A League and Competitions Sub-committee shall be appointed from the Indoor Committee and shall consist of at least three members. This League and Competitions Sub-committee shall be empowered to adjudicate on any questions or appeals arising from the conduct of the league competitions, and their decisions shall be final.

  1. Separate Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Sunday Mixed Triples Leagues shall be organised. The Indoor Committee shall be empowered to limit the number of teams in any league in order to avoid congestion of fixtures.
  2. All teams in the Morning, Afternoon and Evening Leagues must register a minimum of five members, four only to play in any match. A match shall consist of 21 ends (subject to rule 7b). In the Sunday Mixed Triples League teams must register a minimum of four members, three only to play in any match. A match shall consist of 18 ends (subject to rule 7b). All players shall be fully paid up or honorary members of the Indoor Section.
  3. Each team shall play every other team in its league twice, (or more if otherwise decided by the Competitions Sub-committee). Two points shall be awarded for a win, and one point for a draw. At the end of the season if two or more teams in any one league finish with equal points, the team with the highest shots difference shall finish in the higher position.
  4. The Match Secretary shall prepare and publish complete fixtures for the season and shall maintain a record of matches played and the results thereof.
  5. Teams must make every effort to fulfil fixtures and avoid postponements or re-arrangements. In the event of a team not fulfilling a league fixture without reasonable cause, as accepted by the League and Competitions Sub-committee, the defaulting team shall be charged the total rink fees for that fixture, to be paid to the Honorary Treasurer. All cancellations or re-arranged matches must be notified to the Match Secretary.
  6. Playing of substitutes:

a)Two substitutes may be permitted in any team apart from the mixed triples league when only one substitute will be allowed. Substitutes must be fully paid up or honorary members of the Indoor Section.

b)Any such member may act as substitute twice only for any team in any league and may substitute for more than one team in a season.

c)Substitutes shall not be permitted to play either three or skip in any league match. In the Mixed Triples League a substitute may only play lead.

d)Not less than two registered members of a team must be included in any team in any match.

e)A substitute is not permitted to play against the team that they are registered for.

f)Any team in breach of these rules will forfeit the match to their opponents who will be awarded the two points and a 15 shot win.

a)Games must commence at the allotted time i.e. 9.30am - 12 noon – 2.30pm – 5.00pm – and 7.30pm.

b)If there are consecutive games the above times must be adhered to. The game must be concluded at the appropriate time and the score at that time will stand as the final result. If there are no consecutive games then the match will be played to a conclusion.

c)If a member of a team is late for the start of a match the remaining three members of the team will start by playing a triple. If after 4 ends the fourth member has not arrived, the game must continue as a triple and that team will have the usual 25% deducted. If the fourth player arrives after the start of the fifth end they will not be allowed to play any part in that match.

d)Full match fees for every team must be paid irrespective of the number actually playing. If a member of a team fails to turn up for a match without giving due notice, they will be responsible for payment of their own match fees.


  • If during the course of a game the Jack is displaced by a wood, it shall remain in the position in which it comes to rest, provided that it is either in the ditch or within the wooden framework of the rink even if it has come into contact with the wooden edging or bounced back onto the green from the ditch or rear ditch walls.
  • If the Jack comes to rest in any part of the ditch area and a following wood comes to rest on that Jack, it will not count unless it was a previous toucher already on the green during that end.
  • A dead end can only be claimed if the Jack comes to rest outside the wooden frame of the rink.
  • Any wood making contact with the side edging of the green under any circumstances (including touchers), shall be declared dead and removed from the green.
  • A non-touching bowl which rests or hits a live bowl or Jack in the ditch will be deemed a dead bowl and must be removed. If displaced by a non-touching bowl, the Jack and other bowls must be replaced to their original positions in the ditch.


  • It should be noted that under the practice customary in the indoor section of using only one score card, it is the joint responsibility of both competing teams to ensure that the score is accurately recorded after each end.
  • Signed scorecards by both skips should be placed in the appropriate boxes located on the exit doors prior to leaving.
  • One point may be deducted from each team if the score card is not completed correctly.


  1. Closing dates for all rounds of the competitions shall be fixed by the League and Competitions Sub-committee and shall be strictly adhered to.
  1. For the open pairs and graded pairs competitions a draw shall be made by the Sub-committee. The first combination drawn in any pairing shall be deemed to be the Challengers. Open pairs – choose your own partner. Graded pairs – drawn by the Sub-committee.
  1. At least seven days before the closing date of any round, the Challengers shall offer their opponents the choice of two dates, due regard being given to the availability of the opponents on those dates. Failure of the opponents to accept one of the fairly chosen challenge dates may cause them to forfeit the game. If the challenge is disputed for any reason, both teams may appeal to the Sub-committee for a ruling.
  1. A substitute may be employed when necessary in any competition match, but the substitute must be such as would prove acceptable to the Sub-committee and must not have previously played, nor may they subsequently play for any other pair in that competition in the same season. Substitutes may play lead position only. Approval of the use of a substitute should be sought of the Sub-committee prior to the match being played.
  1. In the finals of the open pairs and graded pairs, grey shall be worn with white tops. Umpires shall be appointed by the Competitions Sub-committee.
  1. Any disputes concerning the competitions should be referred to the Indoor Committee whose decision shall be final.