The NSW Mental Health Commission was established under the Mental Health Commission Act 2012 and commenced operations on 1 July 2012. The Commission is an independent statutory authority which reports to the Minister for Mental Health, the NSW Parliament and the public. It is required amongst other things to develop a draft whole of government strategic plan for the mental health system in NSW and to review and evaluate services and programs provided to people who have a mental illness.

The Commission has a clear mandate to work across government and other service providers to drive reform across the mental health sector. In doing so it will operate as a bridge between services to identify new ways they can work together to help people live well in the community. An effective mental health system requires a co-ordinated and integrated approach across all levels of government and the non-government sector, including areas of health, housing, employment, education and justice, as well as with people who have a mental illness, their families and carers.

A core reform priority area is to reorient the focus of the mental health service from hospital based care to strong community based options. Understanding the experience, capacity, opportunities and challenges for community organisations working with people who have mental health conditions is necessary for the Commission to effectively drive mental health system reform and promote the mental health and wellbeing of people in NSW.


The role of the Group is to ensure the Commission remains in touch with the views of community sector on the mental health reform agenda and to provide the Commission with advice about the development of enhanced community responses to support people with mental health conditions.

It is anticipated that discussions held by the group may canvass the following types of issues:

  1. gaps in service delivery and identifying areas of poor mental health outcomes for specific population groups
  2. the role and function of the community sector in achieving better mental health outcomes
  3. current innovative practice and emerging models
  4. challenges to service and care coordination across community sectors and between community and primary and tertiary health services
  5. opportunities and avenues for across government and across agency collaborations to progress mental health outcomes
  6. workforce development strategies for community sector workers working with people with mental health and co-existing issues (e.g. drug and alcohol problems)
  7. policy reform, evidence and research.

The Community Sector Reference Group will consist of the Commissioner and such persons as may be invited to join the Community Sector Reference Group by the Commissioner.

In the first instance this will include representatives from the following organisations:

  • ACON
  • Community Restorative Centre
  • Homelessness NSW
  • Mental Health Coordinating Council
  • National Disability Services
  • Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies
  • NSW Council of Social Services
  • St Vincent’s de Paul
  • Women’s Health NSW
  • Youth Action

The group will be chaired by the Mental Health Commissioner and other Deputy Commissioners will participate in the meetings as available.

A quorum will consist of half the committee membership, including the chair or a nominated delegate of the chair.

From time to time the Community Sector Reference Group may also ask for the Chair to invite representatives of other organisations, specialists and/or consultants to join a meeting to provide information or advice on a particular issue.

The Commissioner will consider any recommendations made by the Community Sector Reference Group in relation to inviting additional persons to join the Community Sector Reference Group.


The Community Sector Reference Group will meet at least four times per year. Between these meetings, the Community Sector Reference Group may be consulted on specific issues as a group or individually.

The meetings will be held at the Commission’s premises and teleconference facilities will always be made available to members.


The Community Sector Reference Group secretariat will be hosted by the Mental Health Commission. The secretariat will be responsible for preparing and distributing the agendas and any supporting documentation for meetings, recording discussions during meetings, preparation and distribution of minutes, following up on any matters arising from meetings, and communicating with members on relevant matters relating to the business and conduct of the meetings.

The Agenda for each meeting will be formed by the secretariat in consultation with the Commissioner. Members should liaise with the Commissioner regarding the submission of items for inclusion on the Agenda.


The Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually at the start of each calendar year.