Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Chobham Parish Councilas Sole Trustee of Chobham Recreation Ground Charitable Trust
held on Tuesday 17th May 2016 at 8.00pm
Committee:Cllrs Mrs Tedder (Chairman), Mrs Head (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Beach, Mrs Barr, Mrs Mancini, Taylor, Bentall, Coombs and Wheeler
Present:Mrs Head, Mrs Mancini, Bentall, Coombs and Wheeler
In attendance: Deputy Clerk Annette Barber
710.Apologies – Cllrs Mrs Tedder, Mrs Barr, Mrs Beach, Taylor
711.No declarations of interest were heard.
712.Minutes of the Meetings of the 19th April 2016was approved as a correct record and signed by the Vice Chairman.
713.Update on Actions
HMP Coldingley re: signage received COMPLETED
AWS – sign received, mat and nets orderedCOMPLETED
VAT – registration to be implemented by RFO ACTION
RFO to compile a list of business and non-business activities ACTION
Table tennis base – DD Bates to commence work at beginning June ACTION
714.Chairman and Representative Reports
i)Chairman – Vice Chair reported that a group of men were playing cricket again on the newly seeded training pitch. In addition, there was a football match taking place and the cricketers were in close proximity of the children’s play area. The cricketers were asked to stop playing, pointing out the potentially dangerous situation which could occur, however, they refused. It was agreed for the office staff to keep close watch if the cricketers arrive again without putting themselves in any danger. It was agreed to ask Nigel Jeffries for a quote to put up temporary fencing to prevent people walking on the training area. ACTION
ii)Scouts Rep – nothing to report.
iii)Football Club Rep – DeputyClerk reported that the Football Club’s dugouts, which had been freshly cemented in place, had been moved by the Carnival Committee. The Trust agreed the Football Club should contact the Carnival Committee directly. The Clerk is to look into out accidental insurance to see if the Football Club would be covered. ACTION
iv)Deputy Clerk – nothing to report
715.Pavilion Fire Doors –the caretaker had requested closing springs be installed on the ladies and gentlemen lavatories doors. These are marked as fire doors but are not solid doors. It was agreed to get a fire inspection for the Pavilion to determine whether these doors should be fire doors. ACTION
716.Tree Report – tender specification has not yet been compiled due to the excessive workload of the Deputy Clerk ACTION
717. Memorial Gate and Flowerbed – the three quotes were considered. It was RESOLVEDto accept Foramaflow’s quotation of £730.00, proposed by Cllr Mrs Mancini and seconded by Cllr Coombs. It was agreed not to proceed with clearing out the beds and replanting until the autumn when the nesting season will be over and it will also require less watering. DEFERRED
718.Repairs to pot holes – two quotations had been received to repair the potholes. It was agreed to get three quotations with the same specifications. ACTION
719.Height barriers – the three quotations for the installation of the height barriers have not been received. Deferred until next meeting. ACTION
720. Financial matters – due the year end close down, it was not possible to produce this month’s financial papers. These will be produced with next months. DEFERRED
721.General correspondence and minor matter – none
720.Agenda planning – Pavilion Fire Doors
Tree Report
Repairs to potholes
Height barrier
Public Lavatories
721.Next Meeting – to confirm date of next Meeting – Tuesday 14thJune 2016
722.Exclusion of Press & Public
Meeting Closed at 20.40
723.Confidential Minutes of the Confidential Matters from 19th April 2016 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Vice Chairman.
724.Review carpet, decorating and hiring charges – the Deputy Clerk reported she had received negative responses from most hirers regarding removing the carpet. It was RESOLVED to purchase the carpet for £1380.00, proposed by Cllr Coombs, seconded by Cllr Bentall. ALL AGREED. ACTION
The Deputy Clerk has received a quotation for redecorating the hall in the Pavilion for £1375.00 which was considered expensive. It was agreed to get two further quotes for this project. It was agreed to get three quotations for vertical blinds, with child safety wands not chain operations. It was RESOLVEDto purchase white vertical blinds as they are suitable for all types of hirers, proposed by Cllr Mrs Mancini, seconded by Cllr Bentall. ALL AGREED. ACTION
The review of the hiring charges will take place once the renovations to the hall have been completed.
724.Ground maintenance contracts – the five tender contracts received were reviewed. It was RESOLVED to award the three year grounds maintenance contract to Nigel Jeffries, proposed by Cllr Coombs, seconded by Cllr Mrs Head, ALL AGREED.
Meeting closed 8.58pm.