Dean Team MinutesPresent (*):Kathie Hunt*(KH) Samira Pardanani (SP)
June 24, 2014Kim Thompson*(KT)Dan Fey* (DF)
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.Bob Francis* (BF)Gillian Lewis(GL)
Central Conference RoomSusan Hoyne (SH)Alison Stevens (AS)
Bayta Maring* (BLM)Ann Garnsey-Harter* (AGH)
Topic / Presenter / Discussion / Action ItemsBob opened the meeting. Per agreement, Bayta will run the agenda.
1 / Minutes / All / n/a
2 / Standing Update on Action Items / Bob, Bayta / Crag Procedures will be put on the DT Agenda. Bob will have a conversation with HR and follow up.
Kim’s budget issue has been resolved for this year. She will work toward a resolution for the next budget year.
All candidates for the Faculty Mentor positions have come from Humanities. We are looking for other areas to step forward.
If areas need new computers send that information to Gary Kalbfleisch, including new faculty coming in.
Develop a plan or schedule for pulling Associate Deans and PC for meetings re: release time.
Bob, Kim, Yvonne and Holly will meet about the Counseling budget. Kim and Bob will clarify what the Associate Dean for Advising position will do.
Kathie has been working with Pam D. for cohort for Film. Money for development this summer for the First Year Experience will be funded through the VPASA. Bob will forward an Innovation request for the Navigator. If one does not work for Math, it is possible to do 2 of the other ones. We need to start advertising and get a cohort going.
Kathie and Dan are exploring the Drama classes. / Bob will have a conversation with HR and follow up on the CRAG procedures.
Bob, Kim, Yvonne and Holly will meet about the Counseling budget. Kim and Bob will clarify what the Associate Dean for Advising position will do.
Bob will send an Innovation request for a navigator (cohort that includes Math).
3 / New Faculty Communication / Bob / The New Faculty Institute sponsored by the SBCTC will be held September 4 and 5 in Cle Elem. The VPASA’s office pays for the registration only. Kerry is the contact person. Deans may pay travel expenses as needed. / Deans will encourage their new faculty to attend the New Faculty Institute. Let Kerry know as she is the contact person.
4 / Enrollment Update / Bayta / Bayta has been putting together Dashboards to alert when things are going well or not; it will present college wide enrollment numbers. Domestic enrollment is declining. She is putting together a report to put those numbers in context. She will have numbers to show to what extent online and International enrollment have helped to overcome our challenges. If we do nudge the needle on retention, what does that do to the overall numbers and is it adequate? We will look more in depth about domestic enrollment. Deans held a detailed and robust conversation about enrollment.
In terms of enrollment and putting together a crisis report, macro levels, background and context is key. There will be a focus on moving towards actions (the idea we have done SWOTS before – now move to action). There will be a focus on opportunities and threats. Looking outward, where can we go, and what are the opportunities? The end point is we are leading toward recommendations to revise the Strategic Plan – coming through strategic initiative related to enrollment.
The SP needs to be a living document. One key for that revision is the difference between operationalized activities and actual strategic activities. This is a very large conversation that needs to be had. Our voice needs to be clear with the SPBC. Perhaps there should be a SPBC/DT co-meeting in the Fall.
5 / Retreat Agenda / All / Deans reviewed the draft retreat agenda. We will extend the values discussion, have a game show, review retention, and generate new thoughts, enrollment presentations with data and discussion. We can op operational topics over the summer. Bob will invite Dr. Roberts to the retreat.
6 / Good of the Order / Kim and Dan will trade AIC duties with each other during their vacations. Bob and Kathie normally have covered for each other.
Adjourned 10:42 a.m.