Jocelyn Lepage – 514 999 95271/3
Jocelyn Lepage
Jocelyn Lepage – 514 999 95271/3
8676 av. de Gaspé
Montréal (Québec)
H2P 2K4
Tel: 514 999 9527
Fax: 514 999 0413
Fully bilingual (French, English)
Jocelyn Lepage – 514 999 95271/3
Clients of LTO
U|Force Inc. / Netergy Networks Inc. (Contract renewed since May 2000)
Nature of contract: Java consultant
Implementations within the U|Builder SCE (Service Creation Environment) and SLEE (Service Logic Execution Environment). Integration in VOIP environments using SIP protocol. Technologies used: Java2, Java Beans, JFC, JDBC, JNDI, JTAPI, JINI and other Java APIs.
Previous professional experience
Ericsson Research Canada Inc. (Jan 1998 to May 2001)
Position: Software Developer
Packet Switching Systems Unit (Jan to May 2000):
- Conception, implementation and testing on a mobile terminal emulator under CDMA2000 standard. Tech: C/C++ on Linux using Qt/STL libraries, kernel programming (GRE, IP) and modifications to the PPP protocol. CDMA2000 is a packet-switched wireless standard based on MobileIP, GRE, PPP and other internet standards
- Integration tests on CDMA2000-enabled Tigris routers.
Ericsson Madrid, Spain (May and June 1999):
- Setup of a development and testing environment for the Jambala GSM Authentication Center (TelORB and ClearCase environment under Solaris)
Wireless Intelligent Networks Unit, Jambala Mobility Gateway (bridge between GSM and TDMA standards) (April to December 1999)
- Conception, implementation and testing of the software interface between OA&M and real-time traffic ANSI/GSM Map. Tech: CORBA/IDL, Java, C++, UML
- Conception, implementation and testing of a real-time statistic mechanism. Tech: C++, Java, CORBA
Wireless Intelligent Network Unit, Jambala TDMA Home Location Register (Jan 1998 to March 1999)
- Conception, implementation and testing of the ANSI-41 interface in C++
- Graphical User Interface design and implementation for subscriber provisioning. Tech: Java, JFC, CORBA, Objectory/UML
Previous professional experience (cont’d)
ACT Informatique Inc. (Jan 1996 to Dec 1997)
Position: Software Engineer Trainee
- Realization of Pegasus Agents IDE prototype. Tech: OMT, Java, AWT
- Conception and implementation of ACTOR prototype, a kind of Internet Explorer precursor. Tech: C++, Win95, IlogViews, COM, DCOM, OLE
- Conception and implementation of various software tools related to Pegasus agent technology
Laboratoire de Recherche en Génie Logiciel de l’École Polytechnique de Montréal (May to Aug 1995)
Position: Software Engineer Trainee (obtained by a NSERC research grant)
- “CASE” Tool maintenance under Windows 3.1 and Unix (HP-UX, SunOS). Tech: C/C++, Borland OWL and Motif.
Technical knowledge
Telecommunications: 2.5 years on wireless systems: TDMA/ANSI, GSM and CDMA2000
Internet: 4 years in network/distributed software development using TCP/IP, CORBA, RMI, SIP, MobileIP, HTTP and other IETF standards. Configuration of Linux and Windows systems (routing, masquerading, DNS, Apache, Tomcat, etc.)
Programming Languages:
- 5 years in C/C++ (standards libraries, Unix, network programming, Linux system programming, STL, Qt, OWL, OpenGL, IlogViews)
- 3 years in Java (Java platforms 1 and 2, JDK, AWT, RMI, JINI, Servlets, JSP, etc.)
- 1 year in CORBA programming (Inprise Visibroker for Java/C++)
- Unix shell scripts (Bourne, Bash, C Shell, Perl, etc.)
Object Modeling Languages:
Development Environments:
- Operating Systems: Unix (Linux, Solaris, HP-UX), MS-Windows (all flavors)
- Object Modeling tools: Together, Rational Rose
- Versioning systems: ClearCase, CVS, MS-Visual Source Safe, RCS
- IDE: Visual SlickEdit, Symantec Visual Café, Borland JBuilder, Borland C++, MS-Developer Studio
École Polytechnique de Montréal (Aug 1993 to Dec 1997)
Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering, specialization in Software Engineering
Average score of 3,79/4
January to August 1996: Long-term training to ACT Informatique
Summer 1995: NSERC Research grant performed at the Software Engineering Research Lab at Polytechnique.
Collège de Maisonneuve (Aug 1991 to May 1993)
DEC Pure and Applied sciences
École Secondaire Joseph-François-Perrault (Aug 1986 to June 1991)
DES with music concentration program.
Participation in various musical groups: Harmony, Symphonic Orchestra, Chamber music and Choir.
Musical tours in France with the Symphonic Orchestra, summers 1990 and 1992.
Other studies and specializations
- ANSI-41, Ericsson (1999)
- Rational Objectory, Ericsson (1998)
- ClearCase for developer, Ericsson (1998)
- Ski Patrol, Ambulance St-Jean (1993)
- Lauréat II level in classical piano at l’École Vincent d’Indy (1980-1991)
- Arts: piano and drums, participation in amateur nights, theatre, reading, photography
- Sports: alpine skiing, hiking, bicycling
- Trips (especially Europe)