SAC9/21/17 Ocean Palms Elementary

Meeting called to order at 3:20

Trish Shilling- SAC Chair

Attendees: Jessica Richardon, Trish Shilling, Chris Arcuri, Amada Bergamasco, Kristi Baccus, Kelly Barrera, Nikki Beckham, Stephanie Cills, Karen Hunt, Dawn Krogg, Jared Policastro, Sheila Rice, Susan Samko, Jennifer Werba, Michelle Campbell, Stephanie Hamlow, Karen Latzko, Tori Smith, Jess Weeks

Binder Distribution: Notes were reviewed regarding the role of SAC and SAC bylaws. Members please remember to sign at each SAC meeting as we need to meet quorum for voting.

If a member misses more than 2 consecutive meetings, the position will need to be filled. This is to ensure that we have quorum for voting.

Voting innew members:

Sheila Rice, parent

Motion to vote in Sheila Rice: Samko

Seconded: Bacus


Jessica Weeks, Admin staff

Motion to vote in Jessica Weeks: Bacus

Seconded: Policastro


Funds Request: Jessica Richardson shared Coach Henson’s request

Share the Wealth Conference: Registration is $100. Henson will come back and share ideas for teacher-led PE. He will also share with his professional learning community in the county. Trish commented that we do not have the formal budget amount but it is more than last year which is over $3,500.

Motion to pay for the conference: Beckham



Kasey Baker: Would someone like to share their experience from summer planning that SAC supported?Arcuri: Our summer planning that SAC funded was extremely beneficial for us to work together with our PLC’s and plan for the school year including scales and goals and teacher-led PE.

Trish added that she and her team appreciated the opportunity as well and they were able to work on common assessments.

Jessica Richardson felt it was effective for teachers to take a nice quiet two days to work with their teams and have the time to plan.

Hamlow: It was the best, most productive and efficient planning she has had in 18 years of teaching.

Principal’s Report:

Kelly Barrera our school board representative was introduced.

School Improvement Plan:

Ocean Palms has 1,168 students enrolled as of today. We are still an “A” school and our goal continues to be to focus on our bottom quartile students.


  • Sustained 5th grade science achievement
  • Maintain positive and cooperative school culture with average growth of 20% per year
  • ESE support facilitation model
  • Hired 48 people since May
  • Computer teacher starts Monday

Bottom quartile student achievement Next steps:

  • Support ELA and Math learning gains of the lowest 25%.
  • Strategic bottom quartile placement
  • Emphasis on small group instruction
  • Monthly bottom quartile charts
  • Instructional para professional
  • I-Ready teacher resources
  • LLI intervention block- Leveled Literacy Intervention is a resource of over 900 leveled books with specific
  • Lesson plans targeted for students performing below grade level.
  • Mentor Program
  • PTO- Welcome new family program

How OPE is unique:

  • K-5 STEAM program
  • Systemic support of the PLC process
  • Emphasis on the whole child

Good of the group:

Kelly Barrera: Thanked Jessica and all people who went out to support the shelters. Our teachers, principals, good service, bus drivers, and other volunteers were there to serve a huge undertaking.

Thanks the OPE staff for making a big school in numbers feel like a small school in focus.

Rezoning is still going on. There is atownhall meeting Monday night at 6:00 p.m. at First Coast Technical College. Final vote in November. Want to announce a new principal in January.

Motion to adjourn:


Meeting adjourned at 4:30