Name: _________________________________Per. ____

Science Ohio Achievement Assessment Review

Topic 1- Matter and Change in Matter

Throughout the year, we will be looking back and reviewing topics that you have learned in sixth and seventh grade to prepare for the Science OAA in May. We will aim to cover 4 review topics per quarter. Your job is to visit the following websites and prepare a study guide that answers each of the learning targets listed below. This will ensure that you will be researching and studying the correct material before you take the first OAA review quiz. It is also a 50 point homework assignment. The quiz will cover these specific learning targets and it must be passed with a 75% or better to receive 1 DATA assignment.

The best way to prepare for the quiz is by having your study guide completed AT LEAST 2 FULL DAYS before the due date. This will allow you to study all of the information in your study guide a couple of nights before the quiz. This way, if there is something that you don’t understand, you can arrange to come in for science help during your recess.

Here is your first set of learning targets for Topic #1. Follow the directions below to get to SchoolPointe where you will have quick access to each link. We (Mrs. Frankmann and Mrs. Croghan) will be available each Wednesday before and after school and during recess if you need to use one of our computers to do this assignment. The quiz on this topic is ________________Good luck!


For easy access to the links below, visit

Click on the Harmon Webpage

Click the link for Teacher Web Pages on the left-hand side.

Click on Angela Frankmann

Click on 8th Grade Science link in the upper left corner

Click the OAA Review Topics folder found on the right side of the page and select OAA Topic #1-Matter and Changes in Matter

Follow the Learning Targets on the opposite side of the page to build your study guide.

Topic 1-Learning Targets (Be sure you have a study guide and know all by _____________)

Learning Target #1 Draw a diagram of an atom. Label the nucleus and orbitals (shells). Also, label the protons, neutrons, and electrons within the atom. (scroll halfway to “What are the parts of an atom?”) Know where each is in an atom.

Learning Target #2 Identify the type of charge on a proton, neutron, and electron.

Learning Target #3 Define physical and chemical properties of matter. Give at least two examples of each type of property. (physical) (chemical)

Learning Target #4 Define physical change and define chemical change.

(bottom of page for Physical and Chemical Change) (physical) (chemical)

Learning Target #5-Give 5 pieces of evidence that a chemical change has occurred.

Learning Target #6 Give 4 examples of matter that has undergone a physical change and 4 examples of matter that has gone through a chemical change (several quizzes are provided in the websites below)