Shelter Working Group Coordination meeting
8 November 2017
17:00 pm, Ministry of Housing (Roseau opposite financial center 1st floor)
1. Introduction
Present: DRCS / IFRC, DFID, Shelterbox, IsraAid, Samaritans Purse, IOM
Excused: Minstry of housing was excused for this meeting but available by telephone
2. Situation updates
- Update damage assessment UNDP and Ministry of housing
- Assessment is ongoing, about 2,000 houses have been assessed already. Indicative leadtime 4-6 weeks
- Update about Ministry of social services: Needs and Vulnerability assessment
- The enumerators have been trained by WFP, UNICEF and IOM
- The assessment will be held in all Village Councils. The information will first be collected on paper and then digitalized
- Indicative leadtime: 20 November 2017
- Update of distributions and plans.
- Overview NFI – Shelter distribution data: See Annex A
- Overview Shelter repair plans: See Annex B
- Update on Shelter / NFI stocks and goods pipeline (INDICATIVE, not complete!!)
Kitchen set / Tent / Tarpaulin / Solar lights / HH kit / Mattress / CGI / Timber / Mosquito
IOM / 270 / 25 / 40 rolls / 800 / 200 / 3000 / 2500 / 2500
Shelterbox / 370 / ??
Samaritans Purse / Sheets Incoming / Incoming
Electricians WB / 700
IFRC / 300
CRS / 2000?
- The distributions of Generators is not well coordinated. There are gaps and overlaps
- For overview of distributed generators see Annex A
ii. Verify if there are still generators in the NIAC
- Shelter Early recovery strategy:
- Shelter response plan has been shortly discussed
- Because there are a lot of assumptions in the plan with regard to BOQ and pricing, the plan will be reviewed in December, when there is more experience with the ground reality.
4. “Dominica Housing standards” and training
- The Ministry of planning was already updating the “Dominica Building code” before hurricane Maria.
- Based on the Building code there are “Dominica Building guidelines”
- The document Called “Dominica Housing Standards” is a summary of the Building Guidelines and will (most likely) be endorsed by the cabinet.
- The Dominica Housing standards document is currently updated and will be used for training purposes. This document will be uploaded in the shelter cluster website.
- The shelter working group asked for additional guidance on “standards for repairs” and specification of the “Hurricane Straps”
- The ministry of Planning is planning to conduct training for engineers and carpenters with support of UNDP and “Engineers without Borders”. The theoretical / practical (model roof) trainings will be held at:
· 13-14 November: Roseau: Dominica Public service union
· 16-17 November: Portsmounth (location to be determined)
· 20-21 November: Marigot (location to be determined)
· 23-24 November: Grand Bay (location to be determined
· 27-28 November: St Joseph (location to be determined)
· 30 November - 1 December:La Plaine (location to be determined)
- A registration form will be circulated to the shelter WG shelter mailing list (see annex C). Also the Builders and contractors associations will be approached. For more information contact Ministry of planning:
- The list of trained people will be shared with the shelter working group after the training.
- Parallel there is a practical training ongoing by mr Lawrence from Walbrent university. He is using a 2 page guide…
5. Storage
- IOM and IFRC are looking for additional storage space in collaboration with WFP
