AVABF Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Feb1, 2016 – 6:30 pm – ABF Office
“84th ABF: East Coast to the Core - Celebrating Nova Scotia”
Call to Order: Gary at 6:29 pm
Present: Gary, Angela, Steffany, Dave F., Amy, David C., John, Shannon, Marsha, Lindsay, Kimberly, Sarah
Regrets: NONE
Absent: NONE
Motion to accept agenda: Angie/Steffany/passed
Minutes of last meeting:circulated/John/Dave/passed
Business Arising from the Minutes:NONE
Old Business:
-50/50 Draw Kentville Farmer’s Market: Lindsay will ask tomorrow
-Photographer motion and advertising motion to request a list of photos that the ABF requires in order to remain as our official photographer Lindsay/Amy/passed (Lindsay will make a list and Dave can send it officially as the publicity rep)
-East Coast Lifestyle Shannon talked to Scott (events manager), want to be parade marshal and feature a float/truck, can do a shirt for us but not co-brand, also Alex would like to DJ if possible
-Dinner fundraiserSt Patty’s Day timeline, want to keep cost per couple at $50, Rotary could help, need a venue… Acadia Fountain Commons is available (Sarah looked into this), Leon Millet Centre may be donated, Lions Club would help
President –submitted
VP & Media Contact Person –submitted. Meeting with Bill event management company would like to run the festival for ~$40 000, but is unwell health wise. Motion to table this discussion with Bill for a future ABF: Amy/John/passed
Treasurer –submitted
Secretary –submitted
Office Manager –submitted
Leadership & Protocol, Transportation – submitted. Can we give Wildcats some money to thank them?
Children’s Parade –submitted
Cultural – submitted
Events – submitted
Community Liaison – submitted
Publicity –submitted. Souvenir edition layout problems, we suggest letting them update it to make it look more consistent
Tourism – submitted
Motion to Adopt Reports: Shannon/Lindsay/passed
New Business:
- Correspondence new Queen crowned by GWWF
Katie will now be volunteering with Events committee/Shannon. Motion to accept Katie as a new volunteer with Events committee: Shannon/Amy/passed
- Policy Procedure and ABF Boundaries– Angie. Boundary maps need to be revisited as there are so many pockets of the Valley without coverage. Kentville is only paying for a princess within the town boundaries as the princess is funded by Kentville town taxes. Each community can make their own decision who and how they fund their princess.
- Rotary anniversary actually it is Canada’s birthday not the Rotary’s (it is their 112th birthday next year, miscommunication!)
- Musical act – Lindsay. Classified is interested in performing. Confused regarding Deep Roots in Wolfville or KROCK. As long as he is “family friendly”. Agreed that we will need to talk to KROCK and present them this idea.
Upcoming Meetings:
March 7, 2016, 6:30 pm, ABF office, please park down below
Motion to Adjourn: Lindsay/Amy/passed