1. A process input is given by the following expression
Because we know that the Laplace transform of the output can express the product of the system transfer function and the Laplace transform of the input, give all possible combinations of G(s) and U(s) that yield the above Y (s) and interpret them.
2.A heated process is used to heat a semiconductor wafer operates with first-order dynamics, that is, the transfer function relating changes in temperature T to changes in the heater input power level P is
where K has units [0C/Kw] andhas units [minutes].
The process is at steady state when an engineer changes the power input stepwise from 1 to 1.5 Kw.
She notes the following:
1. The process temperature initially is 800C.
2. Four minutes after changing the power input, the temperature is 2300C.
3. Thirty minutes later the temperature is 2800C.
(a) What are K andin the process transfer function?
(b) If at another time the engineer changes the power input linearly at a rate of 0.5 kW/min, what can you say about the maximum rate of change process temperature. When will it occur? How large will it be?
3.The dynamic behavior of the liquid level in each leg of a manometer tube, responding to a change in pressure, is given by
where h'(t) is the level of fluid measured with respect to the initial steady-state value, p'(t) is the pressure change, andandare constants
(a) Rearrange this equation into standard gain-time constant form and find expressions forin terms of the physical constants
(b) For what values of the physical constants does the manometer response oscillate?
(c) Would changing the manometer fluid so that(density) is larger make its responsemore or less oscillatory? Repeat the analysis for an increase in(viscosity).
4. A second-order critically damped process has the transfer function
(a) For a step change in input of magnitude M, what is the time (ts) required for such a process to settle to within 5% of the total change in the output?
(b) For K = 1 and a ramp change in input, u(t) = at, by what time period does y(t) lag behind u(t) once the output is changing linearly with time?
5. The following transfer function is not written in a standard form
(a) Put it in standard gain/time constant form.
(b) Determine the gain, poles and zeros.
(c) If the time-delay term is replaced by a 1/1 Pad´e approximation, repeat part (b).
6. The transfer function that relates the change in blood pressure y to a change in u the infusion rate of a drug (sodium nitroprusside) is given by
The two time delays result from the blood recirculation that occurs in the body, andis the recirculation coefficient. The following parameter values are available:
Use Simulink to construct the block diagram and simulate the blood pressure to a unit step change (u = 1) in sodium nitroprusside infusion rate.