Instructor: / Halee Shepard PT, DPTCourse Code: / PT116 / Semester: / Spring B 2017
Course Name: / Pathophysiology for Physical Therapist Assistants
Please refer to University Undergraduate Catalog and the PTA Student Handbook for details on University and Program Policies. Students are expected to adhere to the policies and procedures of Herzing University at all times.
As an instructor I am excited to share this journey with you with the understanding that you, as the learner, are equally, if not more, responsible for your success. Professional behavior and participation are expected and foster the creation of a safe and successful learning culture in the classroom. Therefore, we will have a classroom conduct code which will include at a minimum:
- Active participation in class.
- Organizing ideas in a logical and purposeful way, using effective verbal and nonverbal skills to explain those ideas in a variety of oral communication interactions.
- Articulating ideas or problems.
- Producing appropriately written documents that are legible, grammatically correct and accurate.
- Using appropriate problem-solving methods.
- Demonstrating professional behavior by coming to class on time, being prepared and assuming responsibility for learning.
- Demonstrating understanding and use of attentive, effective and respectful listening behaviors in oral communication situations.
- Demonstrating analysis of information to support a chosen viewpointwith attention to consequences.
- Treating others with respect and dignity, recognizing and accepting individual and cultural differences.
Participation and Professionalism
Students are expected to display behavior consistent with the ethical standards of professionalism and participation, according to the APTA, the PT-PTA profession and Herzing University’s PRICE Model. Consistent non-compliance with these standards (examples listed below) may result in meetings with the Program Chair and the ultimate decision to not allow clinical affiliations due to professionalism concerns.
- On time for class and/or events
- Notification of absences
- Appropriate dress for class/lab/presentations (have lab clothing daily)
- Assignments turned in by due date and time
- Preparation for class demonstrated by an ability to answer instructor, classmates and guest lecturers questions
- Participation in class discussion, activities, group activities, assignments, etc.
- Respectable communication with classmates, patients and/or instructors
- Participation in keeping lab and classroom clean
Didactic vs. Lab Courses
In all classes that have a lab component, both the lab portion of the class as well as the didactic portion of the class must be passed with a 76% in order to pass the entire class. Students who fail to pass either the didactic or the lab sections will receive an "F" for the class and will need to retake the class again to proceed in the PTA curriculum.
Grade Questions
If you have a concern about a grade, you must discuss it with your instructor within 5 days from the time that the assignment has been graded or it will not be eligible for review.Requests for review of examination questions must be submitted within 5 days of the date results are available to the students. The form available in the PTA student handbook must be used to contest any grades.
Verification of immunization history on the health form including Hepatitis B immunization series and a current TB/PPD is required of all students enrolled in PTA core classes. Additional verification of the status of a student’s health may be required during the program if deemed necessary to meet safety requirements. TB tests/PPD must be kept current annually from the start date of the program to the completion of the final clinical.Documentation for all immunizations and pre-clinical requirements must be up to date with the ACCE at all times.Failure to meet these requirements will result in the student’s inability to participate in the class, field trip, or clinical, and any related assignments directly related to the class, field trip, or clinical. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all immunizations are up to date.
Quizzes 125 points
Quizzes derived from required readings and lecture materials may be given at any time during the PTA courses, including lecture or lab.Quizzes may be given on campus (written or electronic) or be assigned to be taken at home using Blackboard.
1.Any student that is absent excused with suitable evidence (doctor's note, jury duty etc.)must take the quiz that was missed before the beginning of the next class that the student attends. However, the make-up quiz may be a different format than the original missed quiz.The student may miss the beginning of this lecture, but will not be considered absent or tardy. It will be the student's responsibility to obtain all class materials that were presented while absent and taking the quiz.
2.Any student that is tardy excused with suitable evidence will be allowed to take the quiz when they enter the class or lab room. The student will be responsible for all class materials presented while taking the quiz.