6. Next SWG meeting will be held on Wednesday 22 November 2017: 17.00 Ministry of Housing.
7. Any other business
· Per December 2017, IOM will hand over the Co chair position of the Shelter Working group to UNDP
ANNEX A NFI Support per Agency 11-11-2017 (based on Reported distribution data)
Delivered_by / Distributed_by / Blanket / Generator / Kitchen sets / Mattress / Mosquito net / Pick Axes / Solar light / Toolkits / Grand TotalCERF / IOM / 35 / 35
DFID / Government / 267 / 815 / 1,082
IOM / 93 / 495 / 588
IsraAID / 50 / 135 / 241 / 426
PAHO / 108 / 1,344 / 1,452
DFID / 1 / 1
Dominica RC / IFRC / Dominica RC / IFRC / 1,711 / 510 / 1,180 / 185 / 3,586
Government / 1,490 / 338 / 676 / 2,504
PAHO / 157 / 814 / 971
ECHO/France / IOM / 780 / 520 / 206 / 1,506
eletricians without border / IOM / 27 / 27
GlobalMedic / DFID / 5 / 5
Government / Dominica RC / IFRC / 72 / 37 / 109
IOM / PAHO / 1 / 1
IsraAID / IsraAID / 50 / 50
Samaritan's Purse / IsraAID / 5 / 5
Samaritan's Purse / 141 / 141
ShelterBox / Government / 800 / 2,370 / 3,170
USAID / Dominica RC / IFRC / 1,125 / 1,125
Government / 850 / 850
IOM / 2,520 / 119 / 2,639
IsraAID / 125 / 40 / 165
USAID / 25 / 245 / 270
Grand Total / 9,598 / 146 / 2,010 / 41 / 2,670 / 520 / 5,538 / 185 / 20,708
Generator support: reported per 11 November 2017
Sum of No. of Units / Capacity of GeneratorDistributing Organization / 1kva / 2.2kva / 3 kva / 3kva / 5.5kva / 5kva / 6.5kva / built-in / Grand Total
Americares / 19 / 19
Electriciens Sans Frontières / 1 / 1 / 11 / 13
MOH / 8 / 8
PAHO / 7 / 7
Samaritan's Purse / 117 / 22 / 139
SP/IsraAID / 5 / 5
Grand Total / 1 / 117 / 1 / 11 / 27 / 7 / 19 / 8 / 191
Shelter Support per Agency 11-11-2017 (based on Reported distribution data)
DFID / Dominica RC / IFRC / 180 / 180
Government / 810 / 810
IOM / 96 / 50 / 50 / 4 / 46 / 246
IsraAID / 94 / 51 / 145
PAHO / 1,300 / 1,300
SOS ATTITUDE / 180 / 180
DFID / 455 / 455
Dominica RC / IFRC / Dominica RC / IFRC / 4,414 / 682 / 31 / 5,127
Government / 1,332 / 300 / 280 / 1,912
PAHO / 62 / 62
DFID / 326 / 326
USAID / 45 / 45
ECHO/France / IOM / 4 / 4
PAHO / 190 / 190
GlobalMedic / GlobalMedic / 13 / 13
Government / Dominica RC / IFRC / 144 / 4 / 148
France / 100 / 100
IsraAID / IsraAID / 100 / 14 / 114
PAHO / Government / 400 / 400
Samaritan's Purse / Government / 2,224 / 2,224
IsraAID / 1,070 / 1,070
PAHO / 2,292 / 2,292
Samaritan's Purse / 11,750 / 11,750
GlobalMedic / 500 / 500
ShelterBox / Government / 166 / 166
SOS Attitude / PAHO / 20 / 20
SOS ATTITUDE / 20 / 20
USAID / Government / 2,650 / 2,650
IsraAID / 212 / 212
USAID / 1,475 / 1,475
Venezuela / Venezuela / 20 / 20
Caritas Dominica / CRS / Caritas Dominica / CRS / 1,618 / 1,618
Grand Total / 96 / 50 / 50 / 166 / 33,964 / 105 / 1,028 / 315 / 35,774
Shelter Support per Parish DD 11-11-2017 (based on Reported distribution data)
Sum of Total / ShelterParish / CGI Sheet / Nails 2' / roofing Nails / Shelterkit / Tarpaulins / Tent / Timber piece / Toolkit / Grand Total
St. Andrew / 166 / 2,850 / 3,016
St. David / 4,852 / 95 / 4,947
St. George / 72 / 8,159 / 234 / 8,465
St. John / 2,072 / 2,072
St. Joseph / 2,684 / 300 / 150 / 3,134
St. Luke / 451 / - / 451
St. Mark / 707 / 218 / 30 / 955
St. Patrick / 2,764 / 10 / 4 / 2,778
St. Paul / 24 / 50 / 50 / 4,683 / 276 / 131 / 5,214
St. Peter / 752 / 752
#N/A / 3,990 / 3,990
Grand Total / 96 / 50 / 50 / 166 / 33,964 / 105 / 1,028 / 315 / 35,774
ANNEX B: Planned Shelter repairs: based on reported plans d.d. 11 November 2017
Funding Confirmed? / ORGANIZATION / CGI distribution / CGI timber roof repair / Tarp, Timber roof / Transitional Shelter / Grand Total
Yes / Caritas/CRS / 800 / 800
DRCS / IFRC / 250 / 1825 / 2075
Emergency Architects / 42 / 42
IOM / 600 / 600
IsraAID / 350 / 350
Rotary Club Portsmouth / 6 / 6
SAMARITAN PURSE / 425 / 381 / 129 / 935
UNDP / 480 / 480
Yes Total / 42 / 2911 / 2206 / 129 / 5288
No / DRCS / IFRC / 2250 / 2250
IOM / 1800 / 1800
IsraAID / 400 / 400
No Total / 4450 / 4450
Grand Total / 42 / 7361 / 2206 / 129 / 9738
Annex C: Waiver for import duties, taxs and VAT construction materials d.d. 19-10-2017
The waiver period is for 6 months