learning experience!
- Be in your assigned seat on time with your required materials.
- Copy your homework into your planner.
- In your composition book, copy the objective and begin the drill immediately. If you complete the drill early, review notes from the previous day, work on unfinished assignments, or read a book.
- If you need help at any time, simply raise your hand.
- Immediately give your attention to Ms. Sauers should she raise her hand, request your attention, or when the timer goes off.
- At the end of the period, please wait to be dismissed by Ms. Sauers before you pack up to leave.
Required Materials: Please have all materials by Tuesday, September 7th, 2010.
Loose-leaf paper
Pencils and blue or black ink pens
A marble composition book
A 3-prong folder with two pockets to be left in the classroom
- Final drafts of projects must be typed or completed legibly in pen.
- You are responsible for making up all of the work you may miss because of an absence from school. You have the number of days for which you were legally absent to make up work for full credit.
- In accordance with the 8th grade homework policy, you will be given one late homework pass per subject per quarter. Once you have used that late pass, late work will not be accepted for credit.
Your Grade will be based on the following criteria:
50% Classwork
30% Tests/Quizzes/ Projects
20% Homework
Please return the bottom of this form by Friday, September 3rd, 2010. Keep the top portion for your reference.
I have read and understand Ms. Sauers’ expectations for English class this year.
Student Signature ______
Parent Signature ______