Assignments 115 points
All assignments must be turned in no later than the beginning of the scheduled class time on the due date for potential full credit. DO NOT LEAVE ASSIGNMENTS UNDER OFFICE/CLASSROOM DOORS. A late assignment must be turned in at the start of the next class period and points will be deducted accordingly. Assignments submitted after the above time framewill not be accepted and the student will receive a “0.”In all assignments/presentations, students are expected to communicate their information and viewpoint in an effective, appropriate and capable manner, using appropriate terminology related to physical therapy. Students are also expected to display behavior consistent with the ethical standards within the PTA profession. During discussions, all students will phrase questions in order to obtain information in a variety of interactions. All students will demonstrate respect for cultural differences and exhibit openness to alternative ideas.
- Notebook 5 points
- You are required to have a ring binder where you will keep all presentation fact sheets and vocabulary/terminology throughout the course.
- It will be checked throughout the term and at the end of the term for a grade. The grade will be based on completeness and organization. Your name must be clearly marked on/in the binder.
- JB Review Questions 10 points
- Students must successfully complete national exam questions from Mark Dutton’s JB Review: Physical Therapist Assistant Exam (Ch 9, pg 315-357) before the end of the term. Students will submit a screenshot of their performance on Blackboard. Students may generate multiple exams in order to obtain the score of at least 27/35 from chapter 9 and the actual score will be converted to points for grading purposes. Students may use any resource to pass the exam. Although it is not required to answer all questions from each section, it is highly recommended that students do so in order to better prepare for the licensure exam.
- Presentation80 points
- A body system will be presented by an assigned group at the START of class on that topic’s day.
- There are 2 PARTS to this assignment:
- First, provide an overview of the body system as if you are the lecturer. For our purposes, a case study can be described as an outline of the mock history of a patient with a disease process related to your assigned system. Each case scenario/role play is to include the patient’s age, gender, race, medical history, work history, living environment, social history, lifestyle, the organ(s) involved, clinical manifestations/signs & symptoms and PTA considerations. The presentation needs to include the system’s/organ’s function; any hormones it secretes, regulates, or metabolizes; and at least 1 medication used to treat the condition you’re addressing.
- FACT SHEET30 points
- A diagram/picture of the organ and its location in the body.
- A description of the organ/system.
- Its purpose/function.
- Any hormones that it secretes, regulates and/or metabolizes.
- The function of each hormone in #4.
- The pathology of the disease process.
- Additional treatment for the disease process (different than the 1 medication from the case scenario) with at least 1 physical therapy (PT) intervention including indications, precautions and contraindications for the chosen PT intervention.
- Disease process prognosis.
- A minimum of 3 resources including at least 1 textbook, scientific/medical journal and online database. References must be in APA format including in text citations.
- Provide black & white copies for each classmate and professor at the start of your presentation.
- Sumbit the color version on Blackboard.Presentation time limit: 25 - 45 minutes
- Other assignments30 points
- Detailed instructions will be provided and discussed in class
- Optional assignments
- Optional assignments are provided for students in Blackboard. ‘Optional’ is always the first word in the title so students know it is not required.
Midterm Written Examination 125 points
All tests will be administered on the scheduled dates. If you are unable to attend class on the scheduled test day, prior notification is required in order to take the exam. Excused absences are illnesses and emergency situations.If the absence is excused, a make-up test will be scheduled without any point reduction. Exams that are missed due to the excused absence MUST be taken at Herzing University with supervision and be completed within 48 hours of the original test time. Tests NOT completed within the 48 hour time frame will be recorded as a ZERO.
Comprehensive Final Examination 125 points
The final written exam will be administered on the scheduled date and it MUST BE completed by the scheduled time and date. No make-ups will be permitted AFTER the posted date and time during finals week unless pre-approved by the PTA Program Chair.
Fact Sheet Presentation Rubric
Criterion / Exceptional / Good / Acceptable / UnacceptableContent / Accurate and complete explanation of all required
Organ picture__
Organ function__
Hormone function__
PT treatment__
Resources & citations __
Electronic color copy__
(10 pts) / Accurate and complete explanation of all required except 1-2
Organ picture__
Organ function__
Hormone function__
PT treatment__
3 resources__
Electronic color copy__
(7 pts) / Accurate and complete explanation of all required except 3-4
Organ picture__
Organ function__
Hormone function__
PT treatment__
3 resources__
Electronic color copy__
(4 pts) / Lacking > 4 requirements or explanations are not accurate or complete of > 4 requirements
Organ picture__
Organ function__
Hormone function__
PT treatment__
3 resources__
Electronic color copy__
(1 pt)
Organization / Information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Ideas well reinforced with relevant examples and proper grammar throughout.
(10 pts) / Information in logical sequence which audience can follow. Could use better examples to support ideasor > 2 grammatical errors.
(7 pts) / Audience has some difficulty following presentation/ information. Needs better/ supportive examples or > 3 grammatical errors.
(4 pts) / Audience cannot understand presentation/information because there is no consistent flow of information or > 4 grammatical errors.
(1 pt)
Graphics / Visual Aids / Presenter’s graphics explain and reinforce screen text and presentation. (10 pts) / Presenter’s graphics explain and relate to screen text and presentation. (7 pts) / Presenter’s graphics support text and presentation.
(4 pts) / Presenter’s graphics are unrelated to topic or no graphics. (1 pt)
Date: ______
Student Name: ______
Group Member(s): ______
Total ______/30
1 | PT 116Jan-17
Presentation Rubric for Pathophysiology
Criteria / Excellent (100%) / Above Average (88%) / Average (76%) / Fails to Meet RequirementsNot Recommended!
5 points / Business casual:
-Men: Long sleeve, tie, dress shoes
-Women: Slacks, skirts, blouses, business shoes, appropriate/soft jewelry (accessories)
-(skirt length: mid-knee or below, no deep slits)
-No visible piercings or tattoos
-Well groomed and neat / Herzing Uniform
Khakis / Polos tucked in
No tennis shoes / Herzing Uniform
Khakis / Polos
Tennis shoes / Inappropriate dress. Examples include: Message t-shirt and jeans, hat or caps for men and women, scrubs, inappropriate length skirts, slits, stilettos, flip-flops, shorts
5 points / Speaker(s) use(s) appropriate pitch, volume, and rate of speaking. Articulation excellent. / Rushed conversational style that does not interfere with volume or articulation. Information unhampered. / Low volume; rushed conversational style; compromises articulation and communication. / Speaker is inaudible, and/or speech is garbled or nonsensical, impeding communication.
5 points / Eyes, hands, facial expression, and body language all coordinate to engage audience. / Eyes, hands, facial expression, and body language attempts to engage audience. / Has difficulty engaging the audience; inconsistent eye contact, facial expression and body language. / No eye contact, speaker is rigid, head down, or is unable to engage audience.
Topic Content
30 points / All required elements
system overview __
disease process/Dx __
patient’s age__
medical history__
work history__
living environment__
social history__
clinical manifestations/signs & symptoms__
PTA Considerations __
system/organ’s function__
Able to answer audience/instructor questions __ / Required elements
system overview __
disease process/Dx __
patient’s age__
medical history__
work history__
living environment__
social history__
clinical manifestations/signs & symptoms__
PTA Considerations __
system/organ’s function__
Able to answer audience/instructor questions __ / Required elements
system overview __
disease process/Dx __
patient’s age__
medical history__
work history__
living environment__
social history__
clinical manifestations/signs & symptoms__
PTA Considerations __
system/organ’s function__
Able to answer audience/instructor questions __ / Required elements
system overview __
disease process/Dx __
patient’s age__
medical history__
work history__
living environment__
social history__
clinical manifestations/signs & symptoms__
PTA Considerations __
system/organ’s function__
Able to answer audience/instructor
5 points / Proper and consistent use of medical terminology, concepts, and the English language. / Proper, but at times inconsistent use of medical terminology, concepts, and the English language, use of minimal fillers (examples not limited to: “umm”, “like”, “you know”, “and stuff like that”…) / Use of lay terminology vs. medical terminology, use of verbal fillers (examples not limited to: “umm”, “like”, “you know”, “and stuff like that”…) / Improper terminology, inconsistent with profession and English language; obvious lack of knowledge of topic terminology; too many verbal fillers (examples not limited to: “umm”, “like”, “you know”, “and stuff like that”…)
Date: ______
Student Name: ______
Group Member(s): ______
Total ______/50
1 | PT 116Jan-17