The West Virginia Department of Education has worked with a committee of experts in career and technical education, higher education, in additional to numerous business and industry experts to design the Simulated Workplace environment protocols and expectations.
As we continue to expand into phase two of the pilot project, schools across West Virginia now have the opportunity to put their Career and Technical Education (CTE) visions for the Simulated Workplace classroom into action.
The demand for a more work ready employee among West Virginia business and industry leaders continues to grow. It is clear in today’s workforce that Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematical (STEM) skills, along with attendance, drug free, team work and professionalism are critical skillsrequired to be a work ready employee. Through the Simulated Workplace initiative, students will be immersed within an engaging work place environment which offers support in addition to rigorous training while developing the necessary skill sets to be a next generation work ready employee.
As a pilot program or school, your students will be introduced to various business processes using twelve distinct measurement areas which have been proven to be essential to the success of many companies both locally and internationally. Through the West Virginia Simulated Workplace Pilot Program, the state will use the Balance Scorecard measurement tool along with local business and industry experts to identify effective career training programs that can effectively meet the needs of tomorrow’s workforce by integrating these authentic business practices statewide thus ensuring every student and instructor – no matter where they live – have equal access to the necessary skills sets, certifications and academics to exceed not only local, but also global business and industry expectations.
To be eligible as a pilot school or program, each county or school must identify a Simulated Workplace team. Each Simulated Workplace team must include, but is not limited to the county Superintendent(s), CTE Director and/or Administrator, Counselor, and program instructor(s). A random drug testing policy must be developed and adopted, which ensures a minimum of forty percent of students enrolled in the participating program and/or school will be tested each school year. Additional requirements of the Simulated Workplace environment include time clocks, available computer access to at least instructors in institutional education environments and to both instructors and students in all other environments, agreement to submit quarterly and annual reports by all involved program instructors, student portfolios, participation in the application and interview process for incoming students, student evaluations and company processes and protocols as outlined on the Simulated Workplace website and operational manual.
Throughout the pilot project, the state will evaluate the pilot programs through onsite visits and surveys. Best practices will be identified so school systems can improve career and technical education.
Phase II applications must be submitted via e-mail to Clinton Burch at by November 14, 2013. Those schools or programs chosen to participate in Phase II of the West Virginia Simulated Workplace Pilot Project will be notified no later than December 1, 2013.
Application Check list
We have included:
Completed contact information for all team members
Letters of support from: (Superintendent(s) and Director or Administrator)
Completed application in its entirety and have obtained all required signatures
TEAM MEMBERS:(Please use blanks to add additional team members)
**If a team member is currently part of Simulated Workplace, please indicate by placing an X in the designated space**
POSITION / NAME / EMAIL / Program of Study Taught / Current Member
Superintendent / N/A
Director / N/A
Administrator / N/A
Counselor / N/A
By agreeing to become a West Virginia Simulated Workplace – Phase 2 Pilot Site, we understand that the following protocols must be established to ensure an authentic workplace environment is in place to best prepare students for tomorrow’s workforce demands.
- All Simulated Workplace training programs are equipped with Time Clocks
- A Random Drug Testing Policy is in place
- Randomly Drug Test a minimum of 40% of Simulated Workplace students
- Conduct an application / interview process for enrolling Simulated Workplace students
- All Simulated Workplace students maintain a student portfolio
- All Simulated Workplace training programs develop a company name and procedures / protocol manual
- All Simulated Workplace students receive some form of safety training
- All Simulated Workplace instructors and students have computer access
**For Institutional Education sites – Ensure at least all Simulated Workplace instructors have computer access
- Agree to submit quarterly and annual reports
- Participate in Business and Industry yearly onsite evaluations
Board / Advisory Council PresidentDate
(Not Required for Institutional Ed.)
CTE Director or AdministratorDate
**Additional Signatures required for Multi-County Centers: