Metadata from
Shellfish Sampling Stations - October 2000
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The Shellfish Sampling Station datalayer was compiled by the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Environmental Law Enforcement's (DFWELE) Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF). Approximately twenty-seven hundred station locations in Massachusetts have been designated by DMF's Shellfish Project, and are stored as a single point coverage in the NE library named SHLFSHST. These point locations range from sites for collecting water quality and shellfish samples, to marine biotoxin (PSP) samples to locations of marinas and mooring fields. Each station is associated to a designated shellfish growing area (see separate datalayer description Designated Shellfish Growing Area Datalayer). This coverage reflects classification station locations as of July 1, 2000. In ArcSDE the layer is named SHLFSHST_PT.
The station locations were defined by DMF shellfish project biologists. Compilation base maps covering the entire coast and islands were plotted at 1:12,000 using hydrography from 1:24,000 USGS DLG; 1:100,000 USGS DLG; and 1:25,000 USGS Topographic maps, all modified and enhanced by MassGIS. Other information such as town boundaries, the territorial waters line and roads were plotted on these base maps for reference. Shellfish project biologists compiled station locations on to the base maps, and these points were then digitized by DMF GIS personnel. Check plots were created and station locations QA/QC'd by the biologists.
Separate 11 x 17 color plots were produced for each growing area based on the mapextent of the area and its sampling stations. Station points needing to be moved or added are compiled on these plots and automated by DMF GIS staff. A new 11 x 17 is produced and kept on file until another station change occurs.
The layer's point attribute table contains the following items:
GRW_AREACD / Designated shellfish growing area code. Each classification station is associated to one designated shellfish growing area.
CL_AREANM / Classification area name. Each classification station is also associated to one classification area (which is a sub-area of a designated shellfish growing area).
STAT_TYPE / Station type. In all cases this is CLASSIFICATION.
STAT_NAME / Station name.
STAT_DATE / Date station was established.
LOCATION / Location description
The SHLFSHST_ID links to several tables in an Oracle relational database. Information in the database is extensive and covers the station name and type, a brief location description, and sample data collected at the location. In addition, each of these point locations is associated to a designated shellfish growing area and the growing area's classification (management) areas. A separate GIS datalayer has been created to maintain the areas. See the Designated Shellfish Growing Area datalayer description.
The Division of Marine Fisheries and MassGIS are maintaining this datalayer. The MA Division of Marine Fisheries and MassGIS are maintaining this datalayer. For further information about this coverage and other data associated with these stations, contact the MA Division of Marine Fisheries Shellfish Project at either Pocasset (508-563-1779) or Newburyport (978-465-3553